![]() September 2023
Part 25
Friday, September 1, 2023, 2:16PM: It's finally September 1st which means my favorite time of year is once again here! It really feels like autumn today with a high of 11 degrees! Impa, my little Takotchi is still here due to my pausing her so much. I have her here with me now and I expect her to leave today if I don't pause her. She got to watch me play a lot of Pokemon Sword, Animal Crossing, and a little Zelda last night. She also got to see parts of the movie "No Hard Feelings" on Wednesday evening. :-D So funny!! I didn't take her with us on our walk up the trail this afternoon due to fear of her dying in public, eeek! Sunday, September 3, 2023: Impa passed away this evening just shortly after 10PM. She spent the day watching "Forensic Files" while I played Animal Crossing and Zelda. :-) A good last day! Matthew was watching some kind of Paranormal show when Impa took off in her little space ship! Poor little thing... I will never understand why Bandai didn't let the unhealthy characters live just a little bit longer....! Now I need to figure out what virtual pet I want to raise next! I am debating taking on the Yasashii again! If I follow the notes I got online I may be able to get the healthy teen. Monday, September 4, 2023: This afternoon I went and visited Moms house and picked up my Yasashii and Ocean Tamagotchi. I decided to hatch my Yasashii at 3:55pm, who I've named Calvin. I will be following instructions from a girl I met on Instagram to get the healthy teen. :-) I am literally going to have to check on the meter every 10-15 mins to make sure the hunger and happiness hearts don't drop below one. I am also going to have to pause Calvin at night and make sure I get the discipline meter to 50% or above. This time I've decided to feed snacks in the babitchi stage since there are some theories that say high weight can bring the healthy teen. I always found that feeding snacks made the Yasasshii get sick more, but I could be imagining this. I have a copy of the notes in a google document that I am going to post over on the Yasashii page (eventually). Since I am going to be paying very close attention to Calvin, I am not sure how much gaming I will be doing over the next week, hehe! 5:08pm: Calvin just changed into a Hoppetchi after a little over an hour in the baby stage. I think I am going to play games now to keep him happy. :-) I will experiment with weight gain in the future. Tuesday, September 5, 2023: Things seem to be going well with Calvin so far! I have given him three disciplines so far by putting him to sleep and waking him up again as per instructions I am following. I just need to give him one more discipline and he will be at 50%, the minimum requirement to get the healthy teen. I've been trying for the good teen since I first got my yellow Yasashii in October 2009 -- longgg time ago! Once I do get the good teen, I will have lots of information to add to my Yasashii section. He seems to drop a hunger heart every 20-25 minutes in the hoppetchi stage. I have been pausing him whenever I know I can't be available to fill the hearts as needed. :-) I just HATE that flashing red light that continually blinks whenever I have to pause the Yasashii. It sends my OCD into overdrive! :-/ Wednesday, September 6, 2023, 9:20AM: I've been keeping a very close eye on Calvin. I don't think I could take better care of him if I tried! I have aged him 4 times to get the discipline meter up. Right now his discipline meter is at 75% and I am happy with that. Now all I have to do is make sure his hearts NEVER fall below one empty. I tried the aging technique years ago to get the discipline up, but failed because I let the hearts drop. This time I have high hopes, but if I fail I am going to keep on trying. :-) ::Good teen plz:: I am up early today since I was supposed to go volunteering down at Moms office. I wasn't able to make it today.... My anxiety has been bordering on agoraphobia lately, getting worse by the day. I took a panic attack while driving yesterday and caused Matthew to miss an appointment at the DMV. This afternoon I have to bring him to a doctors appointment and I am hoping that goes alright. I just need to hang on until the 14th when I can get in to see my psychiatrist. Medication increases/changes will definitely be in order. Thursday, September 7, 2023: Today has been an incredible day for me in my Tamagotchi history! This morning at 10:49AM the moment I've been waiting for came after 14 years of trying. I got the healthy teen, Meruhetchi! :-) After all of those Yasashii Another thing has gone down this week in Tamagotchi History for me. Last night I bought my second ever color Tamagotchi! We went over to Game Stop after eating dinner at Swiss Chalet (since it is in the same parking lot), and it's become kind of a tradition to go there after we dine out. The last time we went I bought myself a P1 remake. This time I bought myself the Tamagotchi Uni, the newest Tamagotchi on the market right now. I was reluctant to buy it at first but something told me to just go for it. :-) I already have a teenager character -- he hatched as a babitchi and then changed into a child an hour later, and just a few minutes ago he became a teen! Shawn has been giving me all kinds of tips. I've not used the pedometer function and taken my Uni for a walk yet. I am going to watch Ra Tamazones video to learn all I can about this cute little Tamagotchi. But right now I am just so excited over my Yasashii Tam that I am going to do the bare minimum with my Uni right now. :-) Friday, September 8, 2023: I've already gotten my first adult on the Tamagotchi Uni. He changed into a Mametchi about an hour or so ago! I am only getting around to taking him for a walk for the first time this evening! I took him on a street walk and he collected several items which I couldn't identify. I got a care icon for bringing him on his first ever walk. :-) As for Calvin the Meruhetchi, he is doing just fine! I am taking perfect care of him and checking on him a lot more than I need to. I've aged him 3 more days and gotten his discipline up to 75%! I am not sure which adult I will get but I don't care. I am still just so happy to have finally gotten that healthy teen character. :-) I am not sure if I will get his discipline all the way up to 100% or not... I am excited to see who Calvin grows up to be! :-D Both Tams got to watch the last two episodes in season 2 of "And Just Like That" with Matt and I this evening. Carrie's little kitten is adorable!! They have also been watching a docuseries on youtube with us called "Born Naughty" about children who are in fact not naughty at all but suffer with disabilities -- very interesting watch! I've not been playing much video game wise the last few days because I've been busy taking care of Calvin hehe. :-) Though I did turn on Animal Crossing New Leaf today and the trees are starting to *slowly* turn to their fall colors! Saturday, September 9, 2023: Calvin the Meruhetchi now has 100% full discipline! This, of course, is only because I have artificially aged him so many times. I was missing one discipline as a Hoppetchi, but you only need 50% discipline to get Meruhetchi apparently. I am going to experiment more with this in the future, but for now I am going to focus on taking the best care I can and see what adult I get. :-D Calvin is currently watching an episode of "The Carol Burnett show" with us--sooo funny! Monday, September 11, 2023: Calvin changed into a Pantarotchi last night, a character I have had before a few times, but I am quite happy with. Now that I have finally achieved getting the healthy teen there are only two adult characters left for me to get: a Mametchi and the little girl chipmunk looking character! I am very excited to get these characters, but I am in no rush. :-) I know it is possible so that is all that matters. I've really fallen in love with my Tamagotchi Uni. I have been testing out a lot of the other features now that I am not as focused on my Yasashii Tam! I love the fast food game, and I have purchased a ton of different foods and items. Today I married my male Mametchi off to a female Mimitchi (she had a little pink bow on her head -- simply adorable). I now have a baby boy in my care, feeding him bottled milk for nourishment. The babitchi stage lasts an hour and I am unable to play mini-games with him during this time. I'd write in more detail about the Uni but there is still a lot that I don't know about these newer Tams! Wednesday, September 13, 2023: Calvin is still here at the age of 15! His real age is actually more like 9 or 10 due to the fact that I aged him several days to get the discipline level up. I know he won't stick around for much longer so I am enjoying whatever time he has left. As for my Tamagotchi Uni, I got the adult of Kutchipatchi a little while ago and he is sooo cute! I've always been a fan of Kutchipatchi on the P1 and Connection. :-) I love his color adaptation just as much! The Tams have been watching me breed blue hybrid roses all afternoon in Animal Crossing: New Leaf! I finally managed to get the ever so difficult blue rose. :-D Last night I took my blue US Ocean Tamagotchi out of its packaging (boy it has seen better days), and unfortunately the sun faded pixels have gotten much worse since the last time I ran it in 2016. :-( I am so sad about this because other than the faded pixels the Ocean works perfect in every other way.. I am asking around a few places to see if someone, anyone can fix the screen for me. I feel like I have nothing to loose at this point. The Ocean is basically unusable for me in this condition... I had debated switching a Japanese screen out into my US one but I chickened out two years back. I also have a white US Ocean that worked for a short time but no longer turns on. I like the look of my US models better than the Japanese Umino Tamagotch's. I hope I can figure something out. I really can't justify spending the money on a new US Ocean. Plus they are even more impossible to find than Yasashii, Devil, and Santa. Speaking of Santaclautch... Another holiday season is going to be quickly approaching and I'd love to get my hands on one after all these years!!!!!!! It is one of the only 90's model Tams that I am missing from my collection. I may need to sneak a peak on japanyouwant later....! Saturday, September 16, 2023: Calvin left two nights ago in his little space ship at the age of 16 (real age 10). I haven't gotten around to starting a new Yasashii just yet since I need to be ready to give a good three days of diligent care-taking and never letting the hearts drop below one empty. It is no easy task and I compare it to that of Ocean Tams! I still have my sweet little Kutchipatchi on my Tamagotchi Uni! He drops hunger hearts way more than my Gen1 Mametchi did, but I am happy to oblige to his needs. :-) I will write again when I am ready to raise another Yasashii. I am also going to dig out my Devilgotchi again soon since it is getting to be that time of year. We already put up some orange pumpkin lights. :-D Tuesday, September 19, 2023: I've still not gotten around to starting a new Yasashii! Now that I know just how diligent I need to be, I need to wait for a time of the week when I know I can dedicate a good 2-3 days of 24/7 constant care to the child stage. I also have to make sure I age it enough to get the discipline up. I am still caring for my Uni Tamagotchi and it is on the 3rd generation. I got a female character this time and she is in the teen stage now. I've not gotten to fully experience the Uni yet as there are *a lot* of functions I've not even looked into yet. Maybe I wasn't ready for such a new and complex virtual pet...! Today my copy of "The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds" arrived in the mail from Amazon! I started a file up right away but was immediately in need of a nap, so I haven't gotten too far yet. More about that game as I get further into it! I think I am really gonna like it. :-D We are really in the spirit of autumn/fall/Halloween and have the bedroom and living room decorated with orange and purple mini lights, along with a couple of sets of pumpkin lights. This is my favorite time of year, so many fun holidays and festivities to look forward to. :-) I can't wait to let that cool, autumn air blow into the bedroom, just as soon as we get the air conditioning unit taken down. Wednesday, September 20, 2023: It's the last day of summer and I took the AC unit out of the window just now! The lovely fall air is blowing into the bedroom. I am still not up to raise the Yasashii yet -- no point in hatching until I am ready! I am going to get my devilgotchi next time I am down at Mom's since that doesn't require the same amount of care that an Ocean or Yasashii does. Tis' the season for Devilgotchi's! Might even get a hatching on the go this year. I will make a post later and see if anyone is interested over on the Tinkerville page. :-) 3:51pm: I just got the urge to start a remake Tam so I hatched my 90's design blue/pink P1! Now that I know how to get the unhealthy teen on the remakes it opens up a lot more characters to me! I still haven't had the secret characters on the remake Tam P1/P2 yet! I am feeding snacks while s/he is in the babitchi stage. 6:44pm: I've decided to name my new Tam Irene after a witch who just popped up in "The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds 3D". Little Irene changed into a marutchi at 4:59pm and has asked for one discipline so far! Oh yes, and my little Uni changed into a little girl character with long green hair -- really cute! :-) I nearly forgot to mention that I've been updating my instagram that is dedicated to this website. My username is ginjirotchi97 and I post a ton of Tamagotchi and virtual pet photos over there. :-) I also have ginjirotchi.ca linked in the website bio. Pop on over if you feel like it. There is a newly added photo of Irene over there. :-D I need to make a link for my insta on the main page like I did with Facebook and Twitter! Alright, off I go to play a Link Between Worlds again. Saturday, September 23, 2023: Irene changed into a Tamatchi first thing this morning after she woke up! I've been taking very good care of her since I want a character that will live for more than 7 days. As for my Uni, it is a Gen4 adult whom I cannot identify at this time. I will have to look at the growth charts and come back here to update after. I bought two 3DS games at Game Xchange yesterday: "Mario Tennis Open" and "Mario Party: The Top 100". I've been playing quite a bit of Mario Tennis so far and haven't played much of the Mario Party -- I am not sure if I am going to like it or not. I told Matt it is gonna be soon time to start our long list of Halloween movies. :-D Irene and Uni are in for a few frights! Oh yes, Irene and Uni got out for a walk with us just a short time ago. We walked the Virginia River trail and the warm autumn breeze blew gently, and the smell of fall leaves just starting to turn on the trees. I love bringing my virtual pets on walks with me. :-) Monday, September 25, 2023: Irene is still a Tamatchi and I still have the same adult character on my Uni! I picked up my Devilgotchi (black/purple) from Mom's last night along with my clear purple Umino Tamagotch. I think I am going to start the Devil over the next few days, or I may wait till October 1st! Thursday, September 28, 2023: Irene changed into a Mametchi yesterday morning! I was honestly expecting a Masukutchi because I missed some disciplines and let the hearts drop below one a couple of times. I still need to get the secret characters on the remakes so another time I am sure I'll get masukutchi/zukitchi! This afternoon at 2:13PM I started my Devilgotch, a yearly tradition. At 2:15 a Devil Zukitchi appeared on the screen, and now begins the 2023 journey of my Devil Tam! After looking to my Tamagotchi History page I've concluded there is only one character I've not yet gotten--King Deviltchi! I don't care who I get this year because all of the characters on this Tam are just so cute! :-D I have 3 Tams in my care now: P1, Devilgotch and Uni! |