Mothra Tamagotch Blogs Part 2
Sunday, July 24, 2016: I have decided to hatch my Mothra Tamagotch for a second try at an adult. My hope for this time is to get any of the other adults besides the Fairy or the Go-Go secret character. I set the time at 11:22am and it hatched five minutes later at 11:27am. When he hatched he was a cute little baby Mothra like he had been the first hatching. Very cute little guy. :) He needed lots of care and attention but being that the game is so easy to win, it wasn't hard to care for him at all. The baby stage seemed to last no time at all because I was out doing stuff with Matthew. So he finally changed after an hour or so and he has remained a sweet little Mothra Larva ever since, not needing any discipline or extra care as far as I know. I have had him with me at all times and things have been quiet. I do wonder what he will grow into this time. :) He has been so easy to care for, I hardly even have to check on him if I don't want to. I did pause him for a little while when I went out to play Pokemon Go with some friends, but tomorrow I will try and keep a tally of events that go on while I am at work. :) It will be quiet in the office tomorrow I believe, so I should be good to go. :) ______________________________________________________________________________ Monday, July 25, 2016: Today was a pretty easy going day both at work and with my little Mothra Larva. He woke up at his usual time of 8am and things went pretty smoothly throughout the day. I fear that I may have missed a discipline somewhere along the line either yesterday or sometime today, but he called for discipline at the following times: 8:44, 11:47, and 1:00. The meter is now at 75% and that is where it stayed in both the Mothra Larva and Grub stages last time. He is a real cute little guy, and it's even cute when he is attacking the tower when he is asking to be disciplined. He went to sleep tonight promptly at 8:00 so all has been quiet since then. I have been taking good care of him so I say I will get the healthy teen (grub) again this time. :) ______________________________________________________________________________ Tuesday, July 26, 2016: Today was a good day with my little guy. :) I am warming up to this Tama more as the time passes I think. He got sick this morning but I can't remember the exact time. I looked in on him at some point after lunch to see that he had changed into his teenage form, the Mothra Grub like I had last time. I am happy for this as I want to try for the best adult this time. So the afternoon went off without a hitch and then he asked for discipline at 3:16pm. I scolded him and the meter was then at 75%. Then as I was making tacos he asked for another discipline at 5:31. So he is fully disciplined now and I am happy for that. I only got him up to 75% in the teen stage last time! We shall see who I end up with. :) ______________________________________________________________________________ Friday, July 29, 2016: I have a feeling that my Mothra Grub will go into the cocoon tomorrow and then change into it's adult form....! He was sick earlier today and he is 6 years of age, so it definitely adds up to being tomorrow. He is doing just fine, a little over weight due to my job though. But I caught all of his disciplines the other day as I mentioned so maybe I will get a different adult this time? And if I got the Fairy again I guess that wouldn't be so bad, but I would really like to see someone new. :) Anyways he went to bed full and missing one happy heart tonight at 8pm. I am going to pause him before I go to bed tonight as I have a feeling I might be sleeping in tomorrow seeing as it is the start of my vacation. I shall update as changes happen with my little Grub. :) ______________________________________________________________________________ Saturday, July 30, 2016: As I suspected, today was changing day, but not before he was sick one last time this morning late. I took very good care of him throughout the early afternoon until he finally made a series of changing noises and went into the cocoon stage for the hour long wait. Shortly after going into the cocoon stage, we all went out on a Pokemon hunt at Bowring Park. I had him in my bag and then it started to pour rain. I couldn't look in on any of my Tamas for fear that they would all get wet and break (a story that I will write in more detail in my Tama Blogs). The rain did eventually subside and I took my little Mothra out to see that he had indeed changed. He became the best adult on the chart called Adult Mothra. :) I am so happy!! I am in the midst of working on an animation now for this character. 7:29pm: Still working on the animation.....! I am getting distracted very easily....! 8:14pm: Exactly 45 minutes later I have finished the animation of Mothra Adult. :) At age 7 years old he weighs 60 units and has full discipline. I will take note of his bedtime when he goes to sleep later. I really like this character! He reminds me a lot of the Fairy character, only bigger. I don't know if he will change into a secret character or not and I am going to refrain from doing any research on it. Come what may! :) 9:00pm: Bed time for Mothra! I shall update on his stats in the coming days. :) ______________________________________________________________________________ Monday, August 1, 2016: Well the past two days have been sleep-in days for me. I had full intentions of getting up early both days but failed, so I still don't know what time my Mothra gets out of bed in the morning. My best guess is 8:00 simply because when I checked on him at 9:20 this morning he had two hearts empty and I am almost positive he went to bed with full hearts last night. I am going to try and get up before 8:00 tomorrow to see what time he really wakes up. As per usual he has been very easy to care for. I hardly even know he is there sometimes because he just doesn't need anything beyond a feeding and a game played every hour or so. This has been very good considering I am trying to raise Mimitchi right now, and I hatched a new Ocean Tama this morning. So the lax care taking of Mothra is definitely going to be welcomed with open arms this week. :) ______________________________________________________________________________ Monday, August 8, 2016: A whole week without an update! One may have thought that I just gave up on my Mothra, but nope he has been doing just fine. This afternoon I got home from work at about 4:15 and when I took him out of my bag he was sick. I cured him with one inoculation and he has been fine ever since. He is 16 today and not at all demanding. I had a great week off and Mothra was there with me for all of it. His undemanding presence was more than welcomed as I was busy with Ocean Tama as well as doing other things with my Mom and friends. Back at work today he was just as easy to care for. I hope he stays around a little longer! He is cute and easy to care for! ______________________________________________________________________________ Wednesday, August 10, 2016: It seems my Mothra has taken a turn for the worst. He was sick a second time yesterday, and then before I left work today he was sick again! He had been demanding the last couple of days since he got sick for the first time on Monday, but this evening he has literally been dropping all hearts every five minutes. It is crazy! I am surprised that he became needy so fast! But I am going to continue caring for him until he passes away. I want to see how long he lives for! He is 18 today so only time will tell how much longer he will stay....! I am only running five Tamas right now, four of which are very low maintenance, so it shouldn't be too hard to keep up with my Mothra. :) ______________________________________________________________________________ Tuesday, August 16, 2016: This update is longggg overdue as my Mothra passed away on Thursday, August 11 at the age of 19. He passed away sometime between 8:30-9:00 that morning just shortly after waking up. He was sooooo needy so I wasn't surprised that he died. He passed without my knowing as I was at the office and his sound was off, so when I went to check on him sometime after 9am all that was left on the screen was his grave stone. I have yet to get around to making the grave site animation as I have been incredibly busy at work and have some stuff going on in real life right now, but I will make it very soon and post it here and in my first blog when I do. I have held off on hatching another Mothra right now for reasons already mentioned, but I definitely plan to do more with this Tama in the future. :)