April 2024
Part 32
Sunday, April 7, 2024: I've had all the Tams paused since the end of March since I was busy with helping Mom move into her new apartment. Then on April 1st I took a really bad lapse with my mental health and was unable to function for an entire week. :-( I won't get into the details only to say I am getting back on my feet once again. One day I will write about all this... I'm really down right now, and it really hurts, but there is a time and a place for everything and this is not the place. I need to write this down on paper... I was planting pink and white azalea bushes in ACNL today! And there are pink tree's scattered throughout the town. :-D I've also been building my Pokedex in Leaf Green again as of yesterday! I can't wait to get my copy of Fire Red as soon as I can get to the Game Xchange again. :-) Wednesday, April 10, 2024: I've finally taken my tams off pause! I will write more about this later. For now, I need to go and do some paper journal writing. Saturday, April 13, 2024: I've been doing a lot more paper journal writing as I mentioned in my last entry. Due to pausing, Norma and Gene, my V1 and V2 tams are still child characters. I finally let Tuck and Eddy depart from their babies last night, and I've named them Anne and Geer. They are currently babitchis--I'll report back later as to what child characters they grow into! I am so happy to have two sets of compatible tams! Later: All four of my tams have changed! Norma and Gene are hinotamatchi and propellertchi, while Anne and Geer changed into harutchi and tamatchi child characters. The children are asleep but the teens are still awake for now. :-) Off I go to update my Pokedex in Leaf Green! Monday, April 15, 2024: I turned on my MacBook for the first time in months this afternoon and it still works as good as it ever did. I've been so in love with our Lenovo ThinkPad that my MacBook got cast to the side, but it feels great to be working on it again. This July will mark 10 years since I got this MacBook--time is FLYING! Tuesday, April 16, 2024: I have all unhealthy teens on my V1-V3 tams, and then my V4, Anne is a ringotchi. I am playing the Dance game with my V4 so that I get a new (to me) adult character. :-) Norma, Gene and Geer are all getting average care, and quite a few snacks as well. ;-P I beat the Elite 4 in "Pokemon Yellow Version" (played on my 3DS)!! In fact, I actually beat them two times in a row. I am also almost ready to take on the Elite 4 in "Pokemon Leaf Green". I can't wait to be able to get my hands on a copy of "Fire Red Version". More on that when the time comes...! I've also been doing another run-through of "The Ocarina of Time" on 3DS. All of these wonderful games that I've only just begun to enjoy in my 30's. It's been two years since I got into Pokemon and I am so happy I did! :-D I don't want to get ahead of myself, but I am really finding the 25mg of the mood stabilizer I am on to be very helpful. I can't wait to meet with my Doctors again this month to discuss this, and the possibility of coming off another medication that I don't think I need anymore. For now, I am just going to enjoy the status quo and see how the rest of the month goes! Wednesday, April 17, 2024: I smiled a mile wide when Norma and Gene changed into their adult forms of Kutchipatchi and Toratchi late this afternoon. I got a photo of them together for my Instagram page. They are such a cute little couple. :-D More on the tams when the remainder of my group grows up!!!! Oh yes, all the tams have gotten to watch seasons 1-3 of "The Conners", and we just started season 4 the other evening. They've also been watching a lot of re-runs of our usual favourites like "Married with Children", random YouTube videos, and looking at cool pictures on gettyimages! :-) Eeee I just found a new blog named Mimitchi's Tamagotchi Blog! Can't wait to read this after I get home and eat my dinner. Thursday, April 18, 2024: I had been playing the dance game quite a bit with Anne and it paid off this morning when she changed into a maidtchi, so cute!! :-D Geer is still in the teen stage, and I think he has missed out on his opportunity to marry Anne because I downloaded my glow in the dark V4 from 2007 just now. It's a gen3 pyonchitchi named Ed! I've already connected Anne and Ed together and I think it's going to be love. I had no idea the connection animations were so adorable on the V4!!! The beeping noises they make when they visit each other is so cute! It makes me wish I had a second V3 So I could see what they were like together..... I may have to ask around the groups for a V3 now! Gosh, I am up to five connection tams running now! :-O I know I won't be able to run them all at once, but I'll give it my best try. Norma and Gene have hearts when they connect now but I don't want them to marry just yet, and I may pause them to make them stay around a little longer, hehe! I started playing "Pokemon Ruby Version" for the GameBoy Advance last night, and I'm playing it on the GameBoy player for the TV. :-) I'm still playing Leaf Green, but I decided to get a start on Ruby version since I can't find any copies of Fire Red right now... I've been going to the Game Xchange several times a week in search of those games!!! Ah well, it's always fun visiting there. I'm going to start bringing one tam out with me since the weather is getting nicer now. :-) Now, I must go and find a charm for my glow in the dark V4 since it's looking rather bare next to the other tams. Friday, April 19, 2024 11:31AM: I have a new adult on my V3!! Geer changed into a Warusotchi at 10am when he woke up. He's not the cutest character in the world but it is always nice to get someone new. :-) Saturday, April 20, 2024: I woke up just a little while ago to see my Tams were left out on the coffee table in direct sunlight. This is a huge no no since the sun damages the pixels and discolors the shells. However, upon taking them out of the sunlight I noticed that my glow in the dark V4 was glowing!!! :-D It needs to be in the sun in order to charge up and glow in the dark. Other than that, I have no news about the tams today. They are all adults and I am biding my time before I decide to mate any of them! Though I may end up mating Anne and Ed sooner because I've been enjoying connecting the two V4's a lot. Binks is enjoying basking in the sun as I write, and I am sure Mister will enjoy it later when he gets the afternoon sun in Mom's apartment. I still haven't decided if I want to move Mister over here with us... I think he is better off staying with his Mommy. <3 Later: I connected Anne and Ed and they had baby boys! I am debating if I want to mate Norma and Gene now..... Maybe they will have baby girls. :-D Poor Geer is on his own and will have to rely on the matchmaker for love. I have two badges so far in "Pokemon Ruby Version" and I'm still not ready to take the Elite 4 on in "Pokemon Leaf Green". I was busy with other things today and haven't had a lot of time to play as much as I wanted, and now I'm just tired. The days are getting longer and I feel guilty about spending so much time indoors, but this is my safe place. :-) I would not have the time to dedicate to virtual pets and video games if I wasn't at home as much as I am. Though I did manage to work a full time job once upon a time, in a totally different decade, where I brought my Tamagotchi's and virtual pets to work with me. It was a dream job at the time, but those days are no more now... I struggle to even go to appointments these days... Thursday, April 25, 2024: I've been busy the last few days and haven't had any time for the tams. I am debating taking the batteries out and continuing on with Connections another time... Maybe I will run one virtual pet at a time again! I didn't get much sleep last night because I was anxious I was going to sleep in past the time when the men were to come and replace our window. It's been quite the process, and I can't wait to be able to take a nap. I have to keep an eye on Binks to make sure he doesn't get in the men's way!
10:30PM: May Monroe changed into a marutchi and promptly went to bed at 8:25pm. She got to watch 3 full episodes of "The Conners" with us while she was a babitchi. :-) Sunday, April 28, 2024: My birthday today! It's been more of a birthday weekend since Mom, Matt and Donald took me out to my favorite Mexican restaurant, Quintana's last night! May Monroe got to partake in all of this, and she's been a wonderful little marutchi to take care of! Cool things I've gotten for my birthday so far: Pokemon "Fire Red" and "Sapphire", gift cards, cash, an electric toothbrush, and a beautiful homemade card from my Mom. I've been working on my Pokedex all morning and getting all the starter Pokemon from "Fire Red" version transferred over to "Leaf Green". :-D It's a process but it's so worth it. I am making great progress in "Ruby" version but I need to get the battery replaced on "Sapphire" sometime this week. I think I will be focusing more on Fire Red/Leaf Green for the next few days/weeks, but I bounce around a lot from game to game if you hadn't noticed, hehe. 4:17PM: Well, it looks like I am sick on my birthday. :-( I wasn't feeling great this monring, but I just passed it off as anxiety. As the afternoon progressed I began to feel really cold, couldn't get warm, and then I became very nauseated. I took half a gravol tablet and that seems to be helping a little.... Sadly I had to call off dinner with Mom and Eileen. :-( Oh well, I am sure I have lots of other birthdays ahead of me that will be better... May Monroe changed into a tamatchi this afternoon and she's been great company. :-) Tuesday, April 30, 2024: April has come to an end and a new month awaits! May Monroe is just marching along like it's 1997... :-) I will never tire of the P1/P2 tams. They are completely brilliant. :-D I photographed my original 6 colored P1 tams together this afternoon, and posted it over on my instagram page. I will post it here as well to see in all its glory! :-D Last night I caught my first EVER shiny Pokemon in "Fire Red" version; shiny sparrow! I've transferred him over to my "Leaf Green" file as I can raise him faster over there. Now I am really interested in finding more shiny characters and doing some reading on the subject. It's crazy how it's a 1 in over 8000 chances that you'll encounter a shiny which makes getting my first one even more special!! |