Sunday, July 2, 2023: Alfie has been involved in the summer experience! On Friday evening he got to eat outdoors for dinner with us--we had Quintana's (local Mexican restaurant) and it was delicious! Mom and I ordered the assorted platter and chicken fajitas! Last night Alfie got to watch two different sets of fireworks for Canada day, going on in different directions from our apartment balcony. :-) Today he's been chilling out with me while I play ACNL, Pkmn Alpha Sapphire, and Super Mario 3D Land! I've taken a break from all Mario Kart games for now as it was causing me A LOT of pain in my right wrist--all that hard pressing down on the A button. I don't think you actually have to press that hard...But I can't help it! I will only play MK when we have friends over now.
Alfie got sick this afternoon so that means he might be changing into the secret character later on today. I fully disciplined him as a tamatchi so I am not sure if I will get Bill or not... Only time will tell!
Later: Yahoo!! Alfie changed into the secret character, Bill shortly after 5pm this evening. I haven't seen this guy in ages. :-) Well it looks like Alfie will be sticking around for a while longer than I thought! Now back to my beautiful 3DS I go. :-)

Tuesday, July 4, 2023: Alfie got to watch parts of three movies yesterday! First we watched one I'd never seen before: "Riding in Cars with Boys" (2001), then "Girl, Interrupted" (1999), and "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" (1975). I've always enjoyed sharing TV and movies with my virtual pets. :-) He's also seen episodes of "Murphy Brown", "All in the Family", "And Just Like That", and part of the first episode of a new series called "Glamorous" staring Kim Catrall. I am not sure if I am going to like it yet, but I'll give it a try since I love her!! I've been trying to take it easy on the gaming since I don't want my bad wrist acting up again (too much Mario Kart), but I've been doing daily checks on my ACNL town and waiting for the trees to get dark green. :-D

Thursday, July 6, 2023: The trees turned a lovely dark shade of green in ACNL today! I will never forget noticing this for the first time when I was playing in the summer of 2019 -- one of my favorite things about the game! And much more! :-) I started a new (to me) game last night on the 3DS: "The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D". I made a small attempt at playing this on the N64 section on Switch almost two years ago and barely made it to the Great Deku Tree, haha! I am going to give it a better shot now. We shall see how this goes...!

Wednesday, July 12, 2023: I've not said a whole lot about Alfie during his life so far due to the fact that I've been busy offline AND I am totally addicted to "The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D"! I was also house sitting for my Mom last weekend and going to be again tomorrow. Mister is an elderly cat now so I don't want him to be left on his own. I've been playing Zelda any chance I get and watching youtube videos to help me along my way! I am also getting a much needed break from playing Pokemon, but don't worry -- I've not given up on my Pokemon journey. :-) Anyway, Alfie has gone into his more demanding phase now and I've resorted to feeding him snacks for happiness.

Friday, July 14, 2023: Lots to write about! I have fallen completely in love with the Ocarina of Time Zelda game. I've tried to compare and contrast between the N64 and 3DS version, but there was just one issue... I needed a N64 switch controller! I am not sure if I have written this before, but I've been looking for a N64 switch controller since they were first released at the end of 2021. Thanks to the ugly scalpers out there I was unable to get one on either of the releases. They literally all sold out within minutes each time! Anyways, two nights ago I decided to check Nintendo's website and what do I see? You got it, the N64 controllers were in stock! I spent the 100 bucks and got one immediately and it will be here on Monday! Yes yes yes! I will also enjoy this controller for when "Mario Party 3" finally arrives to switch online. Just when I thought I was going to run out of games to play, I got into Zelda. :-) I am also going to be playing "Spyro the Dragon", a game I bought on sale from the Nintendo Eshop! Shawn will be guiding me through this one.
Alfie is mighty demanding now but I don't mind since snacks do not affect his health (he's a 1997 Tam) and it's a quick and easy feeding whenever he beeps. He's been watching me play a ton of Zelda and last night he got to watch part of the movie "Four Weddings and a Funeral", staring Andie MacDowell and Hugh Grant. :-) Now we are waiting for our skip the dishes order to arrive (nachos and pizza)!

Sunday, July 16, 2023: I'm back at the apartment and it's good to be home. :-) I had a really nice time at Mom's while she was away and got to spend good quality time with Mister (my childhood cat). Alfie has been beeping up a storm now for days...! I've definitely had better care-taking moments, hehe... Either way, I always tend to his demands and I want to be sure he lives out his full lifespan. He is 24 years/days today so I know time is limited now.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023: Alfie died/left/went back to Tamagotchi Planet at the old age of 26 this afternoon while I was waiting for Matt to come out of the paint shop. He was mighty demanding and I'm sorry to say I didn't take the best care of him in his last days. Either way, he got to watch a lot of "Friends" and saw me play through the first part of "The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D" (that was a major reason why he got neglected so much hehe). I am undecided on what Tam/virtual pet I want to raise next...!

Thursday, July 20, 2023: This afternoon at 4:35PM Impa was born on my lime green & yellow P2 Tam! She is named after one of the 'good' characters in "The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time". :-) I got my N64 Switch remote in the mail yesterday so Impa will be watching me play a lot of Zelda. I was actually playing some Mario 64 when Impa's egg hatched for old time sake! The remote is awesome! Love it! We are in the midst of a heat wave here now so Impa will be keeping cool with me in the bedroom where the AC unit is. :-D Thankful! Impa will be in bed asleep by the time it is cool enough to go and enjoy fresh air on the balcony... Though the heat warning is in effect until 11:30PM!!!!

Saturday, July 22, 2023: I've done three care mistakes with my Tonmarutchi, Impa and I am hoping this will bring me the beaked teen! I paused her this afternoon while I visited Maria in hospital as it's too warm and humid to be carting virtual pets around. In other news: I got a Nano Kitty in the mail yesterday and I took it out of its packaging and tested it -- works perfect! I am not sure if I am going to do a full run with the Nano Kitty right now. I usually enjoy running my GigaPet's and Nano's in the autumn months. I am just so glad it came and works! :-D Once our boarder moves out at the end of 2023 I will be changing that bedroom into a gaming/computer/virtual pet/clothing room. I certainly don't want to wish away the summer or fall months but I have big plans for that room, hehe! At least that will be something to look forward to in 2024!

Sunday, July 23, 2023: Sometimes life can be so stressful that even my sweet virtual pets can't even bring a smile to my face. And my virtual pet's are pretty sweet right now! Impa changed into the Hashitamatchi early this evening, and Miss, my Nano Kitty is still in the same stage that she was when I started her two days ago. I've decided to keep this Nano Kitty going. :-) I could use the extra company right now, hehe. I named her "Miss" after my cat of the same name who sadly passed away 4 years ago this coming August. Where has the time gone.... Anxiety is bad right now so I am not up for writing much more. My virtual pets are also all asleep now so I may go sit on the balcony and play some games on my 3DS! There's Miss and Impa sitting together earlier outside on the balcony. (Click the image to see it larger in all its cuteness!)

Monday, July 24, 2023: Miss grew bigger today! She is 2 years old and 3lbs and just has the slightest change in appearance. It is so nice to be caring for a brand new (to me) Nano pet! I plan on getting the Nano Baby to complete my collection sometime this year. Miss and Impa got out for a drive today and they traveled along in my Nintendo Switch carry bag. Impa is also in a Japanese hard case for extra protection! I might even bring them out for a little walk later but we will see how brave I am. ;-) Shawn will be taking care of image sprites for me and I might make a page dedicated to my Nano's! For now I will just be writing about Miss and my other Nano's in this journal. I forgot to mention that I missed a discipline call for Impa last night while on the phone with my Mom. My chances of getting a Hashizotchi adult form have definitely gone down now....

Monday, July 31, 2023: I cannot believe it is the last day of July already! I do like the summer time but I will be happy when the cooler fall temperatures arrive. We've actually been getting a taste of fall here the last couple of days since the temperatures have gone down considerably and haven't needed the air conditioner on...! My mental health has been in the gutter which is why I haven't written in exactly a week. I haven't said much about poor Miss, my little Nano Kitty who is 9, going on 10 years this evening! I think she is in her final adult form now, very cute little cat. :-) She has been watching me play hours upon hours of Zelda Ocarina of Time (both 3DS and N64 versions) and last night she got to watch the movie "Friends with Money". Oh yes, my P2 Tam Impa changed into the adult of Takotchi last week and has been on pause since then. I don't have the heart to just let him live his life out in the span of one day. The unhealthy adults just don't live long enough... So most of my efforts have been going to making sure Miss is full and happy at all times. :-)
I don't have a whole lot of plans for the rest of the summer... I am really not an outdoorsy person and I've never been all that physically active. I am looking forward to the end of this year when we no longer have a roommate and will have more privacy. I am planning to turn that room into a computer/tv/video game/virtual pet room. So excited! :-D