21/2/2018: I can't get over how sometimes I will go a month without posting and then only go like 2 days. Suddenly I am in the writing mood! And the Tama mood too! I have been starting to get a lot more relaxed at work the last few days, and I am hoping that some small changes I am making are going to make things a lot easier.
I'm having a small bit of anxiety as I write this because I am alone in the house tonight. My Mom is moved in with my Grandmother part time. Up until last week I had never spent a night alone somewhere EVER. And I am going to be 28 soon.... I am a very sheltered person, and always have been. I am kinda gushing my soul here, but I figure why not. I feel like I am getting to an age now where I am gonna be considered some creepy guy who lives with his mother. It's just yet another thing for me to feel insecure about, and the closer I get to 30, the weirder I am gonna feel. Thing is I simply love living with my Mom, but I compare myself to others in my family and beyond and I just feel kinda like I need to grow up more... But at the same time, I am not hurting anybody by being me.... So why I beat myself up over it so much, I don't know...

Tamas! They are slowly becoming a regular thing in my life again. There were legit a few days where I had no Tamas with me at work, and that saddened me a great deal. In my last log a couple days ago I wrote that I hatched my rodamine red German P1. He is doing quite well and called for his last discipline a little while ago. I am going for Mametchi or Ginji, but Kat said she knows it is just gonna be Ginji. ;) She knows me very well.
Tonight I felt like hatching something predictable so I hatched my pink US Angel Tama. S/he is a spirit right now and full and somewhat happy for the moment. I've decided I am going to pause this one during the work day and raise her in the evenings. :) That way I can dedicate all my attention to my P1 while at work.
Mimitchi Tama is also enjoying time with us this evening. His buttons have been working good lately and I see no reason why I wouldn't be able to take him apart again should the buttons cease to function again. And if for some reason a day comes that Mimitchi Tama ceases to function completely, well... That day could indeed happen as nothing is built to last a lifetime.... But I can hope. :)
:::beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep::::: Angel just went down for her nap. And I am gonna finish this blog here. Short and sweet for tonight! :) Hoping for a good rest of the week! Updates to follow, and a picture of my 3 sweeties to finish.

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