June 2024
Part 34
Sunday, June 9, 2024: Webster, my masukutchi of 17 years was sick again yesterday. Other stuff that Webster has taken part in: playing "Pokemon Alpha Sapphire" on the 3DS, watching more episodes of "Downton Abbey" (season 2), and yesterday he saw parts of the docu-series The Life and Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson. It was quite the watch, and I really had no idea how terrible of a time she really had being married to that monster. Very sad stuff. I'm glad that victims rights advocates are getting more vocal now! Thursday, June 13, 2024: Webster passed away last night at the age of 20! I hung Right now I am debating which color Tam I want to hatch next. I may wait until after tomorrow since I have an appointment to get my photo taken at the DMV, and I already have Daisy to contend with. I also have to get my address changed on my license. I still can't believe that the family home has finally been sold, but I am relieved. Much happier here at the apartment complex! 5:28pm: I just hatched a P1 Tam named Kevin! He resides in a clear green case with blue buttons. I was going to wait until tomorrow but I've really missed having a tam around since Webster passed away yesterday evening! :-) 9:36PM: I've been scrolling through my ginjirotchi97 instagram feed and it has dawned on me just how much the virtual pet and Tamagotchi community has grown in the last decade.. :-) I admire the people who are able to make videos, vlogs and promote the brand so well through social media. I don't think I will ever be able to do that due to my anxiety disorder. This is the only platform I feel safe on simply because it's a mostly private website that select people look at. I've been struggling with mental health my entire life, and in recent years addiction has even plagued me. I've been doing much better with substance use in the last year and a half now thankfully, but I still have slip ups now and again. The vlogs would be a lot of fun to do, but I am just too darn scared. There are even days where I am too anxious to leave my apartment, and I have not actually been in the workforce in 5 years now. I have a lot of problems that I don't get into here on this website, but tonight I felt like talking about it a little.... Maybe more another time. :-) Saturday, June 15, 2024: Well, Daisy the RakuRaku Dinokun is slowly growing! Yesterday she grew her little tail. :-) I've been feeding her noodles, carrots and apples! She is 4 years of age and 54 kgs. As for Kevin, my clear green P1 Tam, he grew into a tamatchi just a little while ago. I started playing "Pokemon Y" last night on my 3DS so the vpets have been watching me level up my group. :-D Once I get enough badges I will transfer over the other 2 starter pokemon so I can have my dream team! Right now I have a level 14 chespin starter. I will transfer over the froakie (water) and fennekin (fire) soon! I am keeping them safe over on my "Pokemon X" file. ;-) (I spent last night restarting the game to get all the starters, heheh). TV wise we started watching season 1 of "American Crime Story" the other evening. It's really good so far!! Sunday, June 16, 2024: I've been having issues with my pages lately in that none of my images, gifs or pictures show up when I go to update a page on the cpanel.... First it happened on my Lenovo ThinkPad in FireFox, then my MacBook Pro in FireFox. Now I am on my moms MacBook Air using Safari and everything is displaying perfectly.... I am not tech savvy in the least bit, and I am shocked that I was even able to create this website as it is.. I am going to try updating in Safari on my MacBook Pro later....! 4:37PM: I am back home again on my MacBook Pro and the cpanel is displaying properly 5:55PM: I totally for got to mention that Daisy, the RakuRaku Dinokun grew little legs this morning! Here she is in all of her adorable glory!! :-D Now I am going to bring both Kevin and Daisy on a little walk up the trail with us. Monday, June 17, 2024: I am taking my time playing through "Pokemon Y" version and have only completed one gym badge so far! I forgot how much fun this version was (it's been a year since I first played X version). Kevin and Daisy are still in the same forms they were yesterday but I expect changes to happen very soon. I know I am not going to get the Dino I was hoping for so I am going to have to better research which foods to feed next time.....! Either way I am happy with the way things are going because all of the adult Dinos are simply adorable and sweet in their own ways. :-) Wednesday, June 19, 2024: Matt and I went on a very small hike today on part of the East Coast Trail down in Middle Cove! Success at finally going somewhere and getting out of the c Friday, June 21, 2024: Happy Summer Solstice. :-D I can't believe the summer has finally arrived. Yesterday we had quite a heat wave pass through the city, but thankfully Matt setup the air conditioner in the bedroom. In other news, Daisy the Dino changed into her final adult form yesterday (the brontosaurus). I will have to try for the T-rex and triceratops at another time...! I know for certain the chart that I followed was dead wrong. Next time I raise a RakuRaku Dinokun I am going to feed meat only! Kevin the masukutchi is almost fully disciplined now and will likely be changing into the *secret* character in the next day or two. I do love it when I get a secret character because they are easy to care for and live a long life! Monday, June 23, 2024: It seems poor Daisy the Dino's life was over before it even started. Two days ago, I awoke to find an angel in the place of my brontosaurus. It was the 'good' ending angel. However, yesterday morning I woke to find her completely dead in a gravesite. You know she only made it to 11 years old? But she still passed away mostly full and happy. :-) I am not ready to raise another Dinkie Dino just yet... But maybe soon. In other news, Kevin changed into the secret character, Billy Clinton! I'd had a feeling that I'd be getting him since he comes around when you don't take as good of care in the child/marutchi stage. I am content with just one Tam to care for now, especially since the temperatures will be getting hotter soon! :-D I'll run duplicate pets again in the fall. I am still taking my time playing through "Pokemon Y" version and have only collected a total of 3 badges so far. I am currently working on getting the 4th badge and will then be able to use Fly to navigate around easier. I've still not beaten "Pokemon Alpha Sapphire" as I've been unable to get a copy of "Omega Ruby"...yet..! I will keep checking back. You may wonder what's the point in getting each version when I've never completed a Pokedex, but I'd like to have the option to. ;-) Monday, July 1, 2024: Happy Canada Day! It's been a week since I wrote here now, but there's not much to talk about. I still have little Kevin, my Billy Clinton as I call him. And in other news, I started another RakuRaku Dinokun 4 days ago and I will definitely be getting a different adult Dino this time. :-) I've been feeding meat and burgers only! Oh yes, I finally have gotten around to finishing my RakuRaku Dinokun page so far! This Dinokun's name is Rosey! Friday, July 5, 2024: Well, Kevin (aka Bill) and Rosey have been great company during the last few days. I got strep throat and got put on antibiotics yesterday! And then on top of this I may also have covid-19! :-/ Not how I was planning to start the summer, but oh well...! On a good note, it looks like Rosey will be changing into a different dinosaur this time since I've had her on a meat only diet. :-) I will be adding photos to the RakuRaku Dinokun page as soon as I'm feeling better. As for Kevin, he's 23 days/years old and pretty demanding now. Today they got to watch two movies with me: "Sleeping with the Enemy" and "Mona Lisa Smile"--both Julia Roberts pictures!! I always watch the same kind of movies when I am sick...! It's tradition! I treated myself to two new virtual pets today of eBay! First off I bought a pink/green w/blue buttons Tamagotchi P1, after-which I came across a GigaPet's Tweety Bird, one I've been wanting since I was a teenager. :-) I will definitely be making a page for Tweety Bird! I hope it has the regular GigaPet's programming like the Komputer Koala and Floppy Frog. Sunday, July 7, 2024, 8:08AM: Rosey changed into an adult t-rex yesterday! :-D Soooo cute! I would like to get more virtual pets from the Dinokun family, particularly the little flower one. Kevin is still plodding along at his old age of 25! Both have been great company while I've been in bed sick. I am awake early today and may attempt a small drive, or at least walk down to the parking lot for some fresh air. I have very little energy. Tuesday, July 9, 2024: Rosey the t-rex departed at the young age of 11 as per her counterpart, Daisy the brontosaurus. She is currently in the "good luck" dragon stage, which is basically the same as the death screen. I just need to raise the triceratops one and I will have gotten all the Dino's! Such a sweet little virtual pet. :-) Kevin is *very* demanding at his old age of 27, and I don't see him lasting past today or tomorrow....! I've been trying to fill him up with lots of good memories, but I'm afraid he's spent most of his time watching me be sick, and listening to re-runs on the TV. :-P 4:01PM: Poor little Kevin passed away just shortly before 4pm! At least he left full and happy.... I was feeding him when the skull appeared on the screen, and then everything faded...! I've wasted no time and have already hatched another Tam1! We've been listening to different songs by "The Supremes" this afternoon so I've named my new Tam Diana Ross! :-) She was born into a lovely rodamine red with yellow trim egg! :-D Now off I go to update my pages and history! Monday, July 15, 2024: My sweet P1 Diana Ross changed into a Mametchi last night at 7:08pm! Friday, July 26, 2024: Well, I haven't been working on my webpages much, what |