January - March 2025
Part 37

Sunday, January 20, 2025:  So much to talk about! I have been *busy* the last week! While I already discussed this in my most recent remake Tamagotchi Blog, I feel the need to talk more about what's been happening.  I made groundbreaking progress this past week in going to the shopping mall!  While that doesn't sound like a big deal to most people, for those of us struggling with mental illness it's a massive deal!  And I actually had fun!  I really owe it all to Tamagotchi being in stores again. :-) That was initially what forced me out of my comfort zone a little. It is so much fun seeing them in the stores.

I've not been gaming as much because I've been so busy with Tamagotchi and just day-to-day life, but I've been playing co-op mode with two friends on "Stardew Valley" - so much fun with other people, and a totally different experience all together.  We meet most nights and play for an hour or so!  Fishing is still my favourite thing to do as it is in "Animal Crossing". So many games.. So little time.

I don't know when I will update this section again but I know I still have plenty to write about over in this section.  I am just obsessed with remake Tamagotchi's and currently running 7 of them, which include a DigiMon and two Angels.  Bandai made my dream come true in releasing these Tamagotchi's again. :-)

Matthew has been GUTTING the apartment of junk and it is so refreshing! We are coming up on our 3 year anniversary of moving in here on the 31st... Where have the last three years gone?! 2025 has gotten off to an excellent start..... I just hope it stays this way. I don't want to get ahead of myself.  There's still a ton of horrible stuff going on in the world and I don't want to get too comfortable.  I've decided to take part in the week long hiatus from FaceBook and Instagram!  I also joined Discord but I am not sure what to think of that yet.... Either way, a break from social media has been a breeze so far. :-)

Monday, February 3, 2025:  I've been pretty quiet the last number of days.  I'm very worried over the state of things in our world...! I don't want to bring the stress of the "real" world on here, but it's unavoidable, now more than ever...  I've always tried to look on the lighter side of things in my online life, but there's no escaping reality.  While it's nice to know that I'm not the only one who wonders why things have to be the way that they are, I can't help feeling scared and alone, and I have a whole support system of family and friends.  I can only imagine what it must be like for those less fortunate... And for anyone dealing with mental health issues everything is just amplified.  I wish things could be different for all of us who are struggling.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025:  I'm back again. :-) This month has been exceptionally okay so far, considering everything else going on in the world. For me, I've just been working on getting out a little each day, keeping on a set schedule, eating well, and enjoying life the best I can. I still have my moments where the anxiety/panic/depression is unbearable but I always manage to get through it. That which does not kill us makes us stronger! Sounds cliche, I know, but it's really true!

I started playing "Pokemon Y" version sometime last week and I'm having a great time. I am in the process of transferring all the starters (including originals) over from X version. I played through X version exactly two years ago, but I forgot most of the game so it's like brand new to me again playing Y version. I have never completed a Pokedex in my life, but maybe I will come close? :-P hehe.  I just simply love Pokemon. For a while there I was so busy with Tamagotchi that I had zero time for Pokemon or other video games, but things are kinda some ole' same ole' with the Tams lately (even though I'm currently running 6). I realized I could swing raising Tams and Pokemon at the same time so here we are. :-)

We've also been watching A LOT of TV/movies/documentaries. I was actually talking about that in my last couple of Tam logs. :-) I watched the movie "Tootsie" for the first time last week and roared with laughter.  It was one of my Dads favourite movies, but I was never interested in watching it with him when he was alive.  I found the movie sad and funny all at the same time just because I couldn't stop thinking of Dad. <3 He will be gone ten years at the end of 2025.... And this website will turn 10 this autumn.  I wish I could slow down time...! :-(

Oh, another thing I've started doing is walking on the treadmill!  Sooo much fun, and I am able to have my Tams lined up right beside me so I can glance over at them while I am burning off calories. :-) I really need the exercise!

I'm not sure about what my plans for the website are next. Katherine and I are planning to collaborate on a Tamagotchi log together, where we would both run the same Tamagotchi and write about it on the same webpage. :-) I'm not exactly sure which Tamagotchi it will be... But we are going to do *something*!

Sunday, February 23, 2025:  I'm taking a mini-break from Pokemon and video games in general while I raise a Yasashii Tamagotch, heh, not to mention 8 other Tams. :-p Send help! Just kidding...! I went on a hatching frenzy during our snow filled weekend. :-)

Thursday, February 27, 2025:  Well we are almost at the end of another month! I updated the Yasashii Tamagotch Blogs Part 3 just a little while ago. All of my other 1997 Tams are adults now too! :-) I'm looking forward to downsizing to *just* remake Tams by early March.  I've been playing "Pokemon X" a little this afternoon.....! It's hard to pay attention with so many virtual pets going, though.

Saturday, March 1, 2025:  Playing more "Pokemon X/Y" today!

Still busy with Tams, but I'm down to 7 as of just a little while ago - Smiling Angel had the bad end from turning lights off. I'd never had that happen before--oooppps! The words "Bye-bye" came up on the screen....! I put batteries in my Morino Tamagotch to make sure it still works. I plan to run this one after more of my group dies off. 

Tamabeetchi, my Yasashii Tamagotch got sick this afternoon -- I forgot that he got wrapped in a blanket to make himself better! So cute!

Thursday, March 6, 2025: New Blog Post in the Re-release Tamagotchi section... Not feeling great today.

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