![]() September - October 2022
Part 17
Friday, September 16, 2022: My gosh I've been bad at keeping things up-to-date even since the beginning of September (the mark of my favourite time of year). I am ready to jump into writing some more now! I have very little to write about my virtual pets but that will likely change next week...! I have been playing *a lot* of video games! I recently got a 208 in one DS game off Amazon. I've been playing titles like "Animal Crossing: Wild World", "Mario 64 DS", and "Pokemon Soul Silver". I've also been keeping check on my ACNH town and ACNL! Saturday, September 17, 2022: It is safe to say that I didn't play "Animal Crossing: Wild World" in depth at all back in 2007 as a teenager. I feel like I am playing a brand new (to me) game. I never donated any fossils, fish or insects back then and knew nothing about foreign fruit. Today I received an orange in the mail from Mom! My native fruit are cherries! I did try and plant some cherry saplings with little luck -- they all died on me. I planted my one orange just a few minutes ago and I am praying it takes hold!!! I was able to sell all of the cherries and sea shells that I had laid out on the island today (due to Nooks being closed for yet another remodel all of yesterday). This afternoon I put some orange Halloween lights up in the living room, but I think I am Being that it is Fall season and all I will definitely be hatching my Devilgotchi soon! I am still keeping Pikachu around and my Ginjirotchi is still paused on the coffee table. I want to let little Ginji live out his life and perhaps hatch another P1 on that same Tam again. Ginji is 16 and a little on the demanding side. 5:22PM: YES! I just got an apple in the mail from one of my villagers on ACWW! Shawn gave me the great advice on how to send letters/gifts to the villagers and be rewarded with foreign fruit! I haven't planted it yet as I am still worried the orange sapling won't take hold. As of now - NO running in Ginjro! Monday, September 26, 2022: I have so much that I want to write about but I am behind and now I think I may have covid-19. Matt is very sick at the moment but still testing negative. My aunt on the other hand did test positive for covid today so I just know it's inevitable that I get it....! I hope I won't get too sick. :-( As mentioned in my previous entry, I've been playing "Animal Crossing: Wild World" on the Nintendo DS Lite. I was playing it on my 208 in one cartridge but someway, somehow my file was completely deleted. :-( This happened late Friday night (the 23rd)... I was so crushed! Well I thought it over a little and ended up buying a legitimate (used) copy of ACWW from the Game Exchange on Saturday. I'm starting a brand new town over again! I'm having to catch all the fish over again, and I have yet to get a net or an axe! Arggg what a waste of time that other town was! My native fruit are apples this time...! TODAY!!! I hatched my purple and white Devilgotch this afternoon at 1:53PM. If I end up getting really sick then I may need to pause him....! I have a Deviltchi at the time being. I am trying to keep the DP as close to 90 as I possibly can so I can get the cute little joker teenager character. :-D So cute!! For now I am going to get back to playing some more ACWW!! 8:46PM: I don't know if it is paranoia or if I am really starting to feel sick.... I think it is a little of both. :-( Wednesday, September 28, 2022: Things are going well so far with my Devilgotch! I have been keeping the DP as close to 90 without going over. I am really hoping for the best adult character, Debrumametchi aka Devil Mametchi. :-D LOTS of stuff going on in Animal Crossing: Wild World! I've been making a lot more bells by selling foreign fruit from my secondary town on the 208 in one game. ;-D I don't think it's really considered cheating since I can't play online with anyone....! I just had a coconut wash up on the shore and I planted it by the beach! I am really hoping it takes hold. I am very happy to say that I planted at least one of each of the fruits last night and they all took hold so I will have all (hopefully) the foreign fruit growing within the next week or so!! I talked to Dr. Shrunk today who I didn't think came around until New Leaf was released...! Very cute! What else... Oh yes I drew two constellations so far and they show up at night in the sky. I *really* love this game! I have paid off two house loans so far and tomorrow my house will be bigger again. :-) Thursday, September 29, 2022: Due to being sick I have had to pause my Devilgotchi a little but he is making good progress. I am still keeping the DP around 75-85. I expect a change into the next stage over the weekend...! I am being extra careful with the Devilgotchi as to make sure it doesn't reset. :-) I am proud to say that I have at least one of each fruit growing in my ACWW town including a coconut sapling. :-D Gosh I love this game! I could go on forever about it but I am just too tired to type right now hehe. I've been laying down a lot and caring for my little Devil and exploring my lovely little town of Ginjro. Later: chopped down several more native trees and planted more foreign fruit! yes yes yes! I can't wait for all my trees to grow. I now have a third coconut sapling planted. :-D Now I need to make time to get to know my villagers before they all move out! .... It's almost 9PM so little Deviltchi will be asleep soon. Friday, September 30, 2022: I've been awake since 6AM due to not being able to sleep with my clogged up sinuses. The cold has gone to my head and chest now! I just did another covid test but it came back negative. I have to say that this cold does seem like my regular pre-covid cold/flu so I guess I still haven't been infected with the covid19 ::knock on wood::.. My Devilgotchi is alive and well at the age of 4 and currently has 85DP. I have not let it go over 90DP yet so all is well. I hope I get the cute little joker teen character!! Busy busy morning in ACWW! I've been going back and forth between my two towns selling fruit and making lots of money. I paid of my 298,000 bell loan to Tom Nook and expanding once again. Tomorrow I will have an upper floor added!! Yeeee! :-) Also, all of the fruit saplings I planted last night took hold except one, yipeee!!! :-) Pretty soon I will have more fruit than I will know what to do with! Can't wait!! 10:59AM: Well I just finished a delicious McDonalds egg McMuffin and hash browns! (Thanks Mom!). I decided to take my Ginjirotchi that's been residing in my 25th Anniversary P1 off pause. He is sitting alongside Deviltchi and having a lovely time. The two Tams will both get to watch "Hocus Pocus 2" later on today...! :-) 7:12PM: Poor little Ginji passed away shortly after I took him off pause! He was 16 years old... I definitely fed him too many snacks. I'm trying to decide if I want to hatch another P1/P2 Tam now... My Devilgotch changed into the DebruOyajitchi which I was a little disappointed about but oh well...! I'm going to continue keeping the DP on the higher end until it changes to adulthood. Saturday, October 1, 2022: It's Today I picked fruit from my pear, peach, orange and cherry tree(s). :-) I can't wait to grow more!!!! I've also been laying out a brick design pattern to create little paths. Very enjoyable! I took my Mesutchi Osutchi Tams off pause late this morning. They are the Gen3 adults, Pipotchi and Kabutchi and have Gen4 babies. I am getting lots of time to care for Tams and play games since I can't leave the apartment. Still very sick! I had to take a spoonful of robituson a few minutes ago -- blech! Later: Really not feeling well! :-( It has gone to my chest and at times it feels difficult to breathe. :-( I hope this passes. I tried watching some BH90210 but I need some quiet for the time being....! I haven't paused any of my Tams since they are helping with my anxiety this afternoon. Thursday, October 6, 2022: I had been trying *so* hard to be extra careful with my Devilgotch and yesterday for absolutely no reason at all it reset on me. :-( Arrrgggh! I was so mad! I should have known better and hatched my other one (the black and purple) since I had issues with my white and purple one back in 2020. I am going to get my black Devilgotch when I am over to my Mom's place later this evening....! Matthew and I are slowly getting better -- Matt's been more sick! I have started going out again the last couple of days which has been nice. :-) Still playing LOTS of Animal Crossing: Wild World. I have successfully planted several of each of the fruits and this will benefit me in the way of higher bells, plus it just looks super pretty! I have been enjoying it so much that I am actually considering buying a Nintendo Wii so I can play City Folk. :-) We shall see what the next couple of months brings. We have two WII remotes and the little joy stick which is required to play city folk. I have a copy of City Folk that I bought and played briefly on someone else's WII back in 2019.... lots to think about!! Tuesday, October 11, 2022: I've still not gotten around to hatching my other Devilgotchi. I never picked up my black Devilgotch from Mom's place on Sunday evening and now I am feeling under the weather again, so I'm staying away from her house until further notice. I've just been continuing to play ACWW on my DS Lite. :-). I tried playing some "Pokemon Soul Silver" this afternoon but I think I would rather start a Pokemon game I've not played yet. I will choose one from the list in the 208 in one cartridge! I had no idea that Nintendo Wii was able to play GameCube games so we will *definitely* be getting one in the coming months. This is going to open up so many more gaming possibilities for both Matthew and myself. :-) Soooo excited!!! I am still checking in on my ACNL and ACNH towns! I can't wait to see all three of my AC towns with pretty autumn colours coming up soon! Monday, October 17, 2022: Tonight at 6:00PM sharp I set the time on my black and purple Devilgotch! I finally got around to collecting it from my Mom's house the other day. My black Devilgotch is in *much* better condition than the white and purple one... Sadly the white/purple was in bad condition already when I purchased it (used) back in 2016. The buttons are also much more responsive on my black one! I plan to keep this one in the best condition I possibly can. SO I have a little Deviltchi in my care now. I have the DP up to 85 already and keeping an eye that it doesn't go over 90. I have been playing the game with him a lot, and I am planning to shake hands with him whenever he asks for it this time. I think that will ensure I get the healthier teenager. :-) We shall see if this little experiment works! I am still putting in lots of hours on ACWW! Sometimes I have my DS lite running in the background while I am doing chores or watching TV. :-) My favourite time of day is between 5:30-7:30PM, with the beautiful bright pink sky in the background. :-). Little Deviltchi will get to see lots of the goings on in my Ginjro ACWW town while he is here! And I think later tonight he will get to watch a scary movie with us! Tuesday, October 18, 2022: I've been very diligent with Deviltchi so far, keeping hunger and happiness completely full, having DP between 75-85, and shaking hands whenever possible. I keep the DP high by loosing the game as usual. :-) If I can keep this up then I think I will definitely get someone other than Devil Oyajitchi! Last night he got to watch the end of Halloween II (1981), and some episodes of "Married with Children" season 3! Tonight he is going to get to watch a new volume of "Unsolved Mysteries" that has just been released on Netflix. Can't wait!! 11:04PM: We just finished watching the first three episodes of "Unsolved Mysteries" Volume 3! The third episode was the craziest one of all but Deviltchi was asleep by then. He went to bed at 9PM with full hunger and happiness and 80DP. I have my alarm set for 9AM tomorrow morning when he wakes up! Tuesday, October 25, 2022: I never got around to updating after my Devilgotch changed into Devil Oyajitchi! I had so been hoping for the better teen that looks like a little joker. I've been keeping the DP lower now in hopes that I will get girl Deviltchi. :-) Been watching lots more Halloween movies on AMC and Plex! Last night I really needed a break from horror movies so I decided to put on something a little lighter and watched "Halloweentown" (1998). I never did see it as a kid but I can imagine I would have loved it!. :-) I now have 3 villagers that I adore in ACWW: Deena, Joey and Maple. Joey is basically the male version of Deena -- so adorable! I love all of their little personalities. I have to keep playing everyday so that I don't loose them! Speaking of which.. Gotta go check on them now, hehe! Wednesday, October 26, 2022: I would have been happy with either of the characters I got but I was greeted by Pumpkin Deviltchi's little face just a short time ago. Yay!! :-) It was very important that I got an adult character in time for Halloween! Thursday, October 27, 2022: I let poor Pumpkin Deviltchi's happy stars (hearts) all empty this afternoon while I was playing Animal Crossing on my DS. EEK! I hope this won't make him have a bad/early end...! He seems fine now since then and I've been trying to be a better caretaker to him. Matthew is watching some paranormal show on Netflix at the moment, but it doesn't really interest me all that much...! I am hoping we can watch more "Unsolved Mysteries" later... Three new episodes were just added to volume 3! Other things Deviltchi has gotten to watch: "Wild, Wild Country", "Uncoupled", and "The Devil you Know". All of these are shows on Netflix! Monday, October 31, 2022: Happy Halloween! I have Pumpkin Deviltchi with me down at my Mom's place this evening. We cooked dinner and are waiting for the first Trick or Treaters to come. :-) We are in the living room watching the original "Hocus Pocus" -- a yearly tradition! My Mom is giving out candy along with glow-stick bracelets. I am currently wearing five of them! :-D |
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