October - November 2024 

Part 36

Tuesday, October 1, 2024: If this purple & pink P1 survives childhood I will be shocked, LOL! Last night the poor thing went to bed in poop, and today I let the hearts fall to two empty when I thought I had paused (somehow it came off pause in my 3DS case while out for dinner).  The remake tams are so sensitive... but Kat has lit back the flame I had for them again. :-) If I can get this one to adulthood then I will really give the remakes another chance (again)!  I know I said I'd be happy with any adult.... But I'm secretly hoping for a ginji...hehe!  Oh yes, I am also on the hunt for a Macy's clear orange original Tamagotchi!  I haven't purchased a remake in some time now but I just have to have this one. :-D  Apparently I've been a bad influence on Kat's credit card since she's purchased more tamas as well. :-P

Sunday, October 6, 2024: Yay! Purple/pink P1 changed into masukutchi yesterday! I hatched a clear blue P1 remake yesterday afternoon, and my lightening bolt P2 this afternoon!  I am getting my confidence back with the remakes. :-) I'd really love to raise a ginji on my clear blue tam!  And maybe a mimitchi on my lightening bolt one!  I will be happy with anything I get as long as they make it to adulthood.  Oh yes, I still have my 1996 P2 Sekoritchi going at the older age of 17!  He is just beginning to show early signs of demand....!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024: I hatched ANOTHER Tamagotchi original late this afternoon! This brings me up to five active Tams (4 remakes and 1 1997). I am determined to figure out what it takes to get each individual adult character (and secret).  I've also decided that I've got too many running now to keep naming them. :-P  It's gonna be kinda like the old days again, long ago in 2015 when I wrote in a lot more detail about each Tam I was running.

Right now, in order of age I have an age 1 marutchi (white Japanese P1), age 3 tongaritchi (lightening blue US P2), age 4 tamatchi (clear blue Japanese P1), age 10 masukutchi (purple/pink US P1), and last but not least age 20 sekirotchi (yellow/orange Japanese P2). I've not cared for this many originals in YEARS! :-D I might have room for one more hatch, but any more than that and I think things would get out of hand, hehe.

I am trying to figure out the amount of disciplines I need to accumulate to get a ginjirotchi. I've gotten a total of 3 ginjirotchi of the 31 remake Tams I've ever raised.  This is simply not good enough!  I need to figure out a set way to get a ginji.  I've mostly gotten mimitchi/mametchi and masukutchi/zukitchi

Well.... I have decided to start updating my 20th Anniversary Tamagotchi section now that I've officially gotten back into the remakes. :-)

Sunday, October 27, 2024: I've been doing all my writing over in the 20th Anniversary Tamagotchi section as mentioned in my last entry.  :-) That is where I will be spending most of my time now, but I am sure I will come back to this section someday.

Friday, November 1, 2024: Lots of updates over on the 20th Anniversary Tamagotchi section! I'm having so much fun. I am currently running 6 Tamagotchi Originals. I've been having lots of good chats with Joanna, Kat, Shawn, Jacob, and various other interactions with different people on the Facebook and Instagram groups.  I know I probably won't run *this* many virtual pets for very long but for now I'm enjoying it.  I've taken a break from Zelda, Animal Crossing, and Pokemon for the time being.  I'll get back to games once I'm running less Tamagotchi. :-) It's been fun taking all my Tams out with me in the Jeep!

Tuesday, November 12, 2024: Not a whole lot to write about over here lately as I've been so busy with 20th Anniversary Tamagotchi's.  I am also having issues with the Ginji's Journal Index page so that may go offline at some point when I attempt to fix it.  I am unable to access that page in my CPanel right now... Always something.  All updates will be over in the 20th Anniversary section for the foreseeable future so I don't see the use of updating here right now.  I am sure I will come back here someday when I have more to write about than just Tamagotchi. :-)

These pages created by Dennis Ryan 2015-2024
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