Wednesday, November 1, 2023: It's the beginning of a new month and already lots to talk about! I didn't get back to update the end of the October blog yesterday because we were busy with Halloween festivities. Yesterday at exactly 3:12pm Cordl and Bean made baby boys! This works out perfect since Kris left her daughter last night. Now she has her pick of two men later in life. :-D How lucky is she?! I've named her daughter Sia--she's a hitodetchi. I would write more but I got both my flu shot and covid booster this afternoon and I am so groggy and fluish now. More tomorrow.

Thursday, November 2, 2023: My Entama changed into an itchigotchi this morning! I still see this as a 'healthy' character but it's an unhealthy one on this version. Cordl and Bean left their sons last night--I named them David and Jacob, and they are a marutchi and mizutamatchi. Then shortly before noon Annie changed into a little girl looking character named ponitchi. I wonder what kind of job she will end up with?? I'm continuing to play the shapes game with her to build her intelligence. :-) I was awake most of last night with fever, chills, shakes and horrible aches in my legs. :-( I spent most of today on the couch napping on and off with my Tams at my side. We watched the movie "Keeping the Faith" but I slept through most of it. Other than that there's nothing to report for today. I'll be going to sleep early tonight so I'll be refreshed for volunteer work with Mom tomorrow morning. :-D

Friday, November 3, 2023: There's never a day that something doesn't happen in the lives of Tamagotchi Connection. David, Jacob and Sia all changed into teenagers today. In the order of their names they are: hinotamatchi, hashitamatchi and propellertchi -- all unhealthy teens I believe, but I am SO happy to see little hashitamatchi from P2. :-D I got him while walking through an aisle at the super market! So adorable. Then while I was on my break this morning during volunteering, Annie got a job as a scientest--a job I've done before but really enjoy. She will be bringing in some serious gotchi points if I work as much as I did in the previous generations. I love the V4 so much that I wish I had bought more of them back in 2007..... but I am at least thankful to have this one. :-)

Sunday, November 5, 2023, 7:43pm: The matchmaker brought a gozarutchi for Annie this evening. I messed around with the time a little prior to that in hopes of getting a kutchipatchi but with no success. Annie has a baby boy now! Oh yes, and I almost forgot about my Entama--she became the adult character of violetchi/flowertchi. I think my days with the Entama will be coming to a close soon as I am not as interested in it as I am my American Tam Connections. This will bring me down to a comfortable group of 4 Tams. Everyone is currently taking their bath except for Annie who is brushing her teeth. :-) Today I used my 3DS carry case to bring the Tams outside in! It works great--much easier than carrying a bag around which I am getting tired of. Gaming wise I've just been keeping up on ACNL and playing a little "Mario Party 3" in story mode. It was well worth the wait! I think it is my favorite Mario Party game to date. :-)

Monday, November 6, 2023, 7:34pm: I have all adult Tams now! This morning David and Sia changed into mametchi and memetchi, and then Jacob changed late this afternoon into a character I've never had before, a hidatchi. He is such a cute character, smiling a mile wide. :-D He kind of reminds me of ginji in that way he just smiles and is adorable in every way. I'm always happy to get new characters, but even more so when they are as cute as this little one. The Tams mostly hung out in the living room today with the gerbils while I made homemade spaghetti sauce this afternoon. Then I had to pick Mom up at the garage and she came and had dinner with us. A great day all around! Now it is time to wind down and possibly play a little ACNL and watch an episode of "Friends" (season 7). I am determined to watch all the series once and for all!

Tuesday, November 7, 2023: Annie left her son behind last night. I've named him Paps and he is a puchitchi. I finally got a child besides a harutchi! I am taking bad care of Paps so that I get one of the universal teen characters. I'm not sure if I mentioned that I'd been connecting David and Sia quite a bit. Well, late this afternoon while connecting them they began to wiggle around and I knew it was baby time! Sia gave birth to two baby boys. :-) Jacob will have to rely on the matchmaker for a wife! The Tams all stayed home today while we went out for a walk up the trail--too cold for their little shells. They did get to come out in the car this morning, though while I drove around and brought Mom to the garage to get her car back. Then they sat by and watched as I folded laundry, and Binks kept insisting on jumping in the basket, hehe.
I took the battery out of my Entama today and now I am down to a comfortable 4 Tams running. I will definitely play this Tam again someday but for now I am happy with my English connections (V1-V4). Shawn is already talking about the V4.5 and V5 to me but I am just not ready for those ones yet!

Thursday, November 9, 2023: Paps changed into a hinotamatchi yesterday morning. I'd so been hoping for a little obotchi but maybe next time.. I haven't done anything with the skill points in this generation on my V4, having fed all snacks in the child stage. We shall see what Paps turns into tomorrow for his final adult form....! Then this morning when I woke up, David and Sia were gone. I am raising Finn and Jaspr now, a kinakomotchi and a kuribotchi child characters. Finally, this afternoon the matchmaker came for little Jacob. I could not identify the character by name, but it was one I hadn't seen before. Either way, Jacob has a baby boy now. All four of my Tams are now boys with no hope of mating in the future of this generation... C'est la vie! I guess I could connect them all a bunch and make them little gay Tams! :-D :-P
Last night Brandon came over to play video games! First we played "Mario Party Superstars" for the switch, followed by a really good round of "Mario Party 3". It had been a while since we played the one for switch and I forgot how good the graphics are. :-D Tonight I am probably going to continue on with story mode in MP3. It's a lot of fun! I like it just as much, if not more than the first two for N64. :-)

Saturday, November 11, 2023: Paps changed into a gozarutchi yesterday morning during volunteering! Shortly after that, Finn and Jaspr changed into young mimitchi and ufo-tchi. I am *hoping* for the little robot adult, adrotchi. :-) It is so hard neglecting them like that! I had to take Tylenol PM before bed last night due to a headache.
This morning I woke up to see Jacob's baby boy all alone. I've named him Reeve and he is a mohitamatchi now. Then just a little while ago Paps got a job at the hospital! The game is the exact same as the notes game on V3, only you are catching little hearts and avoiding the skulls instead of music notes and poops. :-P So cute! I've managed to 100% it 3 times in a row now. I'd say Paps will be bringing in some good gotchi points tomorrow! We are currently watching the Remembrance Day ceremonies live on NTV together.
We played more "Mario Party 3" this afternoon when Maria was over! Matthew beat us both, hehe. I am still playing story mode when I'm by myself. :-)

Sunday, November 12, 2023 4:18PM: Reeve changed into a young mametchi this morning! Maybe I'll get the new mametchi again like I did last month on my V4. :-) Other than that there is nothing else to report for today. I played more "Mario Party 3" this morning and unlocked a new game board. :-D Now I am trying to decide which Tams I'm bringing out to dinner tonight. I will update again later!

Tuesday, November 14, 2023: Yesterday afternoon Finn changed into the robot, androtchi just as I had hoped! Shortly after that Jaspr changed into a whaletchi! I had been hoping for one of the other unhealthy adults but I do love having the little whale again. :-) I am working on getting both their weight down since they became adults. Reeve is still a young mametchi, and Paps the gozarutchi is awaiting the matchmaker, making good money working his hospital job! I've not come across any new items on my V3 or V4 in the last few days, but I am always saving up points just in case. ;-D
Lots more cleaning and organizing going on around the apartment! I sure do love a good autumn cleaning, just in time for the holiday season. We will be putting up some Christmas lights now in the next few days. I've not been venturing out much the last few days because my car muffler needs replacing, but tomorrow I will be borrowing Moms car so I can get to my weekly appointment. I can't wait to get my car fixed!
7:10PM: Paps just had a visit from the matchmaker. She brought him a sebiretchi from the kutchipatchi family!! Now I will have a better shot of getting a kuchi family adult in my next generation. :-) I am very happy!
10:17PM: I played the slot machine game with Jaspr right up until he fell asleep at 10:15--strange bedtime! I also forgot to mention that Paps had a baby boy earlier. I was so excited over getting a mate from the kutchi family that I forgot to do the baby gender reveal. :-D Now it is time to wind down for sleep--early rise tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023: I have all adult Tams now! Reeve changed into a violetchi this afternoon. I had been hoping for the new mametchi like I had on my V4 last month but that is ok! With one of each version running I am sure I am going to see a lot of different characters over the coming months. :-) I finally got Finn and Jaspr's weight down to a normal level (39-40lbs), and Paps is still here with his little boy. I hope I get an even balance of boys and girls in the next generation so I don't have to rely on matchmakers. Those will be the next major events in these Tams lives. The Tams have been watching "Hoarders" with me this afternoon on Plex! We are currently on season 3 and many more to come. They also got to watch me play some of the newly added tracks on "Mario Kart 8" this morning; the 'Acorn Cup' and the 'Spiny Cup'. My absolute favorite race track is in in these ones (DK Mountain from NGC)!! :-D I even managed to beat the 'Acorn Cup' in 150cc! Yahooo!

Thursday, November 16, 2023: This morning when I woke up Paps was gone. I got up around 8:30am and named the baby Jello. He is a mohitamatchi to my joy, who could possibly change into a young kutchipatchi!! :-D I would be so happy! Jello got to watch the morning news while he was in the baby stage. This afternoon at 3pm the matchmaker came for Finn and Jaspr--they both have baby boys now. Reeve is my only shot at getting a baby girl for one of these boys in the next generation, and if not, that is okay too. :-)

Saturday, November 18, 2023: Yesterday while I was volunteering Jello changed into a young kutchipatchi. I am so happy to have finally gotten him! I am working on his kindess skills by playing the flag game so I can get an adult kutchipatchi. :-)
This morning Finn and Jaspr were gone when I woke up and I've named the two boys Pork and Chop. :-D They are now marutchi and hitodetchi child characters! I'm hoping to use the same care method that I used in my last generation to get a hanatchi. I learned how to get the androtchi/hanatchi way back in 2018 but then I stopped playing with my connections. I am hoping to see more of these two wonderful characters now that I am back to playing with them again.
This afternoon at 3pm the matchmaker arrived for Reeve, and he had a baby boy! I just can't seem to get any girls, ah well! I almost forgot to mention that I caught the Thanksgiving turkey chasing after Reeve twice today. ;-D Sooo cute! We have all of our Christmas decorations up in the apartment now so that's been nice. We are currently listening to Christmas songs on the Alexa dot and playing "Mario Party 3".

Sunday, November 19, 2023: This morning Jello changed into a kutchipatchi! I got exactly who I'd been hoping for. :-) Not long after, Pork and Chop changed into a hinotamatchi and propelertchi, a normal occurrence with V1/V2. I may neglect Chop in hopes of another 'unhealthy' adult like whaletchi. I feel like there are still a lot of characters I've not had on the V2 simply because I never neglected my characters (it doesn't come easy to me). I'm going to do the same with my V3 I think! Speaking of which, Reeve is still here but I think he will be leaving his baby boy behind tonight.
The Tams all got to watch the movie "Red, White & Royal Blue" this morning--cute lgbtq movie! I might even watch it a second time because it was better than I had anticipated. They also got to watch me beat story mode on "Mario Party 3" yesterday, and now I've moved onto 'normal' story mode. I want to fully unlock/beat the game! It's my fave MP game to date! Then last night I made a good purchase: "Super Mario Party" for nintendo switch which includes red and blue joycons! :-D I've been needing a new pair of joycons for a while now so it was a good deal for me. I got both the game and joycons for a total of about $140 Canadian dollars. Very excited for these to come!!

Monday, November 20, 2023: This morning I slept in till after 10:30 which is unusual for me these days. I had a panic attack last night and needed to take something for it so I overslept a bit. Reeve's baby boy was all alone when I woke up. I've named him Allen and he is a kutchitamatchi--my first time having this one on my V3. It seems different to me that he is a child character instead of a teen, but that is what he changed into after the babitchi stage. After that Jello got a job at a restaurant--so cool! If I work up his skill points enough then he may change into the secret character. :-) I'm not sure if I want to or not. I do love my little kutchipatchi. :-) Now I have to go and get myself ready to bring the car into the garage.... Wish me luck!

Tuesday, November 21, 2023: I slept in again today until after 10:30 and missed the morning news show I love to watch, arg! Shortly after getting up, Allen changed into a hinatchi, a teen character I had many times before on my V2. I always thought he was a cute little guy. :-) I wonder who he will grow up to be....! I think the car will be repaired shortly and just waiting on the OK to be able to pick it up from the garage. :-D

Thursday, November 23, 2023: I was busy volunteering yesterday so I didn't get a chance to update. I got my car back last night! :-D And I got some great adult characters. Pork and Chop changed into kutchipatchi and torotchi! I think torotchi is definitely my favorite character on the V2. He really reminds me of ginji so I think that is why. :-) I just posted a cute video of him being chased by the Thanksgiving turkey over on my instagram page, hehe. Then last night Jello got a visit from the matchmaker, she brought him a yattatchi which is definitely in the kutchi family. :-D Jello has a baby girl with him now. I hope my newest adults have a baby boy so I can do some connecting in the next generation. The matchmaker is great, especially since I know the three times she comes throughout the day now, but I just really enjoy connecting my Tams and having them fall in love. The tams have been watching several episodes of "Hoarders" the last few nights. And they've been watching along as I work through story mode in normal on "Mario Party 3". Earlier this afternoon I paused everyone except for Jello, who got to come for a drive and get Starbucks. :-)

Friday, November 24, 2023: This morning when I woke up Jello was gone and her baby girl all alone. I named her Brie and she is a mizutamatchi. I didn't have the best day today and ended up napping in the afternoon. Going to be an early bedtime tonight and hopefully a better day tomorrow. :-)

Saturday, November 25, 2023: This morning while I was still sleeping, Allen changed into a bunbutchi, a familiar face indeed. :-) This is my first time getting him on the V3 so it was exciting. Then once I was awake and making coffee, Brie changed into a young memetchi. I am neglecting her so that I'll get one of the universal adults, but it is so hard to purposefully neglect. It's the only way I'll get something other than ponitchi or violetchi. Now I just have to wait on matchmaker visits for Pork and Chop. :-)

Sunday, November 26, 2023: The matchmaker came this morning for Pork and Chop. Pork has a baby girl and Chop a baby boy! Yay! Finally a mate-able pair for next generation. :-) All four Tams came on a driving adventure this afternoon which included a smoothy from Booster Juice, yum yum.
I got the fright of my Tama life tonight when I heard unfamiliar beeps coming from one of my Tams. Brie, my V4 Tam was in the process of dying and there was nothing I could do. My connection Tama senses quickly tuned in and I hit the reset button and was able to download Brie back. I lost a full day as the time went back to 9am this morning. I had been neglecting her so that I could get one of the universal adults, but this has always been the reason why I hate neglecting because they end up dying like this. I had this happen on my purple V1 several times over the years and it always upsets me loosing my generation history. I would have been so upset if I came in and found her an angel on the screen! Brie is asleep with full hearts and I don't care which adult I get now. :-p

Monday, November 27, 2023 7:50pm: Things are going much better for Brie now, though I am still neglecting her a *little*--I am just not going overboard with it like yesterday. The spare room has come along so nicely and it will be where I write these blogs from here on. It feels wonderful to have my own little spot. :-D Here is a picture of my little setup to the right. It is even better than I had imagined, and I will be posting more photos as we decorate. Matthew is going to make shelving to go around the walls for us to put our favorite things--Tamagotchi's, video games, stuffed animals etc.. :-) The new projector will arrive in the next couple of weeks and then we can really make the most of this room and the new couch. So much to look forward to!!!

Wednesday, November 29, 2023: I've had a rough couple of days dealing with some personal problems, but I am really lucky to have such an amazing support system to help me get through this. And I have little Tams to look to when the stress is just unbearable. There is lots to update about my group, so I will just jump right on in here. Yesterday morning Brie changed into a masktchi (yay!!) and she now has a job as a school bus driver (which I'm having a difficult time figuring out). Also, yesterday morning Pork and Chop left their baby girl and boy behind. I've named them Shein and Toby; they are marutchi and hitodetchi child characters. :-) I am going to start connecting them and building up some hearts between them. The final thing that happened yesterday was the matchmaker brought a wife for Allen and now he has a baby girl. Now that I am up to date on everything, I am going to try and go rest a little. I may pause the Tams since I am really not feeling the best at all. I hope things smooth over SOON.
Later: we are in the midst of our first official snow fall. Plows are out on the roads, salting trucks are going by, and the lights are flickering...! I am going to get some candles ready just in case we loose power. :-) I am glad I'll be able to use my cellular data as internet so I can still post blog updates here. :-D

Thursday, November 30, 2023: The snowfall didn't really amount to anything, but there is a lovely white blanket covering outdoors today. :-D It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas! This morning Allen's baby girl was all alone on the screen. I've named her Lacy and she is a sweet little tamatchi. I cannot get over how cute it is to see little tamatchi moving about the screen like this. On the P1 Tams the tamatchi marches in on place. Shein and Toby both changed into oniontchi's this morning, a normal change. Brie the masktchi is the only adult in the group at this time. She will be my late night Tam while the others go to bed early. :-)
Personal wise things have been better, but I have Matthew, Mom and several others supporting me through a difficult decision I had to make. I know it was the right thing to do, but it still really hurts... Trying to keep busy and move forward! Tomorrow is a new day and a new month, which means we will be moving onto Part 28 of Ginji's Journal! :-)