![]() May 2021
Part 5
Friday, May 14, 2021: I lost all of my entries for the month of April.... But I Really didn't write a whole lot that month anyway due to the fact that my Mesutchi kept resetting on me. A friend of mine has also been visiting from Toronto so that has kept me offline quite a bit. On the virtual pet front: I am still raising my Saturday, May 15, 2021: Liz Taylor is still a Mohitamatchi and asked for her first discipline. Richard Burton will remain on pause until Liz catches up in the kodomotchi teen stage. Liz has been watching along to me playing Mario Kart 8 on the Switch today! I got this game for free with the Switch for Christmas back in 2019 but only now getting around to playing it. :) It's certainly a nice change up! Though I will still be playing Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley regularly -- It is just nice to have that little extra something to enjoy. I am also hoping that Matthew will take part with me in playing some Mario Kart 8 as I know he has been wanting to play it for a while now. Monday, May 17, 2021: Liz and Richard are still in the same form that they were the last two times I wrote. This is due to the fact that I've had to keep pausing them when I can't be there for them. I *really* hope that my Mesutchi doesn't reset again....! The only good thing is that I will be able to cross breed between TMP1 and TMP2 adults which I only ever got to try once back in 2016. Tonight Shawn and I took part in a group hatching that we discussed doing a few days ago. The Tam1/P1 came out in the USA in May of 1997 which I can't believe is now 24 years ago!!! I chose one of the six original colors since I have all of them, my white with blue trim and buttons/heavy key-chain one. :-) This one's name is Busker! It always feels so great to be raising a P1. :D The virtual pets got to see me finish all of the 50cc courses in Mario Kart 8! Now it is time to move onto the 100cc which is where, in the past, I have always given up and gotten frustrated by the difficulty to come in first place. :P I am hoping to give it a better try this time. The last time I played Mario Kart was on the Nintendo GameCube (Double Dash) which I have very fond memories of. If they released a GameCube option on the Switch like they have for NES and Super Nintendo I would be *really* excited.
Tuesday, May 18, 2021: Today Busker is still a Marutchi but he has been naughty 3 times, bringing his discipline up to 3/4's the way full. I wasn't sure if I missed a discipline or not when I was dozing on the living room couch this afternoon. Liz and Richard are still in their teenage stages but Richard is definitely older by a couple of days and will change into adulthood first. I can't wait to see which kind of babies they produce!!! More playing of "Mario Kart 8" today but as I suspected, I am having *a lot* of trouble making it through the 100cc courses.... I don't want to give up as easily as I did in my teen years but I'm not sure what will happen. I'm also having a heck of a time trying to download the game "Fortnite" for my God Child, Donald. I have been having a lot of issues since I got the SD card for my Nintendo Switch. I really have no interest in playing this game, but I will give it a try for his sake. Thursday, May 20, 2021: Busker changed into a Tamatchi yesterday evening. I was able to catch his last discipline before he changed into a teenager. Shawn got the I'm not sure who I want to try for with Busker... I could have any of the top three adults (Mametchi, Ginjirotchi, Masukutchi) since I got all of his disciplines as a Marutchi. I would be happy with any of those characters. I don't know the exact method of how to get a Kutchipatchi from a Tamatchi, but I know it would involve some neglect which I am not up to doing right now. Friday, May 21, 2021: Busker, my Tamatchi and Liz Taylor the Ojotchi are staying up late tonight since they have had to spend some time on pause the last couple of days. I began their days for tomorrow via changing the time so I'll be able to sleep in. :-) We are currently watching Matt play "Mario Kart 8". We were doing a two-player match but I decided I needed to update my journal and let Matthew do one player. We are still trying to work our way through the 100cc courses. It's been a long time since I enjoyed racing games and I definitely missed it. The virtual pets also got to watch us play "Super Mario Bros. U Delux" last night but I am not as committed to that one. Monday, May 24, 2021: Lot's has happened! In order of occurance: Liz Taylor Later: We ended up not watching the movie after and played some "Mario Kart 8" instead on two-player. After that I finished the month of summer in "Stardew Valley", and now I'm checking in on my town of Ginjro in "Animal Crossing: New Horizons". I love all of these games dearly. One game I don't plan on trying to play again is "Fortnite". Horrible game for me. I did not enjoy it one bit.... I may even delete it off my system so that I don't have to play it ever again. I really do NOT like any kind of violence in games. Super Mario Bros. is about as violent as I get for video gaming... I just want to be able to enjoy my games, relax and have fun. :) Much Later: I made a post about Liz and Richard on Tamagotchi Ancestors and Regan Wolf commented saying that it is *very* rare to go back to Gen1 babitchi like I did. I am even more happy about this now. :) I will definitely have to post updates over on the Mesutchi Osutchi webpage....! Tuesday, May 25, 2021: I'm not sure how many days the parents, Liz and Richard, will stay with the babies on Osutchi Mesutchi. I have to be sure to put them to bed each night if I pause them during the day or else the parents will not leave.... I am so excited for the babies to become MohiTamatchi's!!!! The first Gen of these Tams are my absolute favorite. On another note.... I've been thinking about hatching a second Mesutchi to cross breed with in the future. For now I am just going to stick with the one pair, though. Busker, my Ginjirotchi is 9 years old today and doing quite well. I don't think he will get sick for at least a couple of days yet if I'm lucky. Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 12:02AM: It is still Tuesday to me but here I am making a post. Busker has been keeping similar hours to me, while Liz and Richard we On a non-virtual pet related note: I finished all the races in the 100cc class on "Mario Kart 8". Now I am onto the 150cc which may take a *little* more time. Saturday, May 29, 2021: I wasn't able to write yesterday because I was too upset to talk about it. When I got up yesterday morning Liz and Richard had left their babies in my care, who I already had names picked out for. Upon picking them up, Mesutchi reset AGAIN. I decided then that I would get another Mesutchi from my collection, but then matters got worse.... Out of nowhere the Osutchi reset as well! I am beyond sad about this. I guess this is to be expected with toys that were manufactured well over 20 years ago, but it is still sad. I had been wanting to raise Mesutchi & Osutchi for months and it just was completely unsuccessful. I had plans to update my Mesutchi Osutchi page... Anyways... I am not really up to picking another pair of my Mesu Osu to raise as I just feel defeated by this. I have a bad feeling that this will become a common problem with the other Tamagotchi and Virtual pet's in my collection as time passes. :-( I forget how old these toys are sometimes and I don't want to accept it. At least Busker is still around..... He is 13 years old today and has yet to get sick because I've been pausing him. He will definitely be around for a while which I am more than okay with. That is unless this Tama decides to reset as well. Ughhhhh! |