31/1/2018: It's been a good week! Work as been good, life is good, Tamas are good. I have my moments but trying to be positive. :) Today is Bell Lets Talk Mental Health Awareness. I sent a bunch of snapchats with the Bell filter so 5 cents will be donated to Mental Health initiatives. (I know my spelling is horrible)
First let's get down to Tamas. I first want to say that my blog page for the Anniversary 2017 Tamagotchi is horrible. I don't know but I think it is one of my worst pages I've ever done. I also haven't had the time to dedicate to keeping track of their stats and determining how to get what characters. I am running 3 of my Anniversary Tamagotchi right now, and I want to log them in order of age today, starting with the youngest.
Tonmarutchi (clear green) is 3 years old and beyond his 100% discipline. I have tried my hardest in catching all disciplines so I can *maybe* get Mimitchi. I was just one brick short and got Pochitchi on my last one.
Next up we have Zukitchi (yellow/orange) is 10 years of age and over 100% disciplined. I am not sure if I will get the secret character or not... I say if they don't change tomorrow then they won't at all. Oh yes I said they meaning that I have Masukutchi (clear blue) at age 11. Both of them are easy to care for. I am happy I got them.
We have been watching quite a bit of TV after work hours this week. :) Last night I started watching the HBO show Girls. I had started watching Madmen but it was honestly depressing me. Girls is muchhhh better I think. :) I like watching current stuff sometimes. Tonight however we are watching the movie Look Who's Talking (1989). My friend Jolene at work suggested I watch it today while we were chatting at work. I am watching it in the corner of my screen right now. I loved Kristy Alley as a kid so seeing her in a movie always brings back good memories. Mom and I are just finishing up watching it together now.
Other things to say about today: My cats turned 10 years old today, work is going well this week, I got a nother 2012 MacBook Pro last weekend, and OH!!! I won a gorgeous 1997 white and blue P2 in European packaging. (click image to see it in all its glory!!) I have never had a European Tamagotchi before so this is a big deal. The shell is much like that of the first US white/blue P1, only it has a beaded chain and Tamagotchi written at the top. It is going to kill me to have to cut through that gorgeous sealed plastic surrounding the Tama, but I may do an unboxing video or something. :) I paid a little extra than what it was worth... But it was totally worth it in my opinion. I cannot wait to get it!!!! I will definitely hatch it when I do get it. I need to remember what a 1997 Tama feels like. Mimitchi Tama spends most of his time on pause. I feel bad, but his safer that way.
Thanks for all the support of my online friends as always. Kat, Jacob, Shawn, Matt, and a new friend Jordan who I chatted with before. :) He messaged me tonight and said very kind things about my logs. I appreciate it my friends. :)
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