![]() ![]() Part 3
This morning they changed again, to be the same children they were last time, Harutchi. This character is really cute and sweet so I am not all that sad to see them again. :)
I know that many have said that this cycle will repeat itself after Gen4 and that I will keep getting the same adult over and over.... But is there anything to the thought that neglect could get me a character from a previous generation? Maybe I am just kidding myself, but I will probably just keep them going for another generation or two and see what happens. They will change into teens in a day or two so I will see what happens. ______________________________________________________________________________ Saturday, May 28, 2016: Today was a sleep in day for me considering I didn't sleep at all during the work week due to my cold. I finally was able to get some much needed rest last night, but I am still not feeling the best. Hoping I will be on the mend soon. I certainly don't want a repeat of what I went through in December...
Well I got to thinking about neglecting them more after that and decided to feed them a bunch of snacks until they got up to 99 units and then they changed into the Debutchi, the big faces. :P My goodness what a size!! Hehehe. I laughed a lot when I saw them. I even made an animated gif for the occasion.
Look at the face on it!!! He is like a boiled dinner! Hahahah! I can't stop laughing at it. It is so hilarious. I played games with them both until they got down to 89lbs and they changed back into Kuribochi and Pyukichi. I was able to play the game with them and that was it. They were not able to be fed or anything when they were like this -- I guess they were just too full. :) I am glad I got the Debutchi as I had gone all this time and not overfed them. I figured I have nothing to loose at this point as I really feel I am going to be stuck in this generation 4 loop until they pass away. Shawn let his pair of generation 4 adults grow into oldies and I have been debating over two choices: I could A.) let them grow into oldies and make the animations of them in their old age and let them live their lives out single or B.) start up my second pair of Osutchi & Meustchi that I just got in the mail and cross breed them to get new characters. I am going to have to think about it.... And I still have a while to do so before they become adults. I am torn between the two options because both would be equally interesting for me. I had no idea that they could change into old men/women characters so I am kinda veering towards that idea. Gotta think about it some more though. I have been running them now since April 15 and I am into my fifth generation with them now. They still have 4 crowns on the TMP scale like they did in Gen4, so I know they won't be going any further than this. I will have a better game plan for next time when I hatch these Tamas so I can get some different characters and not get stuck in a generation loop like this. ______________________________________________________________________________ Monday, May 30, 2016: I think I have come to the decision that I will just let these characters live their lives out childless. As hard of a decision it is to make, I think it is the best choice. I will still be able to document their lives and what happens to them when they don't mate and have children. It is part of the process with these Tamas so I might as well document it. :) They are still in the teenage stage as Kuribochi and Pyukichi but I know I will end up with the same adults as I did before, ChoMametchi and Chohimetchi. They are definitely sweet characters and I will treat them well into their old age. It will be interesting to see just how long they live for and if they get demanding or not. I have chosen not to ask Shawn about his progress with his oldies as I want to discover it for myself. :) As of 8:23pm they are full and happy, at age 7 years old and 89 units of weight. I still haven't had the chance to bring their weight down yet. :P I shall update in the days to come to talk about their adulthood and then their senior years as they get older. ______________________________________________________________________________ Wednesday, June 1, 2016: They changed into adults yesterday afternoon and became ChoMametchi and ChoHimetchi as I suspected they would. They have both asked for two disciplines since they became adults but it really doesn't matter, we have reached a standstill with the generations and I have decided to let them live their lives out. The adventure is not over yet, though... Shawn's characters grew into oldies after a period of time without being mated, so I am going to ride it out and see what happens. You can be certain that I will make animations of them in their old age and I will still be keeping observation over them during their life cycle. Will they get more demanding with age? And if so, how long will they stick around for? These are all things that I will have to see over the coming days. :)
Due to a busy work schedule, their weight is still rather high and they are at 92lbs each. I think so long as I keep them under 99lbs they won't change into Debutchi's again, but if they do I will have to play the game with them until they get down to 89lbs. The Debutchi's weight is between 90-99 units once you go above 98 initially. They may need to visit weight watchers... :P Nahh... I am just lazy. ______________________________________________________________________________ Friday, June 3, 2016: My two little ones have been fertile since the 1st but have I still chosen to let them live out their lives in celibacy. They are not at all demanding so I am just enjoying their sweet presence. :) I hope they can at least live a long and happy life if they can't share the joy of having children with one another....! I feel bad that I am depriving them of their lives as parents, but this cycle of characters will just repeat itself if I keep mating them..... I shall try for more variety the next time I raise Osutchi and Mesutchi. ______________________________________________________________________________ Monday, June 6, 2016: My little ones were sick on Saturday afternoon and since then I have noticed that they are a little more demanding. They are 14 today and other than the demand level they seem to be doing fine. I don't know if they will change into old men and women like Shawn's pair did, but I am going to care for them till the end. ______________________________________________________________________________ Wednesday, June 8, 2016: This morning I had a feeling they would be departing, and they actually did. At 9:15 sharp I was sitting at my desk at work and heard this high pitched beeping noise. I had the sound turned off on all my Tamas so I dismissed it at first. But then I realized it was my Mesutchi making those beeps. Turns out that they will beep when dying even when the sound has been muted. I have never experienced this with a Tama before. A minute later Osutchi began to die as well. He was sortive sulking on the screen and then the beeping started with him as well. I was sad to see them go but I wasn't surprised. They have been really needy since Monday and beeping at me with empty hearts when things got really busy at work. They died at age 16 today, both weighing 62 units. I miss them already! I had a great run with these Tamas. I had them going for nearly two months. Got really used to having them around too. When the beeping commenced there was nothing left but a graveyard scene on both screens. I was able to scroll over and see their age and weight, another screen with their 4 TMP crowns, and a third screen showing thhat I had raised 5 generations.
I really thought that they would change into oldies like Shawn's Osutchi Mesutchi did, but that is fine. I would have loved to have made the animations of them. Maybe another time.... For now I shall put the tabs back in my Osutchi Mesutchi Tamas, but I will be hatching a new pair in the coming months so stay tuned. :) Rest in peace to my sweet ChoMametchi and ChoHemitchi. Tama Main Page | Mesutchi Osutchi Index |