![]() April 2022
Part 14
Friday, April 1, 2022: Bobo is still with us! Sadly she has been spending a lot of time on pause when I am not at home. When I ran my Bobo last year we were in a full lock-down so I was able to be there for her every hour of the day. I wish I had gotten to spend more time with her but she is 19 and still has some time left. I know that she won't make it past age 26 as that is when all Bobo's go to heaven. I will just have to make sure she gets lots of good memories between now and April 7. :-) I will be back again to give a full rundown of what Bobo has been up to with us. I've not yet gotten around to hatching another P1/P2 Tam but I should be able to by next week. Another thing I need to get around to doing is uploading Bobo's baby/growth pics to the Bobo Panda Byte page! I may need to get Shawn to put together a little photo collage for me. Monday, April 4, 2022: Bobo is still spending a lot of time on pause but I am cherishing some time with her this evening. She is 22 years old today! :-) I haven't been able to do all the activities with her like I did on my last Bobo Panda. I keep her happy and full by feeding and praising her for happiness. Her IQ has remained at full hearts even though I don't do all of the activities that a healthy Bobo is suppose to do. TODAY!!! I hatched my transparent black and white Osutchi Mesutchi pair. I was over at Mom's house going through my collection and decided to do it. I raised my white and yellow pair of Osu&Mesu last spring but they reset on me several times. I am hoping I'll have better luck with my clear and smoke black pair. I dropped Osu on the concrete of the driveway earlier!!! :-( My heart sank, but he is still alive. I currently have the Mohitamatchi at 50% discipline -- they are so sweet! Bobo, Osu and Mesu will get to watch an episode of "The X-Files" before bed this evening. Then I will probably watch an episode of "Joe Vs. Carol" which I started watching on PLEX last night. Tuesday, April 5, 2022: I think that things are going to go well for this pair of Osutchi & Mesutchi that I am raising. I had no problems with these two when I raised them back in 2016. It was really disappointing when my white and yellow pair reset several times on me last year. Last year was the first time I raised a pair since early 2017. I don't even remember which characters I got or how many generations I raised. I know that both the Osu and the Mesu reset on me at least twice and at different times. I *really* hope that is not the case for these ones. My two MohiTamatchi's are both 100% disciplined and haven't asked for anymore disciplines yet. I'm trying to prepare myself for Bobo's departure in a couple of days. I do not want her to die!! I also really want to get my hands on the other Bobo Byte pets. I've known about the Bobo Byte's since I was a kid but I never took an interest in getting one until I was over 30 years old LOL! I didn't know what I was missing all these years. My virtual pets have been a comfort to me today while watching the news unfold about the Russian war crimes in the Ukraine. I am lost for words completely. All I have been able to think about for the entire afternoon and evening are the innocent civilians who have lost their lives over the last month. History is definitely repeating itself in the 21st century, only this time we are seeing it live on Twitter and social media. I cried a couple of times today because the enormity of the situation is just too much for my mind to handle. Friday, April 8, 2022: I am sad to report that Bobo passed away at 10am this morning on what would have been her 26th year. Poor little Bobo! I was only able to leave her on the death screen for a little while before having to press the reset button. I couldn't look at that poor little face anymore. I don't think I'm going to raise another Bobo Byte just yet. I do want to see if I can get the other adults someday, but for now I'm going to focus on my Osutchi Mesutchi Tams. :-) Speaking of which, I got the healthy teens Obotchi and Ojotchi. They are sooooo cute! Saturday, April 9, 2022: I had no qualms about showing Obotchi and Ojitchi some more adult type comedy yesterday since they are teenagers. They got to watch along to a comedy show: "Amy Schumer: Growing", followed by the movie "Trainwreck" and two episodes of "Joe Vs. Carol". If Bobo were still here I think she would have had to watch her own TV on pause. ;-D I have to admit that I've paused my Osutchi Mesutchi a little bit since they became teenagers because I don't want to miss a single second of their cuteness. The Obotchi/Ojitchi stage is so adorable and it is always over before I can really enjoy it. I have only disciplined them to 75% in hopes of getting anything but the best adults. I have had the healthiest ones so many times that it has become boring so I will be happy with anyone besides them. :-) Monday, April 18, 2022: I've sadly gotten into a rut with my Tams again but thankfully that is where the pause feature always comes in handy. I managed to get the Gen1 adults that I wanted on my Osu&Mesu: Kiwitchi and Kikotchi. I absolutely love these adult characters and it took me years before I was ever able to get them. They have remained on pause since their second day into adulthood. I know I am able to mate them but I am going to wait until I am ready again. How have I been spending my time? I have made leaps and bounds in my Binks Farm file on Stardew Valley and have a whole other little farm over on Ginger Island. I made a lot of progress in a very short time thanks to the help of Shawn and my friend Maria. I began to get that old feeling of knowing that I would soon need a new game to play and nothing came to mind. Last night I was going through some things over at my Moms house during a family gathering (I get so antisocial sometimes), and came across my old Pokemon Blue version game. I popped it in my GameBoy Advance SP and it still works. It also had my save data from the last time I used it which I can only guess was like 15-16 years ago. I have very little experience with the Pokemon games but I may just give it a try. Shawn said that it is risky playing on the old cartridges and that the save data may get lost or break so I may buy Blue Version over on my 3DS.... I am going to play my old cartridge for now and see if I actually am going to commit to playing it or not. I am very excited to have another game to play when I really need it. I'm currently in between playing Blue version and looking up info.... :-) Wednesday, April 20, 2022: I've had a wonderful couple of days in Pokemon land! I Now as for my Tamagotchi's, my Osutchi Mesutchi pair are back in session again. I've not yet mated my Kiwitchi and Kikotchi because I'm enjoying their presence. I won't wait too long to mate them because I don't want them changing into oldies and unable to mate. I will see how the afternoon goes and think about mating them. They've been great company while I've been training my Pokemon. :-) 11:17pm: I didn't get around to matting Kiwtitchi and Kikotchi. Tomorrow! Monday, April 25, 2022: I got around to mating Kiwitchi and Kikotchi on either Thursday or Friday past. I thought that the parents would be leaving the children last night but they are still here. :-) I haven't been around much to write but I've had my little Shawn told me this morning that the 3DS E-Shop will be closing down as of March 2023 so this gives me time to get all the old GameBoy games I would like to get. The prices (16 dollars) are more than worth it to me and much better than 100 dollars for the original cartridge from 1999. I've heard rumors that Nintendo Switch Online will release the GameBoy Advance games at some point which would be amazing. |