Tuesday, August 1, 2023: Here we are into the final months of summer! I can't believe August is here... this means we are closer to the cooler days of autumn that I love so much. Th at being said, we won't wish our August away! As I said yesterday, my Nano Kitty, Miss has been watching me play a ton of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D. Yesterday I took it upon myself to start a second file and I think I can say that I have the first (child) stage of the game down to a tee, and even the Forest Temple as an adult! I am very pleased with myself that all the practicing paid off, and it is soooo much fun! Other games she's been getting to see are Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Super Mario 3D Land, and Pokemon Sword (the very beginning of the game, just started it Sunday). I know Shawn wants me to play "Spyro the Dragon" but I am just way too obsessed with Zelda right now, hehe.
Later: This afternoon I took a nap and when I woke up, Miss Nano Kitty looked ever so slightly different in size and shape! I love how the Nano's continue to grow even after the age of 7! I am definitely interested in buying a Nano Baby now to see what the growth cycle is like on that one. This fall I also plan on running a variety of other virtual pets such as GigaPet's, RakuRaku Dinokun, Bobo Panda Byte, Nano Puppy and the Dino! I am also going to raise some of my P1/P2 remakes as I've taken a small break from them since the start of 2023. :-) Oh yes, and I am *still* going to keep trying for that healthy teen on my Yasashii Tamagotch! Even after a quarter of a century, my 90s virtual pets still keep me busy, and bring me great joy!

Sunday, August 6, 2023: I didn't have the heart to write about this two nights ago, but Miss, my Nano Kitty of 18 years reset on me! I remember this being a problem for my Nano Puppy, even back in 1997 when they were 'new' toys. I have restarted my Nano Kitty several times since Friday night and it keeps resetting on me. I may try tightening the screws a little to see if that helps. What makes me the most sad is that Nano's can live up to 28 days if you take good enough care of them. Miss still had time left! Well this afternoon at 3:16PM a new Nano Kitty was born. I tightened up the screws a little, but not so much that I won't be able to get them out again. I am hoping this will allow me to raise a kitty to its full life-span. I've also decided to name her Miss again. :-) She is currently watching me do a walk through tutorial of the water temple in the Ocarina of Time 3D! I have been spending way too much time playing video games, so much so that I have cramps in my leg from physical inactivity... ooops! Once I update my pages a little I am going back to playing the water temple again, hehe.

Monday, August 7, 2023: I think my Nano Kitty should have a better chance at living a fuller life this time since I tightened the screws yesterday! ::knock on wood:: I can't remember how long I got my Nano Puppy to live for back in the fall of 2019 when I last played it. Either way little Miss is off to a good start in life. :-) Poor Impa, my Takotchi is still on pause. I will probably spend some time with her off pause tomorrow while I do laundry over at Moms! I also can't decide if I want to raise a remake or not after Impa goes on her way...! Anyways, back to Zelda I go. :-)

Tuesday, August 8, 2023: Today we made a trip to the video game store and I purchased a used copy of "The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask" for 3DS. I am not ready to start this one yet as I haven't finished the Ocarina of Time, but we were there and it was available so I bought it to get it out of the way. This afternoon the vpets have been watching Matt play "Mine Craft" on the switch! Impa is getting some awake time! I am currently having a little break from Ocarina of Time since I am having A LOT of trouble with the Shadow Temple boss....!

Friday, August 11, 2023: I've been sleeping in a lot this week so my Nano Kitty gets neglected for the first part of the day. I fear this will lessen my chances of getting her to live for a full 28 days! I can't remember if I got the Nano Puppy to live for 28 days or not.... I'd have to read back to my 2019 posts over in the Tamagotchi Connection section as that is where I was writing before I started Ginji's Journal. I still want to get my hands on an original Nano Baby to complete my collection. :-)
I just read back to a post I made on November 29, 2019 and I did get the Nano Puppy to live to be 28! I have very little memory of this due to the fact I was not writing in much detail during that time....! I also have no pictures of the growth process for that one. I've definitely done a better job at keeping tabs on my Nano Kitty. :-)

Monday, August 14, 2023: I beat the Ocarina of Time last night! I couldn't believe it. I had to fight Ganandorf and restart the game 3-4 times before I actually beat it. :-) I wasn't aware that a "Master Quest" would be unlocked once I beat the game, but I am giving that a try now -- much harder! I am not sure if I will ever be able to beat it on the N64 but who knows! It takes lots of practice! My video game and virtual pet hobbies are not something I share with my health care professionals.... I know they would not approve!

Wednesday, August 16, 2023: My Nano Kitty is still alive at the age of 10! Hopefully she won't reset on me this time! ::knock on wood::. She hasn't been getting out much because I've not been leaving the apartment much lately. She will be coming with me tomorrow afternoon to Mom's work so that will be good. Mostly I've just been playing Zelda and trying to get the courage to move onto Majora's Mask! I keep replaying certain parts of Ocarina because I just *love* it soooo much!

Sunday, August 20, 2023: My Nano Kitty reset on me again yesterday... ::sigh:: I am closing the book on this virtual pet for now as it is just so discouraging when they reset like that. I'm having second thoughts on raising the puppy or the dino since I just hate when they reset on me! My P2 Takotchi, Impa is on pause in a hard protective case.... I don't have the heart to let her go right now. I am also really struggling again mental health wise and I am hoping my GP appointment tomorrow will help ::fingers crossed::. I've taken a little refuge in playing the new to me "The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D". I am *slowly* getting the hang of it. :-)

Monday, August 21, 2023: I'm waffling over which virtual pet I want to raise next and I'd say it will be next week before I make up my mind. This is a very busy week for us so I don't want to start a virtual pet only to have it be neglected. I put my Nano Kitty back in the packaging last night so it will be safe and sound til the next time I want to run it.
Last night I got extremely frustrated with the first temple in "The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask". It is sooo much more difficult than Ocarina of Time and I don't know if I will be able to beat it or not. I am relying much more heavily on YouTube walk-through videos than I did with the other game as well. I am hoping it gets easier!

Thursday, August 24, 2023: I am literally just existing through this entire week. I have been having a very difficult time leaving the apartment and attending any kind of social gatherings. This weekend we have to attend a wedding and I am really nervous! Once I get through that I plan on raising another virtual pet of some kind. I keep forgetting I have Impa (p2 tam) on pause so maybe I'll spend some time with her this afternoon or tomorrow....! I started the game "Luigi's Mansion" for 3DS two nights ago and I am enjoying it *a lot*. It brings back good memories of when I played it on the GameCube many moons ago, but I didn't get very far back then hehe. Majora's Mask was just getting me down in the dumps and I needed something a *little* more light hearted. :-)

Monday, August 28, 2023: Today Donald and I went to the Game Exchange store in search of Zelda games -- they didn't have what we were looking for: "Zelda: Links Awakening" for the switch and "Zelda: A link Between Worlds" for 3DS. I think I am just going to download the switch one since it's an available option. As for the 3DS one, I will just have to wait until I can get a copy. I am very interested in playing the Links Awakening game since I saw Donald playing it today. :-)

Wednesday, August 30, 2023: Impa has been enjoying time off pause the last two days! I know she won't be around for much longer... Last night she got to watch me playing "Pokemon Sheild" on Nintendo switch. Matthew had some kind of documentary on about UFO's. When it is time for Impa to go she will be departing in a UFO as well. :-D Soo cute! We are expecting a hurricane to come our way today here in NL. It is most definitely the calm before the storm out there right now...