![]() June 2023
Part 22
Thursday, June 1, 2023: I can't believe it's June!!! We are having our typical spring weather--kinda feels like fall which I don't mind at all! Lumpy got to go on driving adventures with us today, running errands, getting starbucks and such. He called for discipline (75%) at the very end of the excursion. This morning he was very good while I played Animal Crossing: City Folk from about 10am right up until 1pm when it was time to get my shower. I donated enough bells to get the fountain project on the go, and I've paid off my second mortgage. It won't be as easy to earn bells selling fruit in this game, but I am still enjoying it a lot. Let's see what else... OH yes Pokemon! I have made some more progress in "Pokemon X" and becoming one of my favorite versions to date! Saturday, June 3, 2023, 1:46am: Still feels like Friday night to me! Lumpy is doing well and I've been waking up at 9am for him each morning. I caught all of his discipline calls and he changed into a tongaritchi late this afternoon while I was dozing on the couch. His hours are 9am-9pm now! As I said before, I am really hoping for a mimitchi! Lumpy got out in the car again today. Matthew and I helped Brandon move some furniture for his upcoming air bnb business! Brandon came over this evening, but we didn't play any Mario Party. (We are really hoping that "Mario Party 3" gets added to Switch online *soon*!) Brandon is going to get his Nintendo Wii 'jail broken' and get access to all SNES, N64, GameCube, AND Wii games (He knows a guy that will do it for him). I don't think I am comfortable having this done with my system, but hey I will enjoy it if it happens for him!! There are so many games that they haven't added to the Switch online bundle that it makes sense people would want to jail break their systems. I really want them to add the Pokemon games to the Game Boy and Game Boy Advance online. I'd be in heaven!! Still Saturday, June 3, 2023, 8:48pm: I Played a lot of "Pokemon X" today, but Lumpy did get out with Mom and I this afternoon for Starbucks and a little drive around downtown. I was worried I would miss a discipline while we were out on the go so I kept a close eye on him the whole time. Some more good news today: I won Top Contributor on the Tinkerville Facebook group. :-) What an honor! Some of the greatest people are on that group including the creators of Tamagotchi Planet, The Mouse House Tamagotchi Page, and of course Tinkerville! As a teenager I always wanted to make connections with these people and now I know every single one of them! I love this aspect of the internet so much -- finding common interests with like minded people. :-D Lumpy has been missing our late night TV watching. We are on the last season of "Three's Company" now and just started season 3 of "Murphy Brown" -- such a great show! I've not been pausing this Tamagotchi at all, the same way I did with Angel Tamagotchi last month. Not pausing makes me commit to a sleeping routine better! I'm hoping for a mimitchi so Lumpy's hours will be 9am-10pm. :-) Sunday, June 4, 2023: I don't know if I will get a mimitchi or not with little Lumpy. This morning I woke up at 6AM and came downstairs to play Pokemon and have a cup of coffee. By 8AM I dozed off on the living room couch and slept until noon! I was out cold so I don't know if I maybe missed a discipline call? As it stands now he is 5 years, 22lb, 75% discipline and full hearts, so I guess time will tell...! Monday, June 5, 2023: Lumpy changed into a mimitchi at exactly 6:45PM this evening! Yay! More about what Lumpy and I have been up to later. For now I have to keep my momentum going with "Pokemon X"! Tuesday, June 6, 2023: Well Lumpy is very easy to care for as an adult! I've missed having a little mimitchi at my side. :-) Last night he got to watch me beat the Elite 4 in "Pokemon X"! What an amazing time that was! The graphics were actually amazing to me and I'm hard to please at times. ;-D All around amazing! I am sad that the badge earning is complete since I never want my games to end. I am debating what game I want to do next as I am not content lately unless I have my head on a video game screen! I really can't believe I've been playing Pokemon for over a year now. Time flies when you're having fun! 5:00PM: Well I decided to start a new file on "Pokemon Ruby Version" for Game Boy Advance. I played this one a year ago and did squat with the Pokedex, so I am going to give it another go. Even though I just finished playing Alpha Sapphire last month, I am kind of wanting to play the GBA version. I just started so we will see if I want to commit to replaying this or move onto something else....! I'm missing having the 3DS in my hands so we will see what happens. 6:22PM: I am not sure if I am feeling the GBA version of this game...! I need to think long and hard about where I want to go with my Pokemon journey next.... Perhaps a switch version would be more appealing right now? Though I am definitely not ready to start "Pokemon Sword" on the switch yet. I really think I need to replay something.... I just don't know what yet! Friday, June 9, 2023: Well it has been another difficult few days. I haven't been up to writing, and I have even gotten burned out from playing too much Pokmeon. I hope I don't regret purchasing the brand new 3DS that I paid *way* too much money for on eBay. Hopefully by the time it comes I will be ready for business again. Little Lumpy has been a gentle presence through all the stress that has been going on. I was escaping in Pokemon and Animal Crossing as much as I could, but I finally burned out completely last night. :-( I guess there is no escaping reality.... Life is just so hard sometimes. Saturday, June 10, 2023, 12:56AM: Early morning hours, burning the midnight oil! Just when I thought I had gotten burned out with gaming, I realized I had just gotten burned out with Pokemon. I am not sure if I ever mentioned before that I was planning on trying a Zelda game at some point. Tonight I began my first ever journey in The Legend of Zelda "The Minish Cap"! I am really enjoying it so far and have already obtained the earth element and I think I am going to call it a night. Tomorrow (or later today) I will be moving onto the road to Mount Crenel. Little Lumpy is going to be doing *a lot* more gaming with me by the looks of it. :-) Sunday, June 11, 2023: I slept in until after 11am this morning, and when I picked Lumpy up from my night stand he was sick, and had poop next to him. He's 12 years old now and on his way into his old age now. He still has about 10 days worth of time left, though! I've been playing more of "The Minish Cap" and I am really enjoying it. I definitely needed a break from Pokemon, but I will get back into that again when my Mario Edition 3DS arrives! :-) I plan on doing a full re-run of Alpha Sapphire and X version! Then I will move onto ultra sun/moon. I think I am also going to have a lot of fun with the 3DS Zelda games. So exciting! Monday, June 12, 2023: I gave up on "The Minish Cap" last night and began "A Link to the Past" on SNES. I am enjoying this better than the other one even though it is WAY harder. I am actually amazed that I finally took the plunge and started playing a Zelda game. There are even still days where I can't believe I got into Pokemon! I am hoping to have the same amount of fun and enjoyment with Zelda that I've had with Pokemon! :-) Lumpy has been part of all of this. Oh yes, Lumpy has also gotten to watch me play the new race tracks on "Mario Kart 8" for Switch -- so much fun!!! Once I get to 150CC is when I usually loose my spark for all Mario Kart games. The online tournaments are also a lot of fun! Lumpy got to go for two drives today, but he's mostly been watching me play Zelda. :-) I'm not feeling the best this evening so I came up to bed before Brandon arrived. He and Matt are playing the Switch, so I am doing some research on "A Link to the Past". Some have told me to try and do it without walk-through help and others tell me it is necessary... Perhaps a little of both! Before the internet was readily available, people had to just figure it out for themselves! Saturday, June 17, 2023: I haven't said much about Lumpy in about a week now, but he is still here at the age of 18. He was sick again yesterday, and his hearts are dropping way more frequently now. I have also been feeding him more snacks -- his weight is up to 64lbs! Stuff Lumpy has been up to: he watched me play a lot of Zelda "A Link to the Past" at the beginning of the week, but it is HARD! I have been back to enjoying "Mario Kart 8" again lately and trying to beat the 150cc courses. I've also been playing both Animal Crossing "City Folk" and "New Leaf". I've not checked on my "Wild World" town in a while now...! Stuff Lumpy has been seeing on tv: "Three's Company", "Murphy Brown" (just started season 4!!), news channel and some youtube videos. I've not been spending a whole lot of time on the computer at all. In fact, this is the first time I've logged onto my cPanel since Monday!! Lumpy stayed on pause for an hour this morning while I visited Maria in the hospital. This was my first time seeing her in person today..! I am sure we will arrange more visits soon! Monday, June 19, 2023: I am trying to give little Lumpy lots of good memories before he departs soon. He is 20 years old today and I have completely given up on playing the game with him, easy as it is. I've been feeding him lots of snacks for happiness. :-) I am already thinking about what virtual pet I want to raise next, and whether I want to raise a 1997 Tam or a remake one. I was discussing GigaPet's in the Tinkerville group and said I really enjoy running my GigaPet's in the autumn/fall months. I have had great success with the Tamagotchi Ocean's during the summer months in the past... I've been debating if I want that insanity. ;-D It's been years now since I raised an Ocean/Umino. Matthew thinks that my brand new 3DS should arrive this week, even though the tracking information says it won't be here till mid July. We shall see I guess.... I am making a mental list of 3DS games that I want to buy (physical copies) when the new unit arrives. They include: "Mario Kart 7", "Luigi's Mansion", "Pokemon Sun/Moon", "Zelda" (various versions), and possibly even "Super Smash Bros". I plan to replay Pokemon X and Alpha Sapphire as well on that new 3DS. I also need to decide if I want to transfer my digital files over to the new 3DS or not. As it is I will have tons to keep me busy on the new unit, so I may just leave my ACNL town and other digital games where they are. Tuesday, June 20, 2023: I am one happy camper today! Lumpy is demanding but Lumpy has been watching me play through the 50cc courses in "Mario Kart 7"! Loving it so far! I'm also testing out each of the games I purchased today to make sure they work. The only one left to test now is "Luigi's mansion". Tuesday, June 21, 2023: Lumpy left/went home to Planet Tamagotchi at 3:50pm while I was playing "Mario Kart 7" on the 3DS. I was expecting it all day, but thankfully he got out for a short walk with us this afternoon before he departed. I guess that sunny blue sky looked very appealing to him when we were out. I held onto little Lumpy as he made his final beeps and took off in his space ship. He was 22 years/days old! Love you little Lumpy, you were such a good fellow! I plan to hatch something new soon.... Lumpy departed at a good time because right after that we had to get ready and bring Sometimes I feel like a copy cat for the way I created this website.... I wanted a webpage that was a combination of mimitchi.com and bookmice.net -- two of my all time favorite virtual pet websites. Mimitchi.com is hosted here on my server now since Kat and I are good friends and I did not want anything to happen to that beautiful website. <3 She had no issue with the way I designed this webpage, thankfully. The first section of this website that was created in 2015 was made to resemble Kat's Tamagotchi Logs page, and this section was inspired by Country Mouses Diary over at bookmice.net. I don't know Country Mouse very well, but she inspired me to make Ginji's Journal in the same way she did her diary of virtual pets and everything else she was doing in life. :-) I would not have created this website if not for the inspirations of others. Kat and Country Mouse are truly pioneers in the virtual pet world to me. I just really needed to get that out there even though I only have a small group of people who look at this website. I've met a lot of wonderful people through the years because of Tamagotchi and virtual pets. And now I may even make some new connections with newly getting into video gaming! Friday, June 23, 2023: Today at 11:46AM Alfie was born! He is a 1997 P1 and lives in a turquoise and yellow European shell, with yellow numbers around the sides! I had debated hatching a remake Tam but they are so much harder than regular Tams. I am hoping for a Masukutchi so I can get the secret character, or a Kutchipatchi. Alfie's been watching me play a lot of "Mario Kart 7" today. :-) I also started a new game file in "Pokemon Alpha Sapphire" the other night as it is *much* nicer on my brand new 3DS. Sunday, June 25, 2023: Alfie changed into the healthy teen tamatchi this afternoon and now I am doing a different care-taking style. I have never gotten a kutchipatchi from a healthy teen before -- I know it is possible because I've seen and read about it. I've done 1 or 2 care mistakes with Alfie so far, but I am not sure if he beeped for the second one or not... I don't want to make TOO many care mistakes and get nyrotchi or tarakotchi. I am going to take better care of him now in hopes of either a masukutchi or a kutchipatchi. This will give a little more 'mystery' to raising a Tam which I've had all the characters before numerous times. :-) I may also give this a try on the remake Tams! :-D Not a whole lot to talk about other than Alfie coming out in the car, watching the AC get fixed in the car, and running Matt around a few places. Now we are back home where I can be in my happy gaming place. :-) We got the patio door wide open, and a slight breeze is coming through. It's definitely summertime! Alfie has been enjoying sitting outside on the patio while I play the 3DS! Tuesday, June 27, 2023: Alfie just got sick while I was playing "Luigi's Mansion" on the 3DS! I really don't know if I'll get masukutchi or kutchipatchi and it's kinda fun having the mystery! I guess we will see what happens tomorrow! :-) Wednesday, June 28, 2023: Alfie changed into a masukutchi early this evening while Friday, June 30, 2023: Playing the which way game with Alfie is just as easy, if not easier than that of a P2 Tam. The masukutchi is such an easy going little character and I've always enjoyed him. He's an active, cute looking character that has a decent life span and is easy to care for. He lives just a little shorter of a life than a ginjirotchi! I hurt my right hand playing way too much "Mario Kart 7" on the 3DS so I am wearing a wrist splint and trying to take it easy on the gaming. Typing on the laptop feels a lot better with this splint on. I've also had some success playing "Pokemon Alpha Sapphire" and ACNL on the 3DS this evening. :-) The moment I take my splint off I begin to feel the pain come back instantly. Now, it's time to go get the July journal page ready! I can't believe it's the end of June already! |