May 2024
Part 33
Thursday, May 2, 2024: May Monroe changed into a masukuchi yesterday afternoon Friday, May 3, 2024: I got a little extra sleep this morning which was nice. :-) I stayed in bed until just a little after 10am which gave me time to have my coffee and morning news fix before little miss May Monroe woke up. She's been very good company as have all the others who came before her. She got out in the car again with me today and she got to pop out of my pocket while I was at the gas station. :-D She is 9 years old, 36oz, and has 50% discipline--a very well rounded little tam indeed. Saturday, May 4, 2024: I decided to hatch a new little tam this evening at 6:02pm. Her name is Grape Jelly and she lives in a purple shell with blue border and red buttons. May Monroe is enjoying the company. :-) We've been watching re-runs of "The Conners". Tuesday, May 7, 2024: May and Grape continue to be a joy! They've been watching along to season one of "Sailor Moon" with me since Saturday afternoon. We are on episode 8 or 9 now..! I never made it past the first season back in 1996, but I had the toy wand and locket which I was obsessed with. :-) I wish I still had them today!! I need to get to bed at a decent hour tonight so I am well rested for my appointment in the morning. Wednesday, May 8, 2024: I've made a new page to reflect my most recent Tamagotchi Character History. I posted a photo of May and Grape hanging out on the game shelf! Go see! I may do individual history lists for each Tamagotchi (Morino, Angel, DigiMon, etc..) but that will be quite a task to take on...! Friday, May 10, 2024: My sweet little Grape Jelly changed into a twirling ball of joy this afternoon, a ginjirotchi! Saturday, May 11, 2024: I've been trying to get myself out of the apartment a little more, so May and Grape got to go on an adventure to the Etsy Market this afternoon, followed by lunch at McDonald's. I only lasted about ten minutes or so at the market before I got so anxious and had to go wait in the car, but it was good to get out anyway. Monday, May 13, 2024: May Monroe departed back to tamagotchi planet early this Today there has been announcement made that Tamagotchi Last night I started a town on the original "Animal Crossing" for GC! I am not sure how far I will go with it but it is *really* cute! The animals are also really saucy! LOL. You can definitely tell it's a 23 year old game based on the graphics but I still love it. I've not made it very far yet as I am still working part-time for Tom Nook! Friday, May 17, 2024: Grape Jelly is still with us, though she has gotten into the more demanding phase of the life-cycle now. The ginjirotchi are definitely not as easy to win the game with as the masukutchi, but I've still not resorted to feeding snacks just yet. Grape has been watching me play A LOT of "Animal Crossing" for GameCube this week! Ocean fishing is so hard in this version!! I've barely caught any, while I've gotten many river fish. I've created two towns on two different memory cards so that I can travel between the two. "Ginjro" is the name of my first town and "Landings" is the second one. I really enjoy the simplicity of the original version. Monday, May 20, 2024: Grape Jelly has been needing food and games a lot more now, so I decided to take her for a walk with us this afternoon. She got to enjoy the sun and a cool breeze as we walked up the walking trail by our apartment complex. I only had to feed and play with her a couple of times, so she's not that demanding yet. Now she is here with me while we try and figure out what we are going to cook for our dinner. Thursday, May 23, 2024: Grape Jelly has gotten *very* demanding over the last couple of days, so much so that her weight has gone up to 88lbs. I haven't been able to keep up with the which way game at all since the ginji is quite smart and able to outsmart me a lot of the time. Oh well.... A fat ginji is a happy ginji I say! She got to come to Marshals with me today to do some shopping, though she did remain paused in my pocket since I didn't want to risk her dying in the store. I got 6 brand new t shirts that I am really gonna enjoy wearing. :-D It's been a while since I spent any money on some nice clothes, AND they were on the sale rack so I got a bunch of shirts for a very decent price. It's always worth it to go at 10am when the store first opens--before everyone else gets in and buys the good stuff, hehe! Oh yes, and we drove around and drank Starbucks chocolate cream cold brews which were also on sale today! This afternoon we came back here after having lunch on Marine Drive and I washed my new shirts and did other laundry. Very productive day! 7:27PM: Well, my sweet little Grape is gone just like that back to planet tamagotchi! She was 20 years old and left full and happy. Bye-bye my little Grape Jelly! I hope you enjoyed your time here! Say hello to all the other tams who came before you. :-D Friday, May 24, 2024: Happy Heavenly birthday Dad! Monday, May 27, 2024: Webster is enjoying the easy-going life here with us. He got to watch episodes 5-7 of "Downton Abbey" last night. He's also been watching me practice my skills in replaying "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time". I will honestly never tire of that game! I think I have almost mastered the Water Temple..... It's where I always give up, but I am getting better at it now. This afternoon Webster got out for a walk with me. We saw the newly budding tree's and took a few minutes to stand and enjoy the river. Friday, May 31, 2024: Webster changed/matured yesterday morning into a ::drum roll::. masukutchi!! :-) |