![]() September 2021
Part 8
Sunday, September 5, 2021: Things got really busy after August 25th with the move out of Matthew's rented house of 5 years. We are fully moved out of there now and trying to settle into our new living situations. Thankfully I'm able to visit Matt and Binks anytime I want to...! Deena the Mametchi passed away at the age of 23 on August 27, and Roald my Mimitchi passed at 19 on September 2. I didn't get around to hatching my purple/pink P1 until this afternoon. I'm raising a Marutchi now named Sylvia who is 125% disciplined. :) I'm hoping that having a Tam to care for will keep things running smoothly for me. I had a major bump in the road on Thursday after Roald passed. I've been doing extremely well since July 18th and I hope that this bump will only be minor.... I'm trying to get back to where I was before Thursday evening happened...! I'm hopeful I will do just that. :-) I want to enjoy more co-op on"Stardew Valley"with Shawn who is really into the game since I introduced him to it a few weeks ago!! Wednesday, September 8, 2021: Things with Sylvia are going well! She changed into the healthy teen Tamatchi yesterday afternoon. I ignored one of her discipline calls as a marutchi and I'm going to ignore one in this stage as well. I want anything besides Mametchi. :-) Last night she got to watch along to Shawn and I playing "Stardew Valley" and then watched several episodes of the sitcom "Mom" -- excellent show! Thursday, September 9, 2021: Sylvia is now at 100% discipline! I will ignore one of her extra discipline calls and see who I get! In the future I may experiment with ignoring all discipline calls....! Saturday, September 11, 2021: Well, even with the discipline calls that I ignored in both stages, Sylvia changed into a Mametchi at 10:00AM this morning. I am happy to be such a good caretaker, but I really want to find out how to get the other characters. I can't decide if I want to hatch another 2018 P1/P2, or if I want to raise something different. Sylvia got to see alllll the progress I made in "Stardew Valley" over the last few days! I am kinda sad that I'm reaching the end of unlocking new things.... Monday, September 13, 2021: I forgot to mention that Sylvia got to watch "Friday the 13th" (1980) the other evening. This will be the first in a long line of Halloween/Horror movies we will be watching over the course of the next month and a half. :-) I took a couple of days break from "Stardew Valley" but I am right back into the swing of things again with it now. Shawn helped me discover the value of Ginger Island which has a ton of stuff I need to unlock/discover. So excited!!! This afternoon I hatched my Devilgotchi, the black/purple one. Last year I ran my purple and white Devilgotch but I had issues with it resetting. I've named my little Devilt Tuesday, September 14, 2021: I am keeping Binks' DP (devil power) as high without going over 90 as possible! I really want the little joker looking teen which I am positive comes from good care and high DP! :) I am sure to keep the sound turned off at night as I don't want to be woken up by my Deviltchi setting off fireworks! They are quite loud! Sylvia is keeping well and sleeping from 11pm-10am like me. :) Currently both my Tams are asleep and I am waiting for corrupt data to be fixed on "Animal Crossing". This morning I got the fright of my life when my Nintendo Switch would not turn on. I had to do a hard reset (something I've never heard of/done before) and my system was up and running again. ::Phew:: Thursday, September 16, 2021: I am a little worried today because I got an email from my web hosting service saying that my domain will expire in 2 days. I have had this website since 2015 and the domain has always self renewed each year.... I contacted my host to see if they can help me but I haven't gotten an answer back yet. I really don't want to loose this domain as I am not tech savvy and don't think I'd be able to start things over from scratch/transfer all my files over to a new domain. :-( This is daunting to me. Sylvia and Binks are here with me while I try and figure this out. Binks is still in the first stage of development and I'm not sure when he will change. I'm keeping the DP as high as possible without going over. Monday, September 20, 2021: I am happy to say that an automatic payment went through to my webhosting provider two days ago! I don't remember getting an email like that before because my renewl's had always been automatic since 2016 when I did it the first time. Anyways, it is a huge relief! Not saying this website is much, but it is very near and dear to my heart and if it were ever to go under I would be so upset. Binks is currently in the Oyajiebiru stage and doing very well. I am happy to say that he will change into one of two adults who I enjoy very much -- Kabodebitchi (Pumpkin face) or Debirukotchi who resembles that of a little Mametchi with bat wings on her head. ;D Sylvia is getting a little more on the demanding side now that she has reached 17 years old. I don't expect her to live past 21 or 22 since I haven't paused her. I am unsure if I will run another 2018 p1/p2 or not. It seems hard to get anything besides Mametchi/Mimitchi for me....! Tuesday, September 21, 2021: Sylvia and Binks stayed in my Nintendo Switch bag today while I tried to go for a walk in the park. I didn't last 10 minutes before I had to turn around and go back to the car. I just can't be out in public at all lately. :-( I want to get out and be active but my social anxiety and fear of running into old coworkers really grates on my nerves. I'm trying to relax now a little and play some "Stardew Valley" but nothing seems to be helping. I even took a dose of my benzodiazapen's to see if that would help and it actually did a little.... I'm also really missing Matt's old house that he had been renting up until the end of last month. Lots of different changes going on that are hard to adjust to..... Friday, September 24, 2021: Sylvia passed away today at the old age of 21. She was very demanding over the last couple of days and I had resorted to feeding snacks for happiness. I really like the 2018 Tamas and I am debating hatching another one very soon! Binks changed into his adult form to be the character Debirukotchi AKA "Girl Deviltchi". I am keeping Binks on a regime that may get him (her) to change into the secret twin characters. :) I am doing this by keeping the DP as close to 85-90 without going over, always shaking hands with him when he asks for it, and taking as perfect care of him possible. I am thinking about updating my Devilgotchi page....! A little trick that I learned from Shawn is to increase the DP by loosing the mini game on purpose. This has been an amazing help since the DP goes down whenever I shake hands with him. I will be really excited if I manage to pull off getting the secret twins, but for now I am really enjoying this character I have. I got a free trial of the Nintendo Switch game "Story of Seasons" but I can't seem to get into it.... Kinda reminds me of the "Zelda" games which I was not good at either. I may try and give it another try between now and the next four days before it expires. Ah well, at least I didn't spend any money on it. Tuesday, September 28, 2021: I ended up hatching another P1 remake shortly after I last wrote on the 24th. I hatched a Japanese clear blue 2017 P1 Tama named Edgar! I only disciplined him to 75% as a Marutchi, and then his discipline went down to 0% as a Tamatchi. I have given him 3 disciplines in this stage and going to keep it at 75%, ignoring all other selfish calls. I think this will ensure that Edgar will change into anything other than a Mametchi!! Binks is still the "Girl Devil" character. He is 15 years of age now and I am unsure if he will change into the secret twin characters or not....! I have been following the instructions that Shawn sent me but who knows. Wednesday, September 29, 2021: I've begun to worry that Binks may not change into the secret twins but Shawn just told me that his did so at 17 years. Binks is 15 today so there is still hope!! :) Edgar is a 6 year old Tamatchi today and I have a feeling he will change after he wakes up tomorrow. I've found that all my previous 2017/18 Tams changed into adulthood right after waking up so we will see if that is the case with Edgar. Binks and Edgar have been watching along to the sitcom "Mom" with Matthew and I. It's been a long time since I fell in love with a TV show this much! We are currently on season 3 and there are a total of 8 seasons so I will be interested to see how long it takes us to finish this series. At the rate we've been going, it won't be too long! ;-) Thursday, September 30, 2021: It's been a good Tamagotchi day! :) Earlier this afternoon, Edgar changed into a Masukutchi! I'm very happy to have someone other than Mametchi this time. And for my *BIG* news: Binks changed into the twin devils, which are named Futagodebiru. I am so happy to have succeeded with this and they are so cute!!! Now that Binks1&2 have changed into their final form, I can finally let the DP go down as far as I want. No more stressing over keeping it between 80-95. :) |