![]() May 2023
Part 21
Monday, May 1, 2023: I finally made a new part to Ginji's journal for May! I got really behind on writing in 2023 so far and I am hoping to change that. Today I got two new games from Game Xchange: "Pokemon Alpha Sapphire" and "Pokemon X" for the I will most likely continue on playing "Stardew Valley" on the laptop! I have a nice layout to my farm so far and Matthew has been giving me pointers about how to decorate better. I've still not gotten around to choosing my 300th Tamagotchi that I want to raise. It's hard to believe I have raised that many since the year 2015 when I started this website. I have of course raised way more that just weren't documented here. ;-) I will know when the time is right to raise a Tamagotchi. I am just very happy with my video games right now! We are still watching "Three's Company" and "Weeds" in the evenings! And last night I watched a Netflix Original documentary about Marilyn Monroe - what a story! I am very anxious to see the new documentary coming out about Anna Nicole Smith this month. I asked my cousin if he could get it early for me on Plex but he's not THAT good, he told me, hehehe. Tuesday, May 2, 2023: I always like to take my time when starting out in a new Pokemon game. I only have one badge so far in Alpha Sapphire and going to start referring to one of the IGN guides for help! I like to make the experience last as long as I can since I can really blaze through the game without "smelling the roses" so to speak. This morning I was awake really early at 6AM so I got up and played some ACNL and a little AS on my 3DS and then fell back asleep until around 11:30. I had my weekly appointment with my GP and now I am back home again. I am gonna get comfy now and try to make some more progress in Alpha Sapphire. :-) Wednesday, May 3, 2023: I think my phone number is being "spoofed" and making "ghost calls" to random strangers. Ugh! This is what I get for buying a refurbished iPhone off Amazon shopping. It is also making me second guess our purchase of the refurbished ThinkPad... Trying not to overthink things here now. Might be a good time to change passwords on everything. Virus' and hackers really freak me out! Ugh. Anxiety is bad right now... Maybe it would be a good day to pick out a Tam or virtual pet to raise...! Even though video games really help with my depression/anxiety, I feel like I need that extra little boost that a Tamagotchi can offer. :-) Later: I brought some things down to my Mom's house to put in storage, including my Yasashii Tamagotch which I want to keep nice and safe in my big tupperware drawer. I'm not ready to try for the healthy teen right now. I did pick out a Tam to hatch for later this week, though! It is an NIP 1997 German P1 Tam that is turquoise blue with yellow trim and buttons, with numbers around the shell. I got this one years ago off Japan you Want and never got around to unboxing it! I plan to hatch it on May 5, Children's Day in Japan. Thursday, May 4, 2023: This morning I decided to unbox my European P1 Tam! The original batteries were indeed corroded but thankfully the plastic tab protected the guts of the Tamagotchi. I set the time at 10:45AM and now I have a Marutchi with 25% discipline. I hatched it a day earlier than I had planned! I am hoping for either a Masukutchi or a Ginjirotchi. If I get Masukutchi then I'd likely get Bill "the man" as the kids used to call him back in primary school! His name is Blobby and he has had an eventful time so far! He's already gotten out in the car with me. Just shortly after he hatched I had to go and help my uncle with something at my Mom's. I took care of his needs while in the Starbucks drive thru getting a chocolate cream cold brew (my new fave thing). Now we are back at the apartment playing Pokemon "Alpha Sapphire". 8:00PM: Bedtime for Blobby! I had been expecting the little one to be a lot more naughty and beeping for discipline but then I remembered Blobby is a 1997 Tam. I am so used to all the discipline calls on the remake Tams. I forgot how easy and laid back the 90's ones are. :-) I will be sure to be up at 9AM for him tomorrow! Now I must go back to my Pokemon again and watch an episode of "Weeds". Friday, May 5, 2023: Happy Children's Day! Blobby has been getting paused and having his time changed due to my odd sleeping habits! I woke up at 6AM this morning, long before Blobby was to wake up. I changed his time so that he would be awake with me! Then around 9:30 I decided to take a little snooze, so I paused him. I have his discipline up to 75% now. I don't think I missed any! Blobby was already asleep last night when we turned on "Threes Company"! Still enjoying the heck out of that show! I am also going to watch the season 7 finale of "Weeds" shortly so Blobby will get to enjoy that. :-) Saturday, May 6, 2023: My little Blobby got sick last night before I put him to bed. I still have one more discipline to catch before he changes into his teen stage -- I hope I didn't miss it!! Otherwise he has gotten perfect care. :-) I am up to 6 badges in "Pokemon Alpha Sapphire"! I have reached that stage that I get to in every game where I find it hard to collect *every* Pokemon I encounter along the way. I don't know if the false swipe move is available in this version or not. False swipe really helped me in "Pokemon Violet"! I am hoping to extend my playtime with Alpha Sapphire for as long as possible! I like to get my monies worth out of a game. ;-) I also want to be sure I have played this fully before going onto "Pokemon X". 1:04PM: Yes!! I just caught Blobby's final discipline. :-) Now I can relax knowing I will likely get a Ginjirotchi for my adult form. Now it's time for me to go and get something to eat. I've been operating on coffee since 9:30AM!!! Sunday, May 7, 2023: I never got around to updating again yesterday so I am doing it now. Blobby changed into a Tamatchi late yesterday afternoon/early evening. I took a panic attack last night and may have missed a discipline call, but I'm not sure. I paused him before bed because I knew I would likely sleep in today, and I did until 11:30AM. 6:34PM: He just called for discipline and is now at 75%. I am going to keep it at 75% to ensure a good chance that I get a Ginjirotchi. :-) I started off playing ACNL today and then got right into Pokemon Alpha Sapphire. I check my ACNL town every morning/afternoon to make sure I still have perfect town rating (I want the golden can). As for Alpha Sapphire I am just revisiting other areas via fly move before going on to get the last two badges. :-) Tuesday, May 9, 2023: Lots to write about! Blobby got to come out for dinner with us last night to Swiss Chalet. Afterwards we went over to Game Stop to look around and I impulse bought a P1 Tamagotchi! It is the 90's design one and sooo cute! I didn't buy anything video game wise and was totally unaware of what a surprise I was in for later. :-) Last night Brandon arrived over to play Mario Party like we usually do. I was upstairs on the phone with my Mom when he came in. When I came downstairs I was surprised with a Nintendo Wii that he managed to get me for just 100 bucks! And it came with two controllers and a copy of "Mario Kart". I don't know if I ever mentioned the fact that I own a copy of "Animal Crossing: City Folk"! Well I've owned it since 2019 and only played it briefly on a friend of Matt's Wii years back. I started up a file in City Folk named "NL" (short for Newfoundland, where I am from). I am keeping hand written notes of my donations since it's not as easy to keep track of in this one. City Folk is very much like Wild World in that the graphics are the same, the hourly town tune is the same, and just the overall feel of it. I didn't transfer my information from Wild World and made a fresh start with my town of NL. This brings me up to four different Animal Crossing games that I am playing all at once: Wild World, City Folk, New Leaf and New Horizons. :-) I am one happy camper today! :-) I will likely be up to 5 AC towns very soon since this Wii is able to play GameCube games!!!! 9:39PM: Shortly after 7PM Blobby changed into a sweet smiling Ginjirotchi. :-) Something I realized this evening: City Folk is my *first* Animal Crossing game that is only able to be played on the TV. Every other version I have played has either had the option of being portable, or both portable and TV in the case of New Horizons. The Nintendo Wii will only be played in the living room and not the TV upstairs. Got a great little setup with the Wii and Switch both on the same shelf. Alright back to playing City Folk I go. More soon! Thursday, May 11, 2023: I have said before that I try to keep this blog as light and whimsical if you will... My Tamagotchi Blogs page got a little more personal at times. I'm going to get a little more personal today since life as I know it won't be the same from here on out. My longtime friend Maria is very sick in hospital right now. :-( I am not going to get into details of what her illness is today. It's all really quite scary to me! I can't see her at all since she is in critical care right now. All I can say is this came on *very* suddenly. Just another thing in life that has happened that makes me realize how delicate we all are. I've been keeping an eye on Blobby throughout all this and playing some games too on 3Ds and Wii. But my hearts not in it today.. I'm waiting now to hear from Maria's brother about how she is today. I am almost afraid to pick up the phone when he calls. The situation is critical right now. :-( Saturday, May 13, 2023: I have been very stressed about my friend Maria... I am trying to think good thoughts for her but I am so scared for the worst. :-( She is still in critical care. It is really hard to know what to do or say in a situation like this. Anxiety is at an all time high. I've had to pause Blobby at times when I am on the phone with Maria's brother getting updates about the situation. I've been playing a lot of AC City Folk in the midst of all this along with Pokemon Alpha Sapphire! Video games help. :-) Update: Poor little Blobby just got sick! Poor sweet Ginji! Monday, May 15, 2023: Maria is stable for the time being, as far as I know. I feel safe in talking about her condition as I don't think a whole lot of people read this website. Maria is my dear friend. I've known her since 1997 when we were in grade 1 together. We attended Grade 1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 11 and 12 together. There were gaps in between some years due to us attending different schools at times, but we always stayed in touch, even if we only ran into each other once a year to go trick or treating. It was around grade 10, High School, that we became close friends and then stayed that way. She is very sick now. She's been in the ICU for over a week now and had 3 surgeries due to a very rare disease that has attacked her body. :-( I don't know what is going to happen. I chat with her family every second day or so for updates. I am glad that she has been medically sedated during this time so she doesn't have to go through the agony of what's happening to her. I've been trying to keep my mind busy with things I love.... I am beginning to notice that my 12 year old Ginji is getting just the tiniest bit more demanding today. I am including him in all that I'm doing which is mostly Animal Crossing (Wild World, City Folk, New Leaf) and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire. I quite enjoy checking in on my many AC games! I only play New Horizons with Donald and have lost interest in that version for the time being. I know I will get back to that one again *some* day. :-) The Nintendo 3DS and Wii are my main squeezes right now!! I have gotten pretty far in Pokemon Alpha Sapphire. I have full access to try winning the Elite 4 but I want to prepare my group a little more first. My group of 6 is: Pikachu (Lv. 68), Swampert (Lv. 80), Swellow (Lv. 80), Linoone (Lv. 72), Latias (Lv. 66), and Beautifly (Lv. 72). I don't know if it's the best group in the world but it is the one I stuck with. So far I have been able to win 90% of the battles with just Swampert and Swellow! But the others definitely have value as well. 6:50PM: It seems I have a lot to talk about today. I reluctantly took on the Elite 4 not thinking I was ready, but I was. Yay!! I beat them! And I took on my rival at the end, plus little May who was pretty easy to beat. :-) I am still going to further explore this game and see if I can complete more of the Pokedex. As for AC City Folk: I managed to get an orange sapling planted! Now I have pears, cherries, apples, coconuts and oranges! I just need peaches now and possibly something else I am forgetting? I am going to keep sending letters to my villagers in hopes of more fruit! I am also hoping I will be able to buy an axe at the upgraded Nook's shop. Blobby the Ginjirotchi has been very well behaved. He doesn't ask for discipline anymore and I am more than happy to feed and play with him when needed. Ginji is a very special little Tam, very close to my heart. <3 Tuesday, May 16, 2023: We've not had an update on Maria's condition in two days now. My anxiety is at an all time high and I am too nervous to reach out to her brother right now. I want to assume that no news is good news, but my mind tells me otherwise. Trying to think good thoughts and stay positive but it is *really* hard. Sleep didn't come easy last night so I paused Blobby before bedtime. He's twirling along here now as I'm writing this. Played a little AC City Folk today and got the upgraded Nook n' Go store! AND I finally got an axe and was able to cut down tree's/plant some foreign fruit. :-) I am pretty close to breaking that axe but I'm sure I'll get another one soon! I've also been maintining things in New Leaf and slowly getting new public works projects added to the list by my villagers. Last night I installed a balloon arch! :-) Wednesday, May 17, 2023: Still no updates on Maria..! I am very worried but trying to maintain good thoughts for her condition...! Blobby is at that stage where he is just the slightest bit more demanding than usual. I am still able to keep up with his needs. It sure has been nice having a little P1 Tam around during all of this stress. He got out in the car with me today while I picked up a Tim's sandwich but other than that he's just been watching me play Animal Crossing: City Folk and New Leaf. I didn't play any Pokemon Alpha Sapphire today. There seems to be some post winning content that I am in the midst of checking out next. Always an adventure with Pokemon games! Blobby got to watch the first 20 minutes of the Anna Nicole Smith documentary on Netflix: "You Don't Know me". I've been waiting for this to air but I am going to wait till tomorrow to watch it now. I can't really pay attention to a show/movie today...! Thursday, May 18, 2023: Laundry day at Mom's! I brought Blobby and my 3DS with me for entertainment, plus Mister has been around for cuddles and kisses. :-) Tonight we are planning to continue watching the rest of the Anna Nicole documentary, so Blobby will likely get to see that. I am trying to keep my mind off Maria for now as her family aren't giving any updates at the time being... Later: Well Blobby got to watch along to a brand new game this evening: "Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury". I'm usually not great at 3D games (ie. Mario 64 & Sunshine) but this is kind of a combination of 3D and 2D in one if that makes sense. We are making our way through the first world at the moment. Fun game so far! Friday, May 19, 2023: I was awake early this morning at 6AM and decided to start in on AC City Folk right away. My home upgrade happened so the room is *bigger*! Yay! I need to talk to Tom Nook to see what the debt will be -- I'm sure it ain't cheap! I'm still working away at growing my fruit tree's. The only ones I believe I am missing now are peaches. I don't think they have all the extra fruits that New Leaf have... Poor Blobby is getting paused a little due to the fact that my sleeping schedule is a mess right now. I woke up at 6AM like I said, but then ended up napping on the couch from about 10AM until 12:30PM. He is here with me now. He's not yet gotten his second sickness. When that happens he will become way more demanding. Sunday, May 21, 2023: Today I found a paused P1 white & blue Tam in my bin of Tams over at Mom's. It was Busker who was born way back in May of 2021! He got paused back in June of 2021 when we got news of our having to move out of our old rented house. Then went untouched on pause for two years. I decided to bring the poor old fella with me! Now I have two Ginji's in my care. :-) Two very needy Ginji's I might add! I don't think Busker will be around much longer by the rate he is dropping hearts. I still can't believe he was paused like that for two years and the batteries didn't give out. He began his life in our old home and will depart from our new one. <3 I now have all the fruit tree's available to me on AC City Folk! I think the peach tree took root but I'm not sure....! Either way I am happy with how my town is coming. Once I get enough fruit trees planted I will be able to make better money. :-) I placed first in the Fishing Tourney yesterday! Selling fruit, fishing and foraging will be the only way I want to make my bells. I never did get into gambling with the turnips.... It really doesn't interest me. I still haven't gotten around to watching the Anna Nicole documentary. We've been doing most of our tv watching in bed. Still watching the same shows as written about before. (Weeds, Three's Company) I also have a book there that I'd like to read. It's a biography called "Grace Notes" written by Katey Sagal. I bought it two years ago but ::whoops::. I'm not a big reader but would love to broaden my horizons. ;-) Reading back through old entries of Ginji's Journal... I am content with keeping updates to here as opposed to my old Tamagotchi Blogs page. I don't run as many Tamagotchi's as I used to and this journal can cover all my interests -- not just virtual pets. I don't know how I used to be able to handle running so many Tamagotchi's at once. I also don't know how I did a lot of things.... Been thinking a lot these past few days about my life and things I've done. Life has changed a lot for the better these last few months and I have to keep it going. Someday I really hope I can talk about what happened to me between 2019 to the present date. For now I just cannot write about it. Monday, May 22, 2023: Last night Busker and Blobby got to watch the Anna Nicole Smith documentary on Netflix. It was a good watch! The poor Tams certainly got an eye full! Sweet mercy! Today they are both very demanding. I've been harvesting fruit in AC City Folk and caring for their needs. Yesterday when I was at Mom's I picked out my next Tam that I want to raise. It is a pink US Tamagotchi Angel! I haven't raised one of those in 3 years now so it might be nice to revisit. I have really enjoyed having a little Tam around this past month, and I can now definitely say that I like the 1997 versions better than the remakes. I will definitely keep playing and collecting the remakes, but nothing will ever beat the originals. :-) I played more Pokemon Alpha Sapphire last night before bed. I wish I was better at completing the Dex but it's just *so* hard to catch em' all! Tuesday, May 23, 2023: I never got around to updating last night to say that both Blobby and Busker passed away within about 25 minutes of each other. Blobby departed around 9:15pm and then Busker followed around 9:40. I hope they enjoyed their time here....! Though they didn't do much besides watch me play video games, especially poor Busker who spent two years in a drawer, they left full and happy. :-) At least they got to finish "Weeds" with me yesterday! I finally finished the entire series after all these years. I was pleased with the ending for sure. I love Mary-Louis Parker!
On the Pokemon front: I started "Pokemon X" last night on the 3DS, but my wrist is in SO 8:00PM: my little Angel went to sleep. I am going to do the no-pause challenge and not mess with the time. This will give more mystery as to what adult character I get I think! Anyways off I go to get ready for game night with Matt and Brandon! Wednesday, May 24, 2023: My little Angel changed into a Kodoten at exactly 1:04PM today! I am going to let the hearts fall to empty 3 times in the next 24 hours and hopefully that will get me a ginjirotenshi! The Kodoten has always reminded me of a little tooth/molar. :-D Soooo cute! My two P1s are still on the angel screen and I'm unsure if I will restart them again. I've also been wanting to unbox my lime green & yellow European P2 Tam! If everything is okay with it then that will likely be the next Tam I raise! I played about an hour or so worth of AC City Folk late this morning/early this afternoon. I am saving bells for future mortgages and the town fund donations. I really want that light house!! Patty finally left town so I am excited to see who the next villager to take her place. Oh yes, and my peach tree grew, so now I have *all* the fruits, including several coconut trees. Yay! Later: Played more "Pokemon X" this evening on 3DS and got my first badge! There is an exp share in this version as well thankfully! Great game so far! Thursday, May 25, 2023: Today has been an interesting day to say the least! I had to get some dental work done this afternoon so Angel stayed at home. Since I am not pausing this Tam I left her going on the living room coffee table. I missed her changing at 1:04PM but when I got home about an hour later there she was in her final adult form, a ginjirotenshi! :-) The neglect definitely pays off if you want this sweet and lovable character. I am going to continue never pausing her and see how long I can keep her around for. Angels do get needy *quite* young! Must take a nap ... Soooo sleepy! Maybe more later...! Friday, May 26, 2023: Pokemon X is a lot of fun so far! That is mostly what my little Angel has been watching me do now since I got home from my errands and appointments yesterday. Brandon came over last night for games, but then he and Matt ended up watching some scary movie. It wasn't long before I put in my headphones and blocked out all the gore and violence going on and got lost in my Pokemon training. Pokemon X is unique in many ways, the 3D layouts of the towns, riding around on roller skates, and just the overall feel of the game as a whole. :-) I even got my favorite water character, Squritle (who is now a Wartortle). Mega Evolution is also being talked about a lot more in this game! I got given a special stone with my Squirtle last night. Sunday, May 28, 2023: It's a good thing Angel is not demanding yet because I have been sleeping A LOT the last couple of days! She is so easy to care for that I am able to sleep in till almost noon and she doesn't beep for attention at all. I know it won't be like this for long so I will just enjoy it while it lasts. :-) Monday, May 29, 2023: EEEK! I let poor Angel's hearts run empty twice today because I have been so busy. I had the dentist this morning (more fillings) and then I had several errands to run. I left the poor Angel down in my car just now, and when I got to her she was completely empty on hunger and happy. I will do better with poor little Angel now. She deserves to have a good time while she is here with us! I feel like I am doing an exceptionally good job so far on my Pokedex in the game "Pokemon X"! I have caught 60 Pokemon in the Kalos region and 27 in the Coastal Kalos regions, for a grand total of 87 caught Pokemon! I think my best Pokedex is in Pokemon Violet. I plan to replay ALL of my Pokemon games at some point and I plan to focus more on those Pokedex's more than I did last year. I only have two badges in X version so far but still caught all those Pokemon! I'm proud. :-) Tuesday, May 30, 2023: I unboxed the European lime green and yellow P2 Tam last night and to my joy there was no battery leakage! Better yet, the 26 year old batteries *still* worked perfectly. I decided to throw them out and put in new ones, though. This Tam to me looks like a US P1, but it is a P2 and has a beaded chain. I like it! I plan to raise a Tam on it after I am finished with Angel. Speaking of Angel, I slept in until after 11AM this morning and woke up to her beeping with empty hearts. Other than that she has been cared for very well today! She is 8 years old, AP 16, 100% good deeds meter and full hearts across the board right now. :-) She got out in the car with me today, went to Starbucks, and picked up prescriptions for Matthew across the street. Now!! It is time to settle in for an evening of "Pokemon X"! I've made more progress since I wrote last night. My Pokedex is filling out really nicely! Wednesday, May 31, 2023: Angel left this afternoon at 12:56PM at the age of 9. I was surprised that she left so early since her hearts were full! I knew when I heard the lower pitched beeping that it was the end...! She had prayed for me 20 minutes earlier and I was unable to praise her due to being on the phone. I am pretty sure I missed several prayers and maybe that is why she left early....! Either way, I am glad she left full and happy. Bye-bye little Angel! I enjoyed having you here with me the last 9 days. :-) I've been given strict instructions from my GP to limit my screen time, texting specifically, regarding to what is going on with Maria. I am so consumed with everything going on with her that I have been unable to take care of myself and my health. It hasn't been an easy time at all, and today's appointment wasn't easy. We talked about some hard things but I am determined to keep moving forward with my health and mental well-being. There are still a lot of things I am not ready to talk about here.
5:13PM: My little Lumpy is now a Tonmarutchi! His name definitely suites him. :-) He was very good while I defeated the fourth gym and now we are going in search of more Pokemon. I have collected a total of 96 Pokemon so far in this game! Go me! 6:48PM: Lumpy just called for his first discipline during the movie "The Specialist"! |