![]() January 2024
Part 29
Monday, January 1, 2024: It's a brand new year! I paused my Tams yesterday afternoon and didn't wake them up until this morning. I have been playing the dance game on my V4 for the first time ever with Air. I forgot to mention that Air marks 10G on my V4 Tam!! Where is the time going at all??!! Anyways, the dance game is not as hard as I was led to believe and will allow me to get a brand new adult I've not had before. :-D More on this in the days to come... As for the other three Tams, they've been getting bad to average care since most of my efforts are on the V4 right now and mastering dance! We had a lot of fun last night! Brandon came over for dinner and video games, and we took many breaks in between to watch fire works going on around us! Our apartment has the perfect view on new years and Canada day. :-D I also got to experience new years for the first time ever on ACNL so I had the 3DS on me quite a bit throughout the evening. Soo cute! Oh yes, I am not sure that I wrote about experiencing Christmas for the first time in ACNL also--simply adorable! My Tams got to watch the fireworks on pause up in the bedroom. Brandon is going to have a loan of one of my 3DS' for the winter months! I'm going to buy a second copy of "Mario Kart 7" so that we can play together on wireless mode. I also wanna play Pokemon with him! I am going to mod my old 3DS so that I can have access to ALLL the non 3D games. I think Brandon is going to help me with this. Shawn also sent me a good video on the subject. I plan on waiting until the 3DS server goes offline permanently this year, and then I will mod and get all the games. Wednesday, January 3, 2024: I purchased the DLC for "Pokemon Violet" just before the new year! I've been getting my bearings with the game and the controls, but it feels good to be playing again. :-) Shawn is a wealth of knowledge as always! I made it to the ogres cave last night before I called it a night....! Will see what happens next. My tams have been getting mild to moderate neglect, but then other times I tend to their needs and coddle them. It's hard to tell who they will all become character wise. I am still really in love with the V4! :-D I've gotten pretty good at the dance game--I actually quite enjoy it.
Christmas is all but over now sadly, gone too soon! But we are going to leave the Christmas lights and decorations up just a *little* longer. I will enjoy them a lot this weekend if we get the big snow storm that is supposed to be coming our way! Friday, January 5, 2024: We are in the midst of our first winter storm of 2024! I still cannot believe it is 2024. Anyway, before the snow started this morning the rest of my tams grew into adulthood. Cielo is a gozarutchi, Bell is a masktchi, and Shar is the osu character billotchi! I'm happy with all of these characters. :-) As for my V4 Tam, Air, he got a job as a hairdresser today, a job I've not yet had. The tams all got to watch one of my favorite movies late this morning/early this afternoon, "Sister Act". All kinds of movies on Disney+ that I haven't seen in years. The other day they got to watch "Mrs. Doubtire", another longtime favorite. :-) Monday, January 8, 2024: Things have been BUSY the last few days! I managed to get my car dug out from all the snow with the help of neighbors and snow removal hired by the building. Then it was time to take on the big move of all the Tamagotchi, virtual pets, Furbies and stuffed animals from the family home. I am getting them all settled in here at the apartment! My Mom will be moving *really* soon into the same condominiums as us, but she will be going to be in a different building (there are 5 buildings total). I am so excited to have her close by! I have mixed feelings about the family home being sold but I'm honestly ready to let go of it. I never felt the same about the place after my Dad passed away inside the house back in 2015. I wrote a bit about that back in my Tamagotchi Blogs page, when it was all happening and the pain was fresh.... My grandparents lived in the house from 1972-1994, after which my parents immediately bought it. I lived there up until I was 29 in 2019, which wasn't all that long ago. Either way, I have had lots of time to transition away from there, and now Mom is ready to do the same thing. :-D Among all the things I've moved over we have: Micropets, Furbies, tamagotchi's, Giga Tuesday, January 9, 2024: As mentioned in my second last entry, I have all adult Tams now. They are getting very close to the age where they will be ready to mate! I've been working up love between Bell & Air, and Cielo & Shar. I had to replace the battery on the V4 this afternoon, but other than that things have been smooth sailing. :-) 3:53pm: After quite a bit of connecting I managed to mate Bell & Air, followed by Cielo & Shar. All four tams have baby boys so it will be a matchmaker generation next time! Friday, January 12, 2024: I've been continuing to pause the tams quite a bit, but I make a little time for them all each day. I've been pausing them before bed so that the parents don't leave--I'm not ready to deal with all those babies just yet! I am still playing the DLC for "Pokemon Violet" but I haven't made it too far. I've been getting distracted by other things like "Mario Kart", "Mario Party", and "Animal Crossing", the classics. I've also been busy preparing for the house to get gutted out and ready for sale with Mom. I will be going over there this weekend to continue the big purge. Sunday, January 14, 2024: I let Bell, Air, Cielo & Shar all leave their baby boys behind at midnight on Saturday. I've been busier than usual lately so I've only been able to raise one baby at a time. I started yesterday with the V4 who I named Tate, and he is already the teen character of gourmetchi. This morning I decided to move onto the V3 baby who I named Vilet. He is currently a mizutamatchi. I will get around to raising the V1 and V2 babies in the coming days. :-) I brought the remaining items over from Mom's place yesterday and I think the rest is all going to be purged/sent to good will. I have gotten all the Tamagotchi and virtual pets moved over now so they are all safe and sound. I have some organizing to do, but more importantly have to help Mom get everything sorted for the move. There are currently people over there viewing the place and I am waiting to hear from her. 3:51pm: I just named the baby on the V1 Jub and raising him through the babitchi stage. It's cold and icy outdoors so I decided to stay in! We also organized some more of my things that I brought over from Moms. 4:48pm: Jub is now a marutchi and since I am in full relaxation mode I've decided to raise the final tam, the V2, who I've named CJ. Wednesday, January 17, 2024: I've been pausing all of the Tams this week except for Tate, my V4 tam. Tate changed into a togetchi yesterday morning, the same one I had last generation! I love this little character so much. :-) I didn't raise any of Tate's skill points during his life so far, only playing jump-rope with him for happiness. He failed all five job interviews this evening, but I told him he doesn't have to work if he doesn't want to. As for the others, they all grew into teens only through being off pause during sleep hours. Jub is a hinotamatchi, CJ a propellertchi, and Vilet a hashitamatchi. I've not had time for any of them while helping prepare Mom to sell the house. I've also had very little mental energy to play any video games, but maybe it's nice I take a little break from it all. The Volkswagen Jetta is running wonderfully, but I think Mom and I are going to go in on a vehicle together once she sells the house! We have our eye on a 2024 Toyota Rav4 with AWD. Up until 3 years ago I had a Ford Escape with 4WD and loved every minute of it. I think the Rav4 is going to be a good pick for us. Anyways, I am trying to build up lots of memories and drive the Jetta as much as I can now. I'm gonna keep it going for as long as I can, but there will be no more repairs made to it now. Matthew is happy about the prospect of an automatic vehicle so he can try and learn again. :-) More on this when the time comes. Thursday, January 18, 2024: I woke up shortly before 8am this morning and have just been sipping coffee while playing a little "Pokemon X" on the 3DS. I started the game all over again and chose a grass starter this time! I've also been slowly playing the DLC for "Pokemon Violet". I've been wanting to make a trip to the Game Xchange now for days but just haven't gotten around to it yet. Right now it's snowy with windy conditions... Right now the only tam awake is Tate! The others are all unhealthy teens and won't be awake until 10am--late sleepers. :-) I got a little GigaPets Floppy Frog (2023 version) for Christmas this year. I initially started him up right away but never played much with him. It's just been sitting on the reset screen for the last month. I decided to start it up today! It is much the same as the 1997 version with updated animations and sounds, very cute little virtual pet. I am unsure if I am going to keep it going or not since I have 4 tam connections going at the moment. I think I finally have everything the way I want it in the Game Room here at the apartment. I took a really sweet picture of it last night in the dark with my mushroom light and lighthouse plugged in. (Click on picture to right to see it larger) It is very cozy and comforting in here especially since almost all the Christmas lights have been taken down now for another year. It's also a lot of fun playing the switch on the projector at night in here. :-) Saturday, January 20, 2024: I had quite a few changes happen today! First off I woke to the sound of Vilet changing into a character I've had before, but not on the V3. He changed into a pipotchi from mesutchi! :-D So cute! I got up and made coffee, played some "Mario Kart 8" on the switch, had my shower and ate breakfast. Then I had two more changes: first Jub became a hanatchi, and then a minute later CJ became a kabutchi--the osutchi equal of pipotchi! I'm really delighted with all of these adult characters. I also must mention that Jub was a hinotamatchi (unhealthy) teen so I know now that I can get hanatchi/androtchi from both teens. I kept Jub's happy hearts full always, but always let him beep at me for food. This is sadly the only way to get these wonderful characters! It's been freezing here! Yesterday it was so cold that the car almost didn't start. It is days like these which remind me how old the Jetta is. Once it got warmed up enough I went on a nice drive, and I think we are going to do the same thing today. Sunday, January 21, 2024: As much as I love my mesu/osu characters on the V2 and V3, I think my favorite of the group right now is Jub, my sweet little hanatchi. :-) It took me years to figure out how to get this wonderful set of characters so I think that is another reason I love him so much. The Tams have been getting to watch parts of the show "American Horror Story" season 2. It is a really great show, but there's certain scenes I just can't/won't look at. I had no idea there were so many seasons (11 and counting) so I anticipate we will be binging a lot of episodes over the coming weeks!! Jessica Lange is my favorite person in the entire show. Monday, January 22, 2024: I missed a number of visits from the matchmaker for Tate since she doesn't stick around for more than 10 seconds or so. I find this very strange. Anyway, I finally had to take matters into my own hands and reset the time to 7PM last night when I missed it a third time. Tate now has a baby girl! The others will be matchmaker ready in the next couple of days. :-) Thursday, January 25, 2024: Tate left his baby girl on Tuesday morning, but I didn't get around to raising her until just now. Her name is Elain! My other adult tams are on pause for the time being as I've been busy with other things. Sunday, January 28, 2024: Elain is growing into a fine young woman! She changed into a ringotchi this morning while I was still sleeping. :-) I am playing the shapes game with her so she changes into a healthy little mimitchi! So cute! My other tams have all been paused, but I took my V1 hanatchi, Jub off pause today to keep Elain company. They've both been watching me play "Mario Kart Double Dash" for GameCube. :-D After all these years I finally found my GameCube with MKDB inside of it. Actually, Mom is the one who found it! I knew it would turn up during the move, and it did.
Well, Elain and Jub watched *a lot* of "Mario Kart: Double Dash" today! I unlocked several new cars, characters and tracks! I never got this far with it back in my teens, but then again I wasn't as much of a gamer back then as I am now in my 30's. :-) I plan on purchasing more GC games this year now for sure. I'm not sure if I mentioned that I found my copy of "Luigi's Mansion" last week down at Mom's. It feels good to have found every single thing I've been looking for now for years. :-D Monday, January 29, 2024: Elain is still a ringotchi but I anticipate a change into adulthood first thing tomorrow morning! I can't believe it is already the end of January. Matt took down the last of the Christmas mini lights last night as it is bad luck to have them up past Jan. 31st. Binks took it upon himself to sit on the pile of mini lights (was he trying to tell us something?). How could that be comfortable?!? He really is the sweetest. We are expecting heavy snowfall today! Even though I don't work or go to school I still get excited for snow days. :-) I am debating going and getting a Starbucks cold-brew before the storm starts, but my gut is telling me to stay put. I ordered pizza and garlic fingers from Greco last night so I won't go hungry during the storm, hehe--lots of leftovers! Tuesday, January 30, 2024: Elain is now a mimitchi! Yay! I've decided she will marry Jub when she is old enough, so my V1 will remain on pause for now. As for the others, the matchmaker came for Vilet, who now has a baby boy. I'm still waiting on a matchmaker visit for CJ. I have time for tams again since the weather has been so bad! I did some shoveling earlier but have decided not to go out anywhere today. Why risk the roads unless I *really* need to go somewhere. I am hoping things will be back to normal tomorrow morning for when I drive to my appointment.. Speaking of which, I'm a little nervous for that.. Hoping I'll feel better afterwards! I'm going to write some notes, so that I don't forget anything. Later: CJ finally had a visit from matchmaker and now has a baby boy as well. :-) |