![]() October 2021
Part 9
Friday, October 1, 2021: Here we are into a new month and another part of the journal! I love the month of Friday, October 8, 2021: Well it's been an entire week since I wrote here and that is because not much went on until Wednesday night. Binks1&2 left me on the evening of the 6th and it was the *first* time I ever got the "Good friend" ending. All of the other times my Devilgotch died a "bad end". Well I was sad to see the twins go, but was very happy to have done a perfect run with them. I'm debating whether or not I want to raise another Devil now or if I want to hatch something else. Edgar is still here but is unfortunately getting to be very demanding at his age of 15. He did not transform into the secret character like I had hoped but another time maybe. Edgar has gotten to watch *a lot* of "Gilmore Girls" season 1 episodes over the last two days. He also got to watch the first "Halloween" movie last night. :-) Tuesday, October 12, 2021: Well it's been yet another long time in between posts. On Sunday evening while at Thanksgiving dinner at my Moms, Edgar decided it was time to go. Since he is a Japanese P1 he left a grave-site and spirit ghost. I hatched another on the same clear blue Tama named Michael , after that of Michael Myers in "Halloween". I am aiming to get the unhealthy teen so I have been letting him beep for attention! He is still a Marutchi. I hatched another Devilgotchi on Sunday evening as well and this ones name is Jason after a character from "Friday the 13th". :) I have the Deviltchi at the moment and waiting for him to make his next change! Wednesday, October 13, 2021: Michael changed into the unhealthy teen after waking up this morning. :-) This is my first time getting kutchitamatchi on the P1 rema Tuesday, October 19, 2021: Michael passed away on Friday in the teen stage. :-( I was so upset! I was playing "Animal Crossing" online with Donald when I looked down to see my poor Kutchitamatchi dying on the screen. Then to make matters worse, Jason my Devilgotchi passed away a bad death on Sunday due to my sleeping in, having been up very late the night before. It was a bad weekend. I just restarted my clear blue P1 again just now and this ones name is Sylbert. He is currently in the Babitchi stage. I don't know if I will try for the unhealthy teen again this time since it seems neglect really played into the last ones death. I don't know if I am up to raising another Devil right now so Sylbert will be it for now. Later: Sylbert went to bed full and happy! I started a new file on "Stardew Valley" this evening. I had no idea that there were other farm maps to choose from so I chose the Riverland farm this time since I love fishing. :-) I feel like I've just fallen in love with the game all over again. Wednesday, October 20, 2021: Sylbert is still currently in the Marutchi stage with 125% discipline. I am taking good care of him because I really think the neglect killed my last one. Sylbert was still awake last night while we watched "Scream 4" on Amazon Prime. Tonight he is going to get to watch some episodes of the sitcom "Mom". I forgot to mention my friend China found a Tamagotchi P2 (2018 remake) in a "Take Me" bin on the street. She has been raising it since Monday and I can't express how happy it makes me when a friend raises a Tama. :-) I had a friend in High School who got into Tamagotchi for the entire year of grade 12 and it was some of the best times of my life. Friday, October 22, 2021, 12:23AM: Sylbert changed into a Tamatchi last night (it still really feels like Thursday to me). He had 175% discipline before changing and I'm hoping to get a Ginjirotchi for my adult form. :-) He is so elusive on the 2017 remake but I'm hoping that ignoring one discipline in the Tamatchi stage will get me him...! |