August-September 2024 Part 35 |
Tuesday, August 6, 2024: Well, lots has happened and I haven't been around to write! I have been *completely* in love with the new 20th Anniversary Tamagotchi Connectio Unfortunately I am still suffering with a sore throat. It's been over a month of this crap now on and off. :-/ Thankfully I see my doc tomorrow, but I'm not sure if she will be able to prescribe anymore antibiotics. I certainly don't want to be on them anymore since I've been on two kinds in the last month! I've not been myself now since early July, and I am not used to being sick after being in isolation all these years and constantly washing my hands. I guess things have gone back to "normal" (whatever that means) again.... Baxy and Ben sure are great company! Even though I know they can't mate I've been enjoying connecting them a lot. You can choose between a game, present or visit like the V4's which I love! I am just so in love with Ben in the form he's in now. Obotchi has to be one of the cutest teen characters.... I never wanted him to grow up when I'd have him on my gen1 Osutchi's many times over my years. I still just can't believe I am actually raising Connection Tams that I bought in a store in 2024!!!! :-D 8:46PM: Alright, here is the beginning of my 20th Anniversary Tamagotchi Connection page. :-) Anyone who knows me can attest to the fact that I am not a big reader, but I've been reading a book called CHAOS: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the On an outdoors topic, Matthew and I have been driving the Jeep to a little spot about 20 minutes outside the city where my parents owned a cabin many moons ago. I used to go there with them when I was a little boy. We've been going down an exploring the area, and it attracts only a small amount of people so it's not completely isolated, but it's not busting with people either. I feel completely at ease walking around the wooded areas and spending time by the pond. I haven't had a real social life now in many years, so it's nice to be getting out there and challenging myself to different things. I can't wait for the weather to cool off a little so I can take in the autumn down there.... :-) Oh yes, I've brought my Tam Connections with me down there and they've gotten to take in the scenery with us. Wednesday, August 7, 2024: I went to my doctor 9:30 this morning and for the time being I don't need anymore antibiotics! Yay! Baxy and Ben waited in the car since they beep A LOT, especially since I have poo buddies installed on both, they beep when the poop gets cleaned up. :-) Totally worth the 1000 gotchi points that you donate to the King! I may bring them out for a walk this afternoon....but I am not sure if I am going yet. Early this evening Ben changed into a pykontchi which I was rather disappointed by since I had him on my first generation on the rainbow tama...! Tuesday, August 20, 2024: I've gotten way behind on writing because I've been enjoying as much outdoor time as possible! I've actually spent a lot of time outdoors this year which I am really proud of. :-) I am such an indoor person....! I've also been enjoying raising my new Connection Tams and not keeping a log of every little thing that happens with them. I've found it to get extremely tedious and I enjoy writing about other stuff besides just virtual pets. :-) I am keeping track of my character history over on this page here! I got my third Connection (the clear retro design) in the mail yesterday and hatched it right away. Also, I had my first mating today with my rainbow and pink ice cream tams! I got baby boys! The mating sequence was the same as the ones from 20 years ago. Monday August 26, 2024: I've just updated my Tamagotchi Connection character history! The 3 of them are doing just fine (I have all boys right now). Simply loving this remake of the Connections... It's everything I wanted and more for 2024! Kat and I are going to be hatching a 2018 remake P1/P2 sometime today, so I am really excited to do that with her. I've not raised a remake P1/P2 now since the end of 2022 I believe... I am going to be hatching my blue lightening design P2 that Matt gave me two Christmas' ago. :-D Wednesday, August 28, 2024: Kat and I hatched our remake Tams together the other day around 4:20PM NFLD time. I hatched a P2 in the lightening blue design that Matt gave me as a Christmas present. :-) His name is Willy, a tonmarutchi getting top notch care above the rest of my clan! The connections have been spending a lot of time left to their own devices, but they are doing just fine. You can leave them alone for a couple of hours and fill their hearts. Funnily enough, I never took the best care at all, but still ended up with a Mametchi and Mimitchi adults. (Getting perfect scores on the mini-games will reverse care mistakes) And I got perfect scores three or four times just shortly before they changed into adults. I don't believe this reversal of care mistakes was something that happened on the original Connections..... They've been listening to a lot of podcasts on the YouTube channel True Crime and Moonshine where I am learning all kinds of things about the late 60's. Very interesting stuff! Wednesday, September 4, 2024: My poor little P2 remake didn't make it to adulthood. :-( No surprise since I've been busy with three other Tams and other activities. I'm not going to be raising another remake just yet... I'm happy with my Connections for the time being, but someday I will complete the remakes and get all the characters. We didn't have the best Labor Day weekend due to bad mental health days and a rather annoying neighbor who I finally stood up to. She's been a bully around the building for years and I finally had enough and reported her to Laura. I've been having quite a bit of anxiety since then, but I am hoping to get back on track soon. I've been continuing to listen to all the podcasts on the True Crime and Moonshine. Oh yes, and I put up the Halloween lights the other night in the game room and bedroom. :-D This is seriously my favorite time of year coming up now. The weather will eventually cool down, and lots of fun holidays to look forward to! yay!! Sunday, September 8, 2024: I am currently watching over my little tam connections and waiting for a live general chat on the True Crime and Moonshine YouTube channel! I'm not sure if I will offer my comments/opinions or just sit back and watch this time....! Either way, I am very excited for this. We took down the AC unit in the game room, and only have the one in the bedroom left going (which is where I am now). I have orange lights in each room (living room, game room, bedroom) and it makes everything feel a little more autumn-like....! I've not decided yet if I am going to raise a Devilgotchi this year or not as I only have one left that works (my black/purple one). I am going to have to look into getting more working models, particularly of Ocean (my two US versions are now broken), Morino (only one works), and Osu/Mesu (one working pair). I am okay for Angels and DigMons thankfully! However, I just don't know when I'll be able to justify spending the money on more rare vintage Tams when I have SOOOO many P1/P2 models. I consider myself VERY lucky to own two Yasashii Tams. I would be devastated if I had to part with any of my collection at any time. I keep them all in the bedroom and out of direct sunlight. :-) I really need to update my pictures section! Wednesday, September 18, 2024: I've not been writing here a whole lot because I have been busy writing in a paper journal, trying to sort out a lot of stuff in my head privately. I hatched my purple/black/white Devilgotchi on September 11th and it has not reset! :-D I've been too afraid to write about him because I feel that may jynx things and make him reset hehe. I am also still running my group of three 2024 Tama Connections. Kat and I have been texting and voice messaging quite a bit, and she is having so much fun with her two remake Tams that I sent her. I am going to have to go through things and send her more if she wishes. :-) Sometimes I think about taking down these pages because I've been blabbing and moaning for close to a decade now about the same old things. I am really enjoying writing on paper because I don't have to filter myself there. I have a lot of worries on my mind all the time and I just cannot write them here. Thursday, September 19, 2024: I hatched a little Japanese P2 this afternoon at 2:16pm. This ones name is Maple! It's an original 1996 series one P2 with yellow shell/orange trim. Funnily enough I bought this one from Kat back in 2015 when I was binge buying a lot of Tamas. It was the good ole days when I lived at home and could afford to buy lavish amounts of virtual pets. :-) I've paused the connections for now as they were getting to be REALLY demanding and hard to keep up with. I've got my Devilgotchi still in the healthy teen stage, and my sweet tonmarutchi to keep me company on this rainy day. I think Kat will be happy to know that her collection of Tams are getting good care over here, hehe. :-) I am also happy to know that she still has some Tams left in her collection after selling so many of them years back. I am so happy to be caring for another 1990's Tam, my first one now since July! Maple just asked for his first discipline a little while ago. Summer and Autumn is always a time when I want to break out my vintage pets for nostalgia sake. I may even run a Nano Puppy this year. :-D Wednesday, September 25, 2024: I am happy to report that my Devilgotchi is 14 days/years of age and changed into a devil mametchi some days back! :-D As for Maple, my Japanese P2, he changed into a zukitchi last night, yay! :-) Matt is gone away to see his family so Binks and I are holding down the fort here at the apartment. Binks is the best boy ever, not to mention wonderful company. He is currently doing "kick kick", something that other cat owners call kneading bread on a blanket. I put the blanket over my legs and feet and Binksy goes to town kicking, kneading and pulling at the blanket. Some may think we are weird, but I think it's the cutest thing EVER! :-D I've not been pausing my current Tams at all, but my Connections are for the time being...! I'm going to be taking Maple and Devil out to my favorite Mexican restaurant "Quintanas" this evening for dinner! Saturday, September 28, 2024: I guess all good things come to an end at some point...! My poor little Devilgotchi (who I managed to get the secret character on three nights ago) reset during Donald's baseball game last night. He was 16 years/days old so I was happy to have at least made it that far without resetting. :-) Maple is still in the zukitchi stage but I anticipate a change into the secret character very soon! He is 10 years of age and getting the best care. Tomorrow night Maple will get to attend the next live stream of TC&MS, hosted by Nancy! :-) I need to get back to my reading, but I've been too distracted by trying to fully master the Ocarina of Time on my 3DS. I know how to do the water temple to perfection now! Next up: mastering the spirit temple. I love listening to podcasts while I hoan my craft of Zelda. Once I master this game I am going to slowly progress over to Majora's Mask and give that one a second chance. I never thought I'd get SO much enjoyment out of one game! Kat got herself another remake P1 Tam while she was out the other day! I am so glad she is having such a wonderful time with virtual pets again. I may consider trying my hand at another remake P1/P2, but the last premature death left a bad taste in my mouth.... I literally have to just focus on raising one Tam if I am going to do the remakes. They take so much work and attention, and even then they still may die for no reason. I don't like that at all. Kat may help me locate a Santaclautch this year which would be very cool. :-) Monday, September 30, 2024: I hatched my purple/pink P1 remake with Kat yesterday afternoon! She also hatched a remake P1 and P2! Oh before I go any further, Matthew is still away visiting his family so Binks and Mom have been great company! I also had a really nice video chat with Kat and Cay yesterday afternoon. :-) It's so nice to have someone to run original Tams with again! If this one goes well then I will definitely hatch more with her in the future! I cannot believe it is the last day of September! I will be getting the October blog page ready for tomorrow--fresh start for a new month! I didn't add a whole lot of pictures in this months blog, but I took THE CUTEST picture of Binks and my Tams yesterday afternoon during our video chat. I am going to post it here when I get it uploaded. |