![]() May - June 2022
Part 15
Monday, May 2, 2022: I am lost deep in Pokemon Silver and haven't made anytime for writing in here. I'm still running my Mesutchi Osutchi and currently on the second generation with second stage Babitchi characters (See Mesutchi Osutchi Blogs Part 3, Entry: Saturday, November 26, 2016 for animations). I have been trying to keep them involved in my day to day activities but they sadly do spend a lot of time on pause. I get so wrapped up with Pokemon that two hours could go by and I don't check on them! They are pretty undemanding Tams though so I should just keep them active as much as I can. I can't stop gushing about Pokemon! I am a total amateur but I feel like that may change. I am currently leveling up my 6 Pokemon (Magneton, Entei, Fearow, Lugia, Feraligatr and Gyarados) so that they can stand up against the Elite Four. I have tried 3 times against them now and actually made it up to the final (5th) battle but inevitably lost. I always save the game right before I go against them and then turn off when I loose so I don't get stuck behind those walls. Shawn is always giving me lots of tips and useful information but I'm not able to retain it. The way I see it is I am experiencing what all my young friends did in 1999 at 32 years old. :-) And that is fine by me! Saturday, May 7, 2022: I have been on more of a video game tangent lately and haven't had much to say about my virtual pets. I'm still running a Mesutchi Osutchi Tamagotch pair but they spend many hours on pause. I want to make more time for them but it is hard when I'm experiencing the world of Pokemon for the first time. :-) Shawn suggested that I do a blog of my Pokemon experiences but I wouldn't know where to start with that. Right now I am leveling up 3 of the classic Pokemon on yellow version: Squirtle, Charmander and Bulbasaur. They are now in their second stages but I can't recall their names now. ;D That will tell you how versed I am in the Pokemon world. I have the second generation teens on the Mesutchi Osutchi Tams -- they look like little Christmas trees! Thankfully I haven't had any reset issues with this pair like I did the ones I was running this time last year. I love Mesu and Osu and I can't wait to get the Gen3 adults because they are sooooo cute! We've been watching the Harry Potter movies this week/weekend! We are on the third movie, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban tonight. I saw the first three movies in my youth and didn't see any of the others after this one. SO I have some catching up to do now hehe. :-) I gotta say though that it is really not my favorite kind of show/movie to be watching. But it's time I see it all the way through. Monday, May 9, 2022: I have been continuing to go back and forth between two GameBoy games, Pokemon Yellow and Silver version. I got my 16th badge in Silver last night and am now leveling up my Pokemon to go up against "Blue" in the cave on Mount Silver. I am not going to turn on Yellow version until I've defeated Blue. I'm currently outside the cave training my Magneton with Pokemon in the mid 40 levels -- it is the perfect spot to train. Mesu and Osu are watching along with me while I play away and do laundry at my Moms house this afternoon. More later! Friday, May 20, 2022: I can't believe I have only written two entries for the month of May! I have been so in love with Pokemon that I've barely written anything about my Mesutchi Osutchi Tams. I am still caring for them and they are into the third generation Now, I need to talk Pokemon! I feel like it is hard to write about Pokemon in the same way that I do Tamagotchi. I am sure that blogs have been done about people's experiences but it's totally different from virtual pets to me. I am over 2 decades late to the Pokemon craze but I am making up for lost time. It all started on Easter Sunday last month whe In the last month I played Silver version, followed by Yellow version and then a few days ago started Crystal version (all on 3DS). Today I decided to start a brand new file on my original Pokemon Blue version cartridge and I'm playing it on my 23 year old GameBoy Color. I love playing the games on the 3DS but playing it on the GBC is so much fun and it actually feels better in my hands. :-D Wednesday, May 25, 2022: Due to pausing my Mesutchi Osutchi are still in the Mizutamatchi stage. I have been off in Pokemon and Nintendo land. :-) I have my little ones off pause today so we are spending some time together. They are currently watching me play Pokemon Blue version on my original 1989 GameBoy. I found it in storage the other day at my Moms house and managed to get it working. It feels amazing to be able to play my old GameBoy and GameBoy Color after all these years. Andddd to be experiencing Pokemon at the same time. I never thought I'd enjoy this so much. Pokemon has definitely been a good chapter in my life of hobbies so far. I can't believe I've been playing every single day now for the last month! I beat the Elite Four in Yellow Version the other night and it was very difficult. I'm getting better with the use of things like revive and ether potions to make my Pokemon stay alive and fighting. I will need to focus on catching different Pokemon to fill out my Pokedex before moving on to the next generation of games -- the GameBoy Advance ones! I'm going to make sure I've experienced the first and second generations of Pokemon enough first. :-) I ended up buying Red and Gold version before the E Shop closed on May 23rd. I can't get over how good my timing was to get into these games since May 23 was the cut off date for using credit card on the E shop (I'm not sure what other way there is to purchase off there). I'm going to *try* and finish up Blue version before I get into Red and Gold. And of course I still have Crystal version. That brings me up to six Pokemon games in my possession. I will have to buy the actual game cartridges when I move onto the third generation of games which is going to be expensive, but it will be fun playing them on the GBA SP. :-D Saturday, June 4, 2022: I've decided to write June's entries on this page since I didn't write a lot in the month of May. I went and bought Pokemon Leaf Green for GameBoy Advance on May 26th and really enjoying it. Leaf Green is a remake of Blue/Red version with much better graphics and some new additions. My favourite thing is being able to re-battle trainers with the VS Seeker to gain extra experience and money. It's a lot of fun. I need to soon check back with Game Exchange to see if they have any copies of Ruby or Sapphire (they didn't have any when I was there on the 26th). Tomorrow I am going to check out The Entertainment Store which is another used game store here in the city. I am going to have Donald with me tomorrow so he will enjoy checking out another game store. :-) My Mesutchi Osutchi Tams are spending some time off pause today! They changed into the teen characters last week and I'm so excited for them to become Pipotchi and Kabutchi adults. :-) They are some of the cutest characters on Mesu & Osu! Thursday, June 9, 2022: I beat the Elite 4 on Pokemon Leaf Green late last night/early this morning. I still have some stuff left to do on this before I move onto Ruby version. Oh yes, I purchased a used copy of Ruby version on Sunday afternoon at the Game Exchange. :-) Donald got a copy of Red version so that we can connect and trade when we get link cables! My friend Maria said she will let me have a lend of her cables which is very kind of her. I think she may have both Gameboy and Advance cables so I am *really* excited about this. I did have a little play with Ruby and explored around the first town. The clerk at the store must have made a file to test it out. I will create my own new file once I am ready to really play it. So much excitement and things to look forward to. I've all but given up on my Tamagotchi and virtual pets for the time being. My Mesutchi Osutchi Tams have been sitting on pause in the living room of the apartment since the last time I wrote. I've been watching a lot of Beverly Hills 90210 on Plex and I am going to finish the whole ten seasons this time. I never got past season 7 back in 2014 but I'm going to get through it all this time. It's a really great show! Friday, June 17, 2022: I have begun playing Pokemon Ruby as of this week! I'm having fun with it so far. This generation 3 Pokemon game has a totally new layout and map and it's a whole new experience completely. I will write more about that after! Two days ago I hatched a brand new in box Tamagotchi P1 (my 25th anniversary remake that I got on my birthday from Matthew). I really missed having a little P1 around and really hoping I can get a Ginjirotchi for my adult. Donald got a P1 Tama yesterday from toys are us and he is hoping for Ginji too. :-) My little Marutchi has been getting to watch along to many hours of Pokemon Ruby, in addition to several shows. We've been watching "Pokemon: Indigo League", "Shameless", and "Beverly Hills 90210". Pretty soon we will finish all 11 and 10 seasons of both those shows! Gotta figure out what we are going to watch next....! One last update before bed: Marutchi changed into Tamatchi. :-) Yay! We are watching Shameless at the moment and I just got the Heat Badge in Pokemon Ruby. :-) Monday, June 20, 2022: I am really enjoying having a little P1 remake with me this last week! I accidentally aged him last night by one day but I've been taking pretty good care of him otherwise. I'm taking a *little* less perfect care of him in hopes that he will become a Ginjirotchi. :-) But that has always been hard for me to do on my 2017 remakes...! I don't know if I will ever figure out a set method to get what characters on these remake Tams. I find it is extremely difficult to even keep them alive at times and it is very discouraging for little kids like my God child, Donald who haven't been able to get them to adult form. I know for certain that if Donald had a 1997 Tam that he would have no problem getting it to adulthood. In any event, I think I'm going to get mine to adulthood. I've had 3-4 random deaths occur in the time I've been raising these Tams since early 2018 and it is always so frustrating!! Tuesday, June 21, 2022: It's the first day of summer! And what a great day it is. :-) This morning my clear purple P1 changed into a ..::Drum roll::. Ginjirotchi!!! I was playing Pokemon Ruby all weekend but yesterday I took a break from it and began Gold version -- a total step backwards. I am doing the Gold version with the fire starter pokemon and it feels like a whole new experience. :-) I've always started with a water pokemon in all my previous runs (Blue, Silver, Crystal, and Leaf Green). I will get back to Ruby very soon. I don't mind playing two versions at the one time -- kinda like I do with vpets, hehe! Ginji has gotten to enjoy a lot of outdoor time! The entire lifespan of this Tam has seen a lot of ourdoors so far actually. When he was a Tamatchi he went on at least 2 walks up the trail and took several trips in the car. My Osu&Mesu pair stay here at the apartment and haven't gotten out much except here and there in my Nintendo Switch bag. I also have each of them in a protective hard Japanese Tam case so they don't get scratched up in my pocket. I find the hard cases really good for summer time! Took pictures today of the rose tree down at my Moms house....! I think it's a rose tree. I may post some of the photos I took here later! |