Yasashii Tamagotch
Blog Part 3

My brand new blue Yasashii Tamagotchi in the child stage, Hoppetchi!

Sunday, April 23, 2017: On Wednesday I received my brand new, beautiful blue Yasashii Tamagotch in the mail.  I held off on 1.) hatching it for a total of about 30 minutes and 2.) writing here in the blogs section until now because everything about my first two experiences were about the same this time.  I said I would begin making some updates once my big guy changed into his teenage years, hoping that I would get the healthy teen this time.  But alas this afternoon whilst sketching a drawing in my room, my child Hoppetchi changed into Mayumarutchi, the unhealthy teens I had the last two times.  Sigh Sigh Sigh. I managed to get his discpline up to 10 lines this time so that was a bonus. Next time I will try to get the meter completely full and maybe that will bring me the healthy teen.

So that's Mayumarutchi as you well remember from previous blog entries.  He is 5 years old, 20 units of weight, and sadly his discipline meter has emptied out completely. At the very least I hope I can get a new adult from Mayumarutchi this time. Though I really wouldn't mind Jr. Ginjirotchi again. :) I will update when he changes into his adult form. This page will be strictly for character updates, and information I learn as I get new characters, particularly the healthy one. ;)


Friday, April 28, 2017: Tragic has stricken, my teenage Mayumarutchi whom I loved and adored has passed away at the age of 10. And on my birthday no less! I couldn't believe it! I didn't exactly take the best care of him.... But come on, I didn't neglect the little guy to the point he had to die. I've neglected Tamas far worse than this and they have lived. I guess the Yasashii's aren't as hearty as other incarnations?

Either way, I decided to restart him again a few minutes ago at 10:09PM. I am going to try again for the healthy teen this time around, and I think the discipline method will work.... I will pause him frequently throughout the day and put him to sleep each night so that he wakes up in the morning and requires food and discipline. That is literally the only time he will ever ask for discipline is first thing in the AM.  If I can pause him enough as a Hoppetchi to get all the disciplines, then I think I will be able to get the good teen.

I am caring for my Babitchi now and once he changes he will go to sleep and be ravenous at 7AM tomorrow morning. I am really hoping for better luck with this guy...!


Sunday, April 30, 2017: I am back once again with an update, but still no teen character as of just yet. I ended up getting the discipline all the way to 100%, 14 lines total. I did this by putting him to sleep and waking him up, waiting 15-45 minutes for him to ask for discipline and then putting him back to sleep and repeating the cycle over again until the meter was full.  With my first two Yasashii Tams I did not do this - I just let them live out their normal days, and the highest I got the meter to was 8 lines I believe.  I am really anxious to see what he will change into..... I do love Mayumarutchi but I really want the healthy teen as well so I can get some new characters. :)

Little Hoppetchi has gotten to see a ton of movies this weekend! Yesterday we watched the rather disturbing 2004 film, Mysterious Skin, staring Joseph Gorden Levitt. I had to cover my eyes during one part which I won't get into in this blog. Watch at your own discretion if you are interested... Today we watched a rather seedy, low budget film, Sugar, staring unknown actors I had never heard of before. I gotta say it was pretty good, though.... After that we watched another Joseph Gorden Levitt film, Hesher. I must be in a weird mood this weekend to be watching all these strange movies.  We finished off this evening watching In the best Interest of the Children, staring Sarah Jessica Parker (1992). At least that movie had a happy ending. :)


Tuesday, May 1, 2018: After exactly one year, I am back to raising a Yasashii Tamagotchi again. This little guy was hatched last night at 8:40PM and I've decided that I am going to pause him all day while at work - with one catch: I'm going to try and re-do my experiment from last year.  My Hoppetchi will get an hour or so of care in the morning when he wakes at 7:00 (early riser that Hoppetchi) and then be paused until 5:30PM when I get home from work.  At that point I will advance the time and let him experience the next hour and a half until bed time. This will make growth very slow I believe, but will ensure that I get all of his disciplines. :)

I will write more in the coming days. I will probably make quick little entries like this one to say how things are going and how much discipline I have given.


Tuesday, May 3, 2018: I have been following my regime of putting him to bed each night after only a few hours of active time a day. Today he is 4 years of age and has 8 bars on the discipline meter. I am guessing I have another 4 disciplines before the meter is full? If this really gets me the good teen, I will be well on my way to making a better page for this Tamagotchi and determining how to get what character.  And if I end up getting the unhealthy teen again, I can still do a page to show what characters you can get from Mayumarutchi. :)


Wednesday, April 1, 2020: I am back again after two years this time!  As mentioned in my last Tama log, I am raising the Yasashii Tamagotch again, trying as hard as I can to get a healthy teenage character. But once again I've gotten Mayumartchi... I do NOT know how I am ever going to get a healthy teen, but I'm not going to give up on it this time.  I am running my blue Yasashii, but I've been toying with the idea of hatching the yellow one as well.  I definitely have the time to do it with all the social isolation going on right now. ;) I will update here when I've gotten an adult.  I have not had much luck with this Tama in the way of mysterious deaths, as well as mysterious glitches and resets. :-( I am determined to raise this Tamagotchi right and document the techniques.


Sunday, April 5, 2020: I have arrived back once again and this time with good news!   First off, I hatched the other Yasashii Tamagotchi, my yellow with stickers one. I ended up with the unhealthy teen once again last night, just like I did with the blue one days prior.  However... I had a change into adulthood on my blue one yesterday afternoon, and I got someone I've never had before!! I got the middle character Tamabeetchi who I have never had before. The bad news is that my MacBook broke yesterday and I am now using my Moms, which doesn't have the animation programs that mine had.  It's been years since I got a new Tamagotchi character on any of my Tamas, and I really wanted to make an animation of this new character. Anyways.... I will have to just settle for posting a picture for now.  I am really excited to see what my yellow one changes into in the coming days.  I feel accomplished in getting a new adult, but I am still determined to get the healthy teen.  After these two live out their lives I will definitely be restarting them in my quest to getting the healthy teen. :)

"On Earth, he lived in rural areas and learned how to farm. He kept farming after he moved back to the Tamagtochi Planet. Tamabetchi makes daily routines for himself to follow, and enjoys working in fields. He's good friends with the Mushitchi, and he works well with groups of Tongaritchi to raise flowers."  Tamagotchi Wikia

I will update again in a few days when my yellow Yasashii turns into his adult form. :) I am excited to see who I will get! More to come!!


Friday, April 17, 2020: I am back again after longer than I anticipated.  However, I had a legitimate excuse for not updating sooner this time.  My MacBook died on me two weeks ago today, and I thought for sure it was dead for good.  But I decided to plug it in today and thankfully it works again.  I think I'm going to need a new fan put in at some point, but for now I am just happy to have it working again.  Anyways I have been raising two new Yasashii Tams since the last time I wrote.  Tamabeetchi passed away on me at the age of 12 I think, and I have since gotten a Pantarotchi on the blue one.   I have the unhealthy teen of Mayumarutchi on my yellow Yasashii and waiting to see who I get for my adult.  I am still going to keep trying for that healthy teen!   I know it is possible because I've seen pictures of it on the internet!  It's just going to take some time....!



Friday, April 24, 2020: I have been raising another Yasashii once again, and ended up with the unhealthy teen character yet again.  My Yellow Pantarotchi passed away today, and I haven't restarted that one yet.  I'm going to wait and see what my blue Mayumarutchi changes into first.  I haven't been keeping detailed blogs at all, but I plan on writing a Tama log soon to update on all my current running Tamas.  I will update here again when my blue Yasashii changes into adulthood.  I haven't been taking the best care of him so I am hoping I get something other than Pantarotchi this time!!!


Friday, May 8, 2020: I got some good news!!! While I didn't get a healthy teen, I still managed to get a new adult character.  I got Kabuto Oyajitchi who is said to be a secret character that comes from Pantarotchi.  I had Pantarotchi as my last adult character but he died on April 29th.  I am thinking that because I had him in a previous generation that I was able to get this secret character.  I am really glad I was able to get a new character finally!

I haven't restarted my Yasashii yet but I plan to in the coming days. I may even hatch it tonight if I feel up to it.  I am caring for 4 other Tamagotchi at the moment so I want to be sure I can dedicate the time that I need to my little Hoppetchi.  I really hope that I can get the healthy teen character this time.... I don't know what I have been doing wrong all this time but there has to be something that I am unaware of.  I don't think I have ever been able to keep the hearts completely full in any of my runs because the Hoppetchi are just that much little bit needier than a Marutchi/Tonmarutchi.

Kabuto Oyajitchi passed away on me yesterday (May 7th) at the young age of 10.  It's really too bad that they don't live long... I can't wait to see who my next adult character will be.   And when I do get a new character you can be sure I will be updating here. :)

Appearance and Personality

"Kabuto Oyajitchi resembles Oyajitchi with arms and a Kabuto helmet, and carries a sword.  He is younger than the actual Oyajitchi, and is impressed with the lifestyle of the warrior. He is working hard to master Bushidō, the Japanese warrior's code of conduct, and is a collector of warrior's goods."


Tuesday, December 7, 2021: I am raising my Yasashii Tamagotchi again for the first time since last year. I have already raised a Jr. Ginjirotchi who passed away yesterday at the age of 13.  I'm still trying to get that healthy teen character.  I've decided to try a new method this time:  neglect.  I know it's crazy but what else is there to try? :P I thought of something today while I was caring for my child character.  Every morning when the Yasashii wakes up, his hunger hearts empty out completely and need to be filled up.  It's probably 10-15 minutes after feeding that he will ask for his one and only discipline for the day.  I thought that if I let the hunger hearts drop to empty, while still keeping his happiness hearts full, it will trigger more discipline calls.  I feel like it is the only thing left to try.  The higher the discipline, the better the character.  That is proof from the instructions that Shawn translated for me last night.  I know that the good teen exists because there are photos of it on the internet.  Up until two or so years ago I truly didn't think it existed but then Shawn found me proof of it on an Instagram account.  The girl gave little to no info on how she did it, saying that she just gave good care and limited the use of snacks for happiness.  If that were true, I would have had the good teen long ago.  He only has 4 lines on the discipline meter so far and the highest I can usually get is 6. :-( This neglect idea *has* to work.  But I will keep trying regardless!


Friday, February 21, 2025: It's been a long time since I made an update in this section! Although I've raised several Yasashii Tams since I last updated here, I was writing about them in Ginji's Journal. In 2023 I FINALLY got the healthy teen character.  I posted a picture of him on the Main Yasashii Index at that time.  It was a joyous moment when I finally saw that healthy teen in September 2023. I didn't manage to get a new adult from the healthy teen, and I didn't raise another Yasashii since then.

This evening during a snowstorm I decided it was time to break out the Yasashii again--my blue one to be exact. I am so lucky to have two to choose from. :) The last time I raised this big Tam and got the healthy teenager I did two things: 1.) I made sure the discipline meter was at least 50% (half) full and 2.) I NEVER let the hunger or happy hearts drop below ONE.  These two things are crucial to getting the healthy teen. The Yasashii is actually a lot harder than we were all led to believe.  One hunger/happy heart empties on average about every 20-25 minutes, and it's really easy to loose track of time.  Factor in things like other Tamagotchi's, hobbies, and day-to-day living and it's easy to let the hearts drop below one. From the year 2009-2023 I raised countless Yasashii characters, but there was absolutely no way I was able to commit to actually taking *perfect* care of my Little Hoppetchi until that September day. It was a great moment.  I am really dedicated to Tamagotchi again these last few months, the remakes particularly, which require a lot of dedication.  I figured since I was down to four remake Tams (I had two pass away on me earlier) that I had enough mental energy to hatch my Yasashii. :-)

He's a bouncing little ball of joy in the Hoppetchi stage.  I'm so dedicated to succeeding in getting the healthy teen again that I am literally setting timers on my phone every 25 minutes, just so I won't miss a heart drop. It's very tedious, but I enjoy it.  So far I've managed to get the discipline up to 25% (4 lines) by putting him to sleep and then waking up again by changing the time.  I just put him to bed for the third time and woke him up again and he should make a selfish call soon.

10:09PM: He just made another selfish call! (6 lines) I am going to play some more games with him and then put him to sleep again. I think I will be watching a lot of movies/shows tomorrow while I care for my Yasashii. :-) I am so excited to be doing this!

10:23PM: Another discipline for the books! (8 lines) I'm getting good at this, hehe. I already have the discipline requirements met, but I am going to give more anyway just to be on the safe side. :-) Oh yes, Hoppetchi and my other Tams got to watch the movie "The Group" on DVD with me this evening--excellent movie!

10:34PM: Another discipline (10 lines)! I think that's all for tonight. I will put him to sleep when I go, and then leave him on the pause screen until morning. It's better this way because then there is no chance of his hearts falling below one. I hate that the light will blink all night, but it's the only way to be 100% sure.


Saturday, February 22, 2025: It's been quite a day!  I don't think I have ever paid this much attention to a Yasashii Tam in my life, aside from the last time in September of 2023.  I've been setting timers that range from 25-30 minutes to keep me on my toes. :-) So far I've not let the hearts drop below one.  All it takes is one time to fail and get the unhealthy teen.  There were literally times when I only let the hearts fall below one just *once* and I got Mayumarutchi because of it.

I am still shocked that I managed to get Meruhetchi that one time on September 7, 2023. :-) I am determined to do it again, and this time I will try for the *healthiest* adult.  I think I know exactly how I will do it.  I will have to give perfect care and full discipline in both child/teen stage. I will be setting a lot of timers over the next few days. :-) As of this morning I got his discipline up to 12 lines.  Just one more discipline and he will be at 100%! I know I can do this. And the best part is that I can pause whenever I need to--if I need to! I've decided to dedicate the next day or so to caring for Yasashii, not to mention four other Tams. :-) We have been watching Netflix ALL day today, and Yasashii has been in my hand the whole time!  The timers definitely help though since it's really easy to get distracted, or loose track of time.

4:30PM: There are 15 minutes left on the current timer and I am trying to just leave Yasashii unattended until the alarm goes off. It's so hard not to check on him, though. :-P During the very early stages of the pandemic back in 2020 I ran both Yasashii's at the same time, but I always ended up dozing off while watching TV. No dozing off this time! I am on a mission here. Even though I have timers set I glance over periodically to make sure that he hasn't pooped or gotten sick.  I don't know why they called it the "Easy Tamagotchi" because it's actually a lot of work.  I would definitely go as far to say that this Tam requires almost as much care as Tamagotchi Ocean, minus polar bear attacks and dirty water.  As for random deaths -- I've had several Yasashii Tams die prematurely on me over the years, so I am very confident in ranking this one with the Ocean.

Reading back to an old entry of Ginji's Journal (Part 25, September 6, 2023), I only got my last Yasashii up to 12 lines discipline (90%).  This time I am going to fill the meter completely. :-) I am so excited to see what he changes into!!!! I think I'll succeed again!! :-) I know this sounds crazy... but I might hatch my yellow Yasashii, heh. Let's see how things go with my blue one first. ;-) I am currently keeping a close eye on my Little Hoppetchi while we watch "Murdaugh Murders" on Netflix.

7:15PM: Alright, I'm back again, and I have maxed out the discipline to 14 lines 100%! I am continuing to check on the little guy as often as I can. I also just hatched my 1998 USA white Tamagotchi Angel. :-) Sooooo different from the 2024 Gen3. Anyways, got off topic. I will be spending the rest of the evening and tomorrow taking care of my Yasashii as best I can in hopes of seeing Meruhetchi *soon*.


Sunday, February 23, 2025:  Well, I ended up hatching several more Tamagotchi last night.  I definitely over-committed, but oh well.  It feels like Yasashii was more demanding today because there's been a 7-10 minute gap between hunger and happiness hearts dropping.  I have been setting timers for every 20 minutes now instead of 30.  I had a close call where I forgot about him but thankfully the hearts didn't fall below one.  I am currently taking care of 9 Tamagotchi at once but my Yasashii requires the most work and attention.  I am hoping for a change into the (good) teen stage by tomorrow if all goes well! It's definitely not a relaxing experience.... Honestly, I feel rather drained from having to check on him so much.  The fact that you can't let the hearts drop below one even *once* definitely puts it on the same level as Ocean.  I feel like I'm just saying the same stuff over and over again.... But this has literally been a work in progress since 2009 for me. :-P  I don't know if I will have it in me to do another Yasashii run after I complete this one....!  very tedious indeed. It's also really hard to enjoy a Tam that's worth at least 1000 dollars and fear breaking it. :-(  My two US Ocean Tamagotchi do not work anymore. :-( One of my Devilgotch's has a reset problem..... Please help Bandai!  Re-release everything!!!! :-)

Yasashii stays on pause while I sleep, and I also paused it late this morning when I went out to do errands. It's not the kind of Tamagotchi you can just pop in your pocket and bring around with you. For this reason I likely won't raise another Yasashii for a while after this one....!


Monday, February 24, 2025:  Late last night while I was up in bed watching Lidia's Kitchen, the moment of truth finally arrived! I got Meruhetchi, the good teen for the second time ever!! :-) I was so happy, and still am! I always dreamed of this day happening, and to think I've gotten him twice now.  It wasn't long until I paused him and went to sleep for the night -- I was TIRED!

This morning I woke up at 10AM and took Meruhetchi off pause immediately. The discipline went down to 6 lines after he became the good teen.  I've gotten it up to 8 lines, and currently waiting on another discipline now. I am going to get the next discipline on video to show Katherine and Shawn. :-) I also want to record Meruhetchi at bath time as I wasn't able to back in 2023. :-)

Things have certainly calmed down since he became a teenager! He drops one heart every hour or so now as apposed to every 20 minutes. I could possibly bring him out in the car with me now, heh....! I've done it many times before, but the hearts would always empty....! It's best I just keep pausing him when I know I can't be there to watch the hearts fall. I *really* want the little chipmunk character!

10:33PM: The rest of my Tams are all asleep, but I'm keeping Yasashii up right until I decide to turn in which will likely be *soon*. I have the discipline fully maxed out now! I have aged him a total of 14 days to get him fully disciplined.  I paused my little Meruhetchi periodically throughout today when I knew I couldn't be there for him.  He has continued to drop 1 heart every hour or so.  I haven't kept track of how much he's pooped, but it seems less than other Tams....! I can't wait to see which adult I get!!!!!!! This moment has been literally years in the making. :-) It's been well worth it in my opinion.  I adore all my Tams - the big, the small, the DIFFICULT! ;-) He is propped up on my stomach right now while I write this, and we're watching another episode of Lidia's kitchen -- soup and sandwiches! mmm.!

10:51PM: He drops/empties hunger and happiness hearts about 15-20 minutes in between each other.  After I fill his next happy heart I am going to pause him and wind down for sleep.  More tomorrow!


Tuesday, February 25, 2025:  A new day and a new start to keep track of things!

He dropped hunger hearts at the following times: 8:37am, 9:45, 10:52, 11:56, 1:05, 2:11, 3:18, 4:27, 5:31, 

He dropped happy hearts at these times: 9:23am, 10:37, 11:56, 1:15, 2:36, 4:00, 5:17, 

Pooped: 9:59, 2:10, 

I took my Yasashii out in the Jeep with me today! I needed to get out of the apartment and see the Ocean. At first I was unsure.. I had a minor incident where my Yasashii jostled around and accidentally praised it. Once I found a good spot for him I was able to check on him whenever I was pulled over. :-) I won't make a habit of bringing him around too much like that -- too risky!  Early bed time for me tonight! I will try and keep track of times again tomorrow!


Wednesday, February 26, 2025:  I kept track of times again today! Here they are!

Hunger Hearts: 8:22, 9:31, 10:37, 11:47, 12:46, 2:07, 3:00, 4:11, 5:12, 6:19, 

Happy Hearts: 8:16, 9:35, 10:52, 12:09, 1:34, 2:51, 4:11, 5:25, 6:44,

Poop times: 8:00, 12:09, 4:18,

I didn't leave the apartment today so I was able to give my full attention to him!  I paused him for an hour while I talked on FaceTime with my friend China, but other than that I've had him up with me at all times.  I slept until 10am again today... I can't wait to get back to my earlier mornings again... All in good time. :-) Right now it's 5:35PM Yasashii time and 9:26PM human time.  I am going to stay up for a little longer and see if he takes a little bath or something cute! I have only ever seen him take a bath in the Hoppetchi/child stage..... I wanna see what he looks like in teen stage in his little tub. :-D

I am so excited about him changing into his final adult form! I have not been this apprehensive about a Tam changing since the day I got the whale character on the Tamagotchi Ocean back in 2016. :-) We are watching Ra Tama Zone's Youtube channel at the moment.


Thursday, February 27, 2025:  I was up and ready for my Yasashii at 9am this morning. I *did* keep track of feeding, games, and poop times until the moment of truth finally arrived.  Just shortly after 3:00PM he made the shimmery noise and the buttons all lit up and flickered really fast!  Sadly I got an adult character I had back April of 2020 - Tamabeetchi! It's not a total failure because I only ever managed to get him once before.  I got him with perfect care and 100% discipline.  I couldn't have given any better level of care than I did aside from giving him extra disciplines... Once the meter reached 100% I stopped aging him and giving discipline.  In the future I will have to experiment with giving him extra discipline.  I am not even sure if it's possible...! Someday, I'll find out. :-)

Now that I think about it all a bit more I am actually glad I'm still missing two adult characters.  I don't want the journey with Yasashii to be over just yet. The excitement and anticipation I feel about Yasashii is akin to that of Tamagotchi Ocean -- even more so, because it didn't take me as long to get almost all the adults on that one..... I'm still missing one Ocean adult, while I still need two on Yasashii adults....! I'm in no rush. It will be a good excuse to keep trying for those two top characters throughout the coming months/years.  I will definitely need a break from Yasashii after Tamabeetchi finishes up his journey. I likely won't update this section again for a while.  I will write about Tamabeetchi over in my Remake Tamagotchi Blogs from here on!

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