![]() ![]() Part 2 Welcome to part 1 of my Devilgotchi blogs. These blogs begin on Tuesday, December 27, 2016 and run to the present date. I have never played with this particular Tama version before so it will be based all on my own first accounts, with a little help from YouTube if things get complicated. :)
Wednesday, January 18, 2017: Well I held out no time at all! I couldn't wait any longer to start my little Devil. I restarted him at 5:55 and he emerged from the black spirit face at 5:59! I thought that maybe I would get the other character, Debirutchi this time upon hatching, but I got Devil Zuccitchi aka Zukidebitchi again like last time.
I have decided this time I just want any character except for Deburmametchi and the secret character, Kuridebitchi. This really shouldn't be too hard to do. I am not sure where I want to keep the Devil Power this time, but I certainly won't be keeping it as high as I did on my last run. As stated before, the higher the DP, the better the character - you just have to be sure that you don't go over 90DP. Maybe I will try for something in the middle this time..... :) Right now he is 0 years of age, 40DP and full and happy for the time being. I really wanted to wait until I got my other Devilgotchi to hatch a new one, but I could end up waiting another week for that to come. I will update in the coming days when he changes into his next stage. Hoping to get one of the other two teens when he changes next. I like how there are 3 teen characters. :) We just finished watching the movie 10 Things I Hate About You. Such a great movie! Zukidebitchi fell asleep in the middle of it, but Mimitchi and Ginji got to see the whole thing. :) ______________________________________________________________________________ Sunday, January 22, 2017: I haven't been updating for the last few days because I have been busy making animations and writing blogs for the Yasashii Tamagotch. I had been keeping the DP as low as possible on Zukidebitchi and it paid off with a new teen character! I got Bakedebirutchi. Here he is below!
Sorry the pixels are so dark. I don't know what's happening with my animation program... Ugh. Anyways it gives you an idea of what he looks like. When he changed his DP was up to 70 and I have brought it down. I am not going to worry about the DP levels too much because with a different teen I am sure to get a different adult. I am excited to see what he will change into!! Right now his Devil Power is at 0. He just made a series of beeps that I never heard before and was moving around the screen really fast. And then things went silent again and he went back to his usual slow animation. So many different little quirks to this Tama. There is always something new happening. :) ______________________________________________________________________________ Monday, January 23, 2017: I really don't have a whole lot to talk about with regard to my Bakedebirutchi. I really love the Devilgotch, but there is nothing new to report. This character has been just as sassy as my previous ones and I am enjoying every minute of the experience, but I don't have any new findings to write about. I will just say that he is very happy and easy to care for, and aside from those selfish calls he makes, all has been quiet. I will say that I love how the Devilgotchi seems to have a longer growth stage. They really seem to go a total of four days in each stage which gives you time to really get to know and enjoy the characters. I know that I have heard some people don't like the slow growth process, but I am the kind of caretaker that enjoys that. Raising Tamas is not all about the final adult form for me, it never was. I love all the stages in between adulthood. :) Bakedebirutchi has yet to be paused and is living a very normal life unlike his ancestor Mayumarutchi (read today's entry of the Yasashii Tamagotch blogs) who had to spend the entire work day on pause. My last Devilgotchi character never even got demanding and lived to be 22 so I think this will be a Tama I will always be able to have running no matter how busy I am. ;) ______________________________________________________________________________ Friday, January 27, 2017: My Devilgotchi changed into his adult form today just shortly before 11:00AM. He had been Bakedebriutchi all this time which is why I haven't been updating these blogs. Things have been very quiet. He changed into the adult of Debirudori which looks like it ranks second best on the growth chart that Shawn sent me. Below is an animation of him with a little description.
Debirudori/Bird Deviltchi is a cold-hearted, upper class devil. It sometimes wails with a crow-like voice. - Tamagotchi Wika Upon looking at him when he first changed my first thought was that he looked like a crow and then I read the description that says he has a crow like voice. I guess my instincts are good. ;) Shawn told me that Debirudori can change into the secret character, King Deviltchi, but I don't want to know how to get him. If I come by him by chance then great, but I want to experience this for myself. I will come back later to make note of his sleep time. ______________________________________________________________________________ Sunday, January 29, 2017: It seems nothing out of the ordinary happens with my little Debirudori. I've been taking him with me wherever I go and he is quite easy going. I don't anticipate him getting demanding since my last character never did. He may or may not change into the secret character, but I am not going to look it up just now. I am enjoying the unknown and the element of surprise, and this is only my second hatched Devil. ______________________________________________________________________________ Monday, January 30, 2017: Looks like no King Deviltchi for me..... I was a bad Tama parent and fell asleep for a nap this afternoon. When I woke up, Debirudori's Devil Power had maxed out to 95. I managed to bring it down to 75 and thought we had squeaked on by without any ill effects, but alas at around 6PM this evening, he passed away a bad death. :( He was only 12 years old too.... This guy had weird sleeping hours. He fell asleep at midnight and woke at 11 each day. I had to change his clock so that he would go to bed at 10PM and wake at 9AM. I won't be hatching another Devilgotchi just yet, but soon.... I am just really busy at the moment. But not to worry - these pages will be updated whenever I get a new character. For now any future day to day adventures will be blogged about over here, on my regular Tama blogs.
Click Here for Part 1 of my Devilgotchi Blogs Tama Main Page |
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