22/1/2018: This evening at 5:34PM Ginjirotchi gave in and died at the old age of 22. The longest I ever got Ginji to live to was 23. That was my clear green P1 that I had Ginji on during the holidays last month. :) It's always sad to see him go and he pretty much is my hands down fave next to Mimitchi. Two very loveable Tamas indeed.
Right now I have a very well preserved Mimitchi Tama along with three 2017 Tamagotchi. I have a page dedicated to those guys but hey I might as well talk about them in here. It's funny because no matter how many new pages I make -- in the end I always have come back to this section to write. :)
I think I will go from youngest to oldest for my 2017 Tamas. :) First off we have Marutchi (clear blue Tama): 2 years old, 10oz, 50% discipline and full hearts across the screen. Then we have Pochitchi (clear green Tama): 9 years old, 42lbs, 100% disciplined and full hearts. Last we have Ginjirotchi (white Tama) at 12 years old, 45oz, 100% disciplined and full up on happy. :)
My hopes for the clear blue newly hatched Tama is that it survives once again. :) I am just running my first 2017's and letting fate decide the characters. I pay the best care that I can with how busy life is and work and then we will see who I end up with. :) I just don't have the time to dedicate to keeping track of stats like I'd planned. And I still have no idea if discipline is the only determining factor in which characters you end up with....
Work wasn't too bad today. I dove into work and tried to concentrate as much as I could on work and forget about other stuff going on. Getting out of bed this morning did not come easy. Been checking in with all the gang online: Kat, Matt, Shawn, Jacob but I don't get to chat with them nearly as much as I would like to be able. They are my biggest supporters of this site. :) And of course Elana - I've known her as long as I have Kat. :) She's not so into Tamas lately but she has always been a visitor of my pages. <3
Later... So I ended up hatching another 2017 Tama - my yellow/orange P2 one. Hehehe... That brings me up to running four 2017 Tamas. Should I shoot for five and hatch the only other 2017 Tama I have? The little peachy orange one.... Speaking of which, gotta visit Japan You Want. Be back soon with updates.
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