![]() January - April 2023
Part 20
Saturday, January 14, 2023: I'm finally getting around to updating for the first time in the New Year! 2023 is off to a great start! I had two of my Tams pass away on the same day, the Yasashii, Kabuoyatchi and my P1 Kutchipatchi, on January 5. I never hatched anything else until yesterday (Friday the 13th hehe). I got my replacement blue/pink "lightening" design P2 in the mail yesterday from Amazon so I hatched it immediately. It is such a gorgeous looking Tam! I really love what they've done with the newest designs. Anyway, I have a Tonmarutchi in my care now. I still have the batteries in the Yasashii and my character history is still there. I am debating if I want to hatch another one, but I am just so discouraged from being unable to get that healthy teen... :-( I am still playing Pokemon Violet and I am about ready to take on the Pokemon League. I may ask Shawn about some TMs to learn for specific characters before trying to beat the game. Then of course I have to attempt to complete the Pokedex which I have never done in any of the previous games. I must say though that it is much easier to catch Pokemon on this new game. :-) We got our copy of "Mario Party Superstars" last week and we've played about 12 hours worth! Great game! Love the online play option! We watched both seasons of "The White Lotus" on Plex during the last of Christmas and early January! Such a good show!! We both love Jennifer Coolidge. I have loved her since I was 11 when "Legally Blonde" first came out! :-D I plan to look up other new things that she is in as she has come a longgg way since her early days. Love love love her! Hadn't laughed so much in a long time!! Friday, January 20, 2023: Well I ended up with the adult character of Takotchi for the first time ever on a remake P2. I took my little Tam out of my pocket while I was at work on Wednesday to see the great event! I knew that he wouldn't live long but he made it to yesterday afternoon at least! Last night I restarted that same Tam (blue/pink lightening design) and I am once again going to do the care mistakes. Now that I think of it, Takotchi marked the character that got me all of the adults on the P2 remake, minus the secret character who I've not gotten yet. I still need to get Tarakotchi on the P1 remake, as well as the P1 secret character (USA and Japanese). I've almost finished "Pokemon Violet" and already thinking about which one I'm going to purchase next. :-) I still have quite a ways to go in completing the Pokedex but I've never actually done that in any of the games. I am waiting on my new iPhone to come in the mail! So excited! I will be able to do so much more with a phone that has more gigabites. Tuesday, January 31, 2023: Well, a lot has gone on in the last 11 days since I last wrote here. First off we had a massive snow storm on January 21st, resulting in some people loosing their power (thankfully not us!). Then on Monday the 23rd Mom and I went into work as planned. I noticed she wasn't herself but just passed it off as fatigue. Wrong.. She had covid! On Tuesday the 24th I tested positive for Covid! I couldn't believe that after nearly 3 years of the pandemic we had finally got the dreaded virus. Matt got it too! I literally had gotten a tickle in my throat and knew something was wrong so I did the test and sure enough it was positive. Wednesday was my worst day... I had a high fever, aches, chills, cold sweats and then came the dreaded dry heaving and throwing up. It was a nasty 24 hours but then things settled down, and since then I have had a *very* bad cold and fatigue. I also completely lost my taste and smell but that seems to be coming back slowly the last couple of days. It has not been a fun time at all! On the afternoon of the 26th I was resting and watching the movie "Jackie Brown" with my little P2 Tam, but unfortunately he passed away in the unhealthy teen stage. It was no shock as I wasn't able to give good care to the poor thing at all. On the evening of the 29th I felt a little better and decided to hatch my Yasashii Tamagotch that had been sitting on the death screen since January 5th. I haven't given it the best care at all due to sleeping a lot but I've enjoyed the company of a Tam while I'm sick. :-) I have also gotten back to playing a little Pokemon when I have the energy. Shawn has been teaching me about EV training! He is very patient with me LOL! It is going to take me a while to fully catch onto this stuff. I am happy to learn about it all, though! Wednesday, February 1, 2023: Well, I went out today and drove the car for the first time in over a week! I didn't think I was going to make it very far as I am still very tired and dragged out but I actually ended up going for quite a big drive. :-) It was fun! I picked up a McDonald's breakfast along the way home! I got the unhealthy teen on my Yasashii again, no surprises there! I don't know if I am going to run anymore virtual pets after this character passes on. I can't think of anything I really want to run right now! I have my hands full with video games at the moment. :-) Thursday, February 2, 2023: I paused my Mayumarutchi when I went out for Booster Juice with my friend Maria this afternoon. I didn't drive today as I am still very weak. Resting now and updating quickly... Won't be going back to the office again until next week. By then I should be ready! Friday, February 10, 2023: I didn't say much about my Yasashii Tamagotchi during his lifetime. I ended up with Jr. Ginjirotchi as my adult character and he passed away today at the age of 14. He aged a day or so due to pausing. I don't think I will be running anymore virtual pets for the time being. I think it is time for a little break! I've been kept busy with Pokemon. :-) Since last writing here I purchased "Pokemon Lets Go Pikachu" for Nintendo Switch! Great to be playing the original game again. I took a little break from "Pokemon Violet" during the last week but played a little this morning. I was happy to see GameBoy and GameBoy Advance games get added to the Nintendo Switch Online! I hope they add Pokemon games in the future but Shawn thinks that may not happen. I would like to try and get into the Zelda games at some point. I never thought I'd ever get into Pokemon so who knows. :-) I seem to be free of Covid ::Knock on wood::. I haven't been feeling sick now the last 3 days! Yippeeee! Monday, March 13, 2023: I haven't updated in over a month now since I haven't been raising any virtual pets. I plan on taking a break from Tams and other virtual pets for the time being since I am more into Pokemon than ever now! I've played several different versions over the last month on my Nintendo DS and Switch. I was playing "Pokemon Platinum" on the DS 208-in-one cartridge and lost all my data due to a glitch. I learned my lesson there for sure. :-( I briefly started Black Version on that same cartridge but decided to stop as I didn't wanna loose everything all over again. I know a couple of people who said they will loan me their copies of these same DS titles, as well as the ones for the 3DS. :-) And speaking of 3DS's.... Yesterday I bought a used "New 3DS" from a third party website on walmart.ca. It was under 300 dollars Canadian so I figured it was the best deal I'd ever get on one. I am VERY excited for this and will be more apt to playing more 3DS titles now. I never mentioned this before but I hate the 3DS I own, the black first generation one with flimsy screen and 3D that makes ya wanna puke! ;-D I haven't been so excited about something like this since Tamagotchi!! The 3DS won't arrive in the mail until the end of the month so I decided to buy another Pokemon Switch game while I wait. Yesterday I bought "Pokemon Brilliant Diamond" which funnily enough is the updated version of "Pokemon Platinum" which I lost all of my data on the 208-in-one game. I am following this guide that Shawn recommended. Wednesday, April 19, 2023: I have really fallen behind on writing since the new year began. This is due to the fact that I haven't been running any virtual pets, but I have been doing so many other fun things! I got my 'New' 3DS at the end of March and I am so happy with it. I managed to transfer mostly everything over from my old 3DS except my old save file for ACNL. I have since started a new file in ACNL and enjoying everything that the stable 3d screen has to offer. :-) I really was missing out! Some say they can do without the 3D screen but I could never be without it now. I plan on buying a Pokemon game for the 3DS soon! I am enjoying building a brand new town -- I actually like New Leaf better than New Horizons. :-) I also got two removable plates that are blue with Blastoise on it from Pokemon Blue version. Simply amazing looking! I took photos which I will add at another time. I managed to recover my digital copy of "Super Mario 3D All Stars" on Nintendo Switch. I lost it back in 2021 when I had a poor quality SD card and was unable to download it back until a few weeks ago! I didn't think I would ever see that game again. I was unable to download it back for nearly two years due to the fact it was a limited time release. I've been playing "Super Mario Sunshine" for the first time in my life and absolutely loving it. It's a nice little break that I am taking from Pokemon. The last Pokemon game I played was "Pokemon Brilliant Diamond" which I beat at the end of March. I haven't *fully* beaten the game but I got to the final boss at least. As for things we've been watching on Plex, I am re-watching the show "Weeds", such a great show! And we started watching "Threes Company" a couple of weeks ago. That show was a favorite of my Dads back in the day. It is a nice wholesome show to watch in the evenings while I wind down for sleep. TODAY! Matt and I got our refurbished Lenovo ThinkPad laptop in the mail! I am writing on it right now! Such an amazing and fast machine. I don't know anything about computer specs but Matt picked a good one, hehe. :-) The keyboard on it is amazing and I just hooked up a laser mouse so I don't need to worry about the touch pad. I think a new computer is just what I needed to get me back into writing again. This afternoon I got my laundry done over at Mom's place. I am thinking about what else I have missed writing about here. I definitely want to get back into writing here again. I am living some of the best and most healthy days of my life the last two months and I should have been writing. :-) Mostly just a lot of gaming but I have also made some major lifestyle changes since getting Covid in January. Maybe more about that another day! Gosh this entry has been all over the place. I want to get my thoughts together and get this blog to be a regular thing again. Thursday, April 20, 2023: I am getting ready to leave for a doctors appointment and when I come back it will be gaming time. :-) I was up at 5am playing ACNL but then fell back asleep a little on the couch. More later! Later: Came home and napped lots! Only just got around to eating Jungle Jims take-out... mmm yummy! More tomorrow! Friday, April 21, 2023: I have been thinking about virtual pets a lot the last couple of days since I wrote about how I haven't been running any... But I still can't seem to muster up the mental energy to raise one, let alone picking a specific one to play with. I do miss having a little virtual pet around though! I just looked at my Tamagotchi History list and the next Tamagotchi I hatch will be number 300! I am really into monumental numbers... Gonna have to think about this some more. :-) I've only been playing ACNL so far today. I haven't touched Pokemon now really in weeks but gearing up for my next game. I need to decide if I want a DS, 3DS or Switch Pokemon game to be my next purchase! Decisions, decisions!!! Right now in ACNL I am focusing on hybrid flowers, public works projects, and growing and exchanging perfect cherries for big bells! I haven't put much effort into any of my villagers besides Joey the yellow duck who I think is absolutely adorable! :-) I want to keep him around! I haven't decided which Tamagotchi I want to be number 300 but I have an idea of what I want... Possibly one of my NIB 1997 European P1 or P2 Tams. :-D Saturday, April 22, 2023: Today I went out with a destination of the Game Exchange (local used video game store) when my car began acting up. The check engine light was flashing and weird jerks happening as I changed gears. I *really* hope the cars okay... I'll be putting it in for servicing first thing Monday. As a result I didn't make it to the game store. :-( I had planned on looking at a new Pokemon game to play. It's been a year since I started playing Pokemon, and in that time I've played (but not completely finished) Pokemon Blue, Yellow, Silver, and Crystal for the GameBoy. Then I moved onto Leaf Green and Ruby for the GameBoy Advance which was a lot of fun. I then got the 208-in-one DS game where I tried Pokemon Platinum and Soul Silver. I wasn't able to complete those due to glitches with the SD card. THEN I jumped way ahead in December and got Pokemon Violet for the Switch! Amazing experience! I got Let's Go Pikachu and Brilliant Diamond in early 2023 and now here I am ready to take on something new. :-) I was able to get Pokemon Bank on my 3DS before the e-shop closed, and transferred it over to my new 3DS. I have everything I need going forward to play the other generations of games. :-) Later: I decided I am going to replay one of my GameBoy Advance titles before moving onto a new game. I want to make the most of my Pokemon journey so why not replay something! I am debating now between Leaf Green or Ruby... I will be back! Sunday, April 23, 2023: I ended up choosing Pokemon Leaf Green to replay last night and have been playing since then. I'm *really* taking my time and trying to collect every Pokemon along the way. Currently my Pokedex is at 19! I was so bad at collecting the Pokemon the first time around last year. :-P I didn't get around to choosing a Tamagotchi to hatch yet. I want to be sure I'm ready. :-) Monday, April 24, 2023: My favorite part of "Pokemon Leaf Green" is the VS Seeker! I feel this should be included in all games as an easy way to gain experience and get extra money for supplies. I love it! I am still moving slowly and only have two badges so far, but pretty soon I will take on the SS Anne and be able to do the third gym. :-) In other news I got perfect town status in Animal Crossing: New Leaf today! That was fast! Now I just gotta keep perfect town status for the next 15 days and get the golden watering can! It took me MONTHS to get the perfect town status back in 2019....! I was better prepared this time and knew what I was doing. :-) Still no virtual pet news.... for now at least! Maybe more later this week! Friday, April 28, 2023: My birthday today! I am going to be celebrating later with Mom, Matthew and our friend Brandon! :-) More on that later! Three days ago Matthew gave me access to his Steam account and I started a new file on Stardew Valley. I know, I've played that game to death, but like most games I've never really 'finished' it. Anyways, I am enjoying playing this wonderful game on our new Lenovo ThinkPad. I am using an Xbox controller for the first time in my life! :P It has a totally different feel to it playing on the PC. I don't know how far I will get with this file but I am just enjoying fishing, farming and mining mindlessly while watching "Weeds" and "Three's Company" on Plex. :-) Still no virtual pets to write about... But soon maybe...! |