6/6/2017: Long time no update, and boy do I miss writing these on a regular basis. Life is busy, work is great, and I just do my best to keep on truckin'! I have kept a few Tamas going even though I haven't been writing blogs. :)
I had Ginjirotchi (clear blue Tama) when I last wrote. He passed away on me yesterday at age 18 his time, and I don't know how many days in real time. As I look on my chart of Tamas I see that I hatched that Tama on May 6, so in artificial time he would have been like 30 or 31? Either way I was sad to see him go. I really didn't find him all that needy, but I guess I did pause him a lot. I am glad that I have learned to pause when I am too busy to be a good caretaker. It certainly works in my favour so that they can be around longer and get the care they deserve. :)
I still have Pochitchi at age 15, but he too will be departing soon. I have his weight maxed out to 99lbs because I become lazy in my Tamas advanced age. I don''t expect him to make it past 18, since he is the cousin of Ginji and that is their usual dying age without messing with the time.
I also started a Mothra Tamagotch at the end of last month! AHAH! How weird does that sound, "at the end of last month...".. I have gotten far too behind on my pasttimes... I can't believe it has been so long since I updated. Well I took bad care of little Mothra in the child/larva stage and I got the bad teen, Batora Grub instead of the healthy mothra grub. I was very happy about this, for it's always been hard for me to neglect any of my Tamas on purpose....! He went into his cocoon Saturday past, and he stayed in there for an hour. I must note that I took really good care of him in the Batora grub stage. The combination of neglect and good care paid off as I got the adult of Batora Adult. Man.... They really weren't original with the names on this Tama at all! :P I am too lazy to update my Mothra section so here are my latest characters below!! Batora grub and Batora Adult!

Batora Grub, the unhealthy teen

Batora Adult
He is 10 years old today and I hope he sticks around for a while. He really resembles a bee or a wasp in my opinion.. But maybe that's just me! Not sure if he will change into a secret character or not. :)
I must mention before I end this short log: I will be going out of town for a week after tomorrow, a family vacation that is long over due. I am SOOOOOO excited! I finished up my last day of work today and I won't go back until Wednesday the 14th! I will be getting on a plane early Thursday morning with my Mom, Aunt Eileen and grandmother. I am gonna be so nervous before getting on the plane, but I just know it is going to be a blast. My cousin Carlie is getting married so we are all going over to Ontario to be there for it. All of my Moms side of the family will be there. I will most definitely write about it all in my next blog. :)
It is just gonna be so nice to have a whole week off work and actually travel for the first time in years. Out of all my years this will be my fourth time on a plane! So it is all pretty foregin to me, the idea of travelling by plane. I have really high hopes that I won't have any anxiety issues while I'm away. I want it to be a fun time for myself and my family. Unfortunately I don't think I will be bringing any Tamagotchi with me during the time I'm away. I am just to afraid to loose them. I would love to have Mimitchi there with me, but I would die if anything happened to that Tama.... Life isn't the same as it was back in the 90s. My friend Kat travelled with her Tamas on the plane back in 98/99', and that was just before the airlines got strict on security. I could go on about that forever, but that is best saved for a boring RL conversation. Either way, I'm almost positive that I won't be bringing any Tamas, but hey I may change my mind at the last minute....! ;)
Okay I rambled a lot more than I thought I would. Tired tired tired.... Off to start packing for the trip. Maybe I will bring Mimitchi.... In one of my 1997 plastic cases.... Okay stop obsessing! TTFN!!
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