Sunday, March 3, 2024: I paused all of my Tams except the V4, Pouti on the evening of the 29th. I raised her baby boy, Ted on Friday the 1st and he's a little harutchi now. I've been finding having all four tams going to be a little overwhelming the last couple of weeks. For now I am just going to keep them on pause while I mull it over a little more. :-) There aren't really any other tams/virtual pets I'm interested in raising at the moment. Maybe I will just stick with the V4 and take the batteries out of the others... I can always download them back at any time.
I bought "Mario Party 7" for Nintendo GameCube on Friday! We tried it out for the first time tonight and it's pretty good. Some of the mini games are HARD! I think we will get some good usage out of this one for sure. :-) I have sooo many GameCube games I want to play, including the original Animal Crossing!

Monday, March 4, 2024: This afternoon Ted changed into a young mametchi! :-) All the tams got to enjoy off pause time today. Just to recap from February I have the following tams: Tiff (23G) the tarakotchi, Becky (44G) the butterflytchi, and Trout (12G) the wooltchi (and his baby boy). I decided I am not ready to deactivate my tams and they will just be on pause when I am too busy to care for them. :-) Oh also, Ted is at 15G!!!
We switched the bedroom over to the smaller room today since our next door neighbor is too loud in the mornings when we are still trying to sleep. It was an upheaval and I am not sure if we will be happy in the other room, but this has been an issue for A WHILE! Sadly she is not the type of neighbor who you can approach easily, and she's not all that nice. I have enough stress as it is so we just decided to bite the bullet and move rooms. I hope we don't hear her ridiculous loud base music tomorrow morning or I'll be very upset. Not a nice neighbor at all.

Thursday, March 7, 2024: Trout left his little son a couple of days back. I named him Eddy and he's a child tamatchi now. Ted is still a young mametchi due to pausing. Tiff and Becky are still waiting on matchmaker visits. :-) Now that I'm caught up with tama news, we are getting a huge winter storm warning for later today and into the weekend. We are expected to get up to 70cm of snow!!!!!! :-O I managed to make it over to Sobeys for groceries even though my anxiety is bad. Now it is time to settle in for a few days of TV, video games and maybe even some drawing!
9:17PM: Well the matchmaker arrived with a takotchi for Becky, and now she is with a baby girl, but still no love for poor Tiff. Maybe she will have better luck tomorrow! Matt and I started a file on "Stardew Valley" together for the first time ever this evening. I think with both of our strengths combined we will make a really great little farm. :-D

Friday, March 8, 2024: Snow day today, weeoo!! This morning Ted changed into a zukyutchi which is someone I've never had yet on the V4. He reminds me of a little clown! For the first time in many generations I think I have enough skill points built up that little Ted can get himself a job. :-D In other news, the matchmaker finally came for Tiff with a gozarutchi, and now she has a baby girl! Little Eddy is still a child tamatchi so maybe he can meet up with Tiff's daughter later in life.... :-) I think Becky will be leaving her little one behind this evening.ik,m
I've been having so much fun chatting with my old internet friend Jen AKA Bojko, as she was known back in the TSS ( days. We actually never chatted a whole lot one on one back in those days, but she's been on my Facebook and social media accounts since 2007. We have hit it right off lately talking about tamagotchi's, video games, music, and what we are going through in our lives! I didn't realize just how much we would click. She's wonderful to chat with and looking forward to know her better!
Alright, I am going back to playing our (Matthew and I) joint file on "Stardew Valley"! Tams will be chilling on the sidelines. :-D

Sunday, March 10, 2024: Becky is gone and I'm raising her daughter Carla. I've been connecting Carla with Eddy so that they will be partners when they mature. He changed into a nikatchi this morning! Tiff is still here with her little girl for now but she will likely be leaving tonight. Ted got a job as a school bus driver! This is my first V4 Tam to get a job in quite a while. I'm so bad that school bus mini game. ;-P Ah well, it's still fun.

Monday, March 11, 2024: Carla and Eddy are getting to know one another a little better. They are both teenagers now! Tiff was gone this morning when I got up, so say hello to Aime the marutchi. :-) She's been playing Jump quite a bit so far in her young life! Ted has not been going to work at all due to the fact that I am horrible at the school bus game.
I turned on "Animal Crossing: New Horizons" for the first time in months yesterday, but I rest my case that New Leaf is my favorite AC game of all. New Leaf is the game I've spent the most hours on out of all the games! I am going to keep working daily on my New Leaf town of Ginjro. One day I may come back to New Horizons, but not now. Spring has sprung and I am looking forward to seeing my hydrangea bushes bloom!! :-D

Tuesday, March 12, 2024: I did more drawing yesterday after I wrote here. I drew another apple to be added in the collection of ones I already did. :-) My tams spent most of today on pause since I was out of the apartment all day. Tomorrow is going to be busy as well, so by Thursday I should be able to spend a little more time with them. Oh yes, Thursday we are getting Bell Fiber-op installed here at the apartment. Matthew is done with Rogers and their foolishness.
8:20pm: I had a little free time so the tams came off pause for a bit. Ted had a visit from the matchmaker and now he has a baby boy. :-) Now off for an early bedtime for me!

Friday, March 15, 2024: I had something new happen! Eddy, my V3 tam changed into a hashizotchi this morning! :-) This is my first time having this character on the V3. Shortly afterwards Carla changed into a whaletchi, a lovely little one. What else... Oh yes, Aime changed into oniontchi this morning and then went back to sleep for a little while. I have a feeling that Ted is going to leave his son this evening. Short post today... Got very little sleep again last night.... :-/ rotten neighbors. :-o ;-[ :-\

Wednesday, March 20, 2024: I took a few days break from blogging due to the fact that I was mentally not doing well. Yesterday I started a new medication that I will be taking each night at bedtime and I think it is going to help. :-)
I've had my tams with me during all this and I have quite a few changes to write about. Let's see... Aime changed into a tarakotchi, Carla is a whaletchi, Eddy's a hashizotchi, and Ted left days ago, so now I'm raising his son, Tuck! I have equal numbers of boys and girls this time so I've been connecting Aime with Tuck, and Carla with Eddy! I can't wait for them to have babies! The hashizotchi is soooo cute on the V3!

Thursday, March 21, 2024: I tried to go to the Game Xchange today but sadly it was closed. I may try again tomorrow after I get my car back. Oh yes, a nice lady followed me to the apartment parking lot today and notified me that my break lights weren't working. I was thankful for sure...! I am not thankful for having to file a complaint against my difficult neighbor this morning... Thank God Laura is taking care of it for me.. I am just really anxious about it all... I can never stand up for myself. :-( We may even consider moving to a different unit if things get worse.
My little tams are all so cute! I love the characters I have right now. I'm just waiting for Tuck to grow up and I will have all adults then.

Friday, March 22, 2024: I woke up to the sound of Tuck changing into a debatchi first thing this morning. :-) I got up shortly after, around 9:30 and took care of everyone while I drank coffee and played a few rounds of "Mario Kart: Double Dash", and battled a few trainers in "Pokemon Leaf Green". After that I decided to connect Carla with Eddy. They began to mate right away and had baby boys!
I took my two least demanding tams, Tuck & Aime and Mom picked me up during her lunch hour. We had Tim Hortons sandwiches! Then she dropped me at the garage to pick the Jetta up, after which I drove to Game Xchange and bought the GameBoy player for the GameCube! :-D I'm having so much fun playing Leaf Green version on my mini flat screen since I got home. They had no copies of Fire Red version today so I will check back again next week!

Saturday, March 23, 2024: I've been playing A LOT of Leaf Green on the GameBoy Player for GameCube! :-D Totally worth the money and a wonderful addition to my growing video game collection. Shawn keeps telling me I need to mod one of my 3DS consoles and eventually I will... I just had to get the GameBoy Player!
I connected Tuck & Aime first thing this morning and they mated on the first try! I wasn't expecting it actually. They had baby girls which is perfect since Carla & Eddy have baby boys! I absolutely love it when I get the right number of boys and girls! :-) I paused all of them while I went and collected the remainder of my belongings from the family home. Moving day will be this Thursday for Mom!

Tuesday, March 26, 2024: I've been so tired the last few days that I've been taking naps in the afternoon. I paused Tuck and Eddy, but had Aime and Carla active. They left their daughter and son last night and I'm raising new babies now named Norma and Gene. I've even began connecting them! When Tuck and Eddy leave I will be marrying their son and daughter--works out great! I'm just too tired to have all four going at once right now.
I've still not made it back to the Game Xchange since buying the GameBoy Player last week. I'm continuing to play Leaf Green on both the TV and my GBA and it's great fun. In the evenings we've been watching episodes of the Roseanne spin-off, "The Conners" and it's GREAT! Sorry, Roseanne but I love this show, and you messed up bad. Also, one of my favorite Married with Children stars, Katey Sagal, is playing Dan's new love interest. :-D This afternoon we watched season 1 of "Don't Trust the B In Apt 23". I watched it back in 2016 and forgot how funny it was. I'd say we will be watching more of "The Conners" this evening.
8:44PM: Well I decided to take Tuck and Eddy off pause, and all four tams got to watch 3 episodes of "The Conners". Norma and Gene fell asleep at 8:00PM since they are only child characters at the moment.
I've been taking my new medication for a week now. This is my first time trying a mood stabilizer--it is 25mg of Seroquel. I am also currently taking 40mg of Prozac, and I have a small prescription for Diazepam 2.5mg that I'm able to take a couple of times per week if needed. I used to be on very high doses of antidepressants, at one point taking 300mg of Effexor. I am trying a different combination of things now and hoping it helps... I am working through my phobias of being misgendered with my Doctors and therapists, but that is just part of my mental health issues.... Anyway... I would like to write more about this again at some point, but not tonight. For now I shall wind down and play some Leaf Green or Animal Crossing.

Friday, March 29, 2024: I have been BUSY with Mom's move. We got Mister moved over here yesterday and he is so happy. :-D