![]() February - March 2022
Part 13
Sunday, February 13, 2022: I am happy to say that we got settled into our new apartment earlier this month. :-) What a relief it is to finally have a place to call 'home' again. We got Binks back on January 31 and he has settled in really nicely. At first he was afraid of the different sounds from various people throughout the building but he is finally used to it now. I didn't and won't get into a lot of detail about where we were living from September - December. Matt came and stayed at my Mom's from December 23 until we moved into the apartment. It was actually a huge relief when we came to moms because our stay at his friends went badly -- not because of his friend, but her husband. Again I won't get into details. My virtual pets were one of the major things that got me through the last number of months. I was raising them right up until the move but have yet to get back into them yet. The 2018 P2 I was raising ran out of batteries unfortunately. I have had that Tam active on and off since August so I guess that's a pretty good battery life. As for the Tamagotchi Color I was raising, that too ran out of batteries. I have no idea what I'm going to raise next....! Other things that have been going on: We got cable TV for the first time in years so I've been enjoying flicking through the channels like the old days. :-) We also have access to whatever movie/tv show/documentary we want thanks to my cousin Frankie's Plex account. When I do raise another virtual pet they will have a lot of TV watching to do with us. Matthew has been the one to unpack and organize everything in the new apartment because 90% of it was his stuff from the old house we lived in together up until September. It's great to see everything again, though there is a lot of stuff we had to get rid of. It was totally worth downsizing to a smaller apartment. I may have to take some pictures and make a little page dedicated to Binks and the apartment. :-) Wednesday, February 16, 2022: Today Matthew surprised me with triple AAA batteries after a trip to the dollarama. :-) I immediately downloaded my Tamagotchi Color character named Avery. Avery is a character that I never heard of until now: Lavuzukintchi. Very interesting little character.... I don't know what it reminds me of but it is cute. I hope these batteries last a little longer than the ones before. I'm looking forward to seeing some of the other characters in future generations. Avery is going to be watching a lot of TV with us. She didn't get to see any of the show "Nurse Jackie" which we finished yesterday. But she was watching along to "Queer as Folk" while still living over at Moms house in January so I'll have to catch her up on that, hehe. Monday, February 21, 2022: Today my Japanese Color Tamagotchi, Avery changed into an oldie character. I didn't realize that you the caretaker have to actually initiate the visit from the matchmaker by selecting one of the icons. Avery gave birth to (I'm assuming) a baby boy who I've named Blackfly. Since Avery changed into an oldie, my little Blackfly went right from being a Babitchi to an Oyajitchi -- the old man secret character from the Japanese P1. Well he is really cute! I love the Color Tamagotchi so far. Shawn has given me SO much information, God bless him, but I haven't taken any of it in. I'm not sure if I mentioned I'm volunteering at my Mom's work twice a week. I brought my Color Tam with me last week. :-) I'm slowly getting busier so I haven't researched the Color like I would normally do with a new Tamagotchi. I'm currently debating about making a Tamagotchi Color page like I have for so many other Tamas and virtual pets, but I really know nothing about the Color.... We will see how this generation goes. Blackfly is going to be watching a lot of "Scott and Bailey" and the "X-Files" with us in the coming days. We've been going back and forth between the two shows for the last couple of days. Tuesday, March 1, 2022: I am having a hard time getting back into journal entries since getting settled in the new apartment. A lot has happened with my Color Tamagotchi -- I am now on the 3rd generation. My oldie Blackfly only stuck around for a couple of days and now I have another adult named Morutchi, the worst on the chart. This comes as no surprise as I have missed many attention calls and have fed A LOT of snacks. Funnily enough, I have been raising a 2017 P1 since last Tuesday and got a Mametchi even though I only got the discipline up to 75% in each of the stages. I have no idea how the programming works on these Tams and I feel like I will never actually figure it out. I have been unable to really track the progress of these ones. I've been so demotivated that I haven't even given names to either of the Tams I have right now. I had a relapse last Friday which I won't go into detail... If it was anything else I was going through then I would probably be more open to talking about it. But all I feel is shame... I really hope I can get it right this time. :-( Not even Tamagotchi is a comfort to me right now.... I haven't told my Mom about this relapse and I don't know if I ever will. Ginji's Journal was supposed to be a new beginning, a whimsical account of my life. But my life is anything but at the moment.... I hope I can write something cheerful soon. Wednesday, March 2, 2022: I went to my Mom's house today and picked up 3 2017 Tams: 2 P1s and 1 P2. I am going to conduct some friendly experiments similar to that of Aurora Minui's 1997 Tamagotchi page. She would run two P1/P2 Tams alongside one another and do different things to see what characters she would get, ie. leaving the lights on for one and off for the other at bedtime, discipline calls, etc.. There is so much mystery to the 2017 remakes and I am going to raise two of them at the exact same time in the near future. I still have my Tamagotchi Color to contend with along with my 11 year old Mametchi (clear blue). I don't know if I am going to continue with the Tamagotchi Color or not after this generation. Thursday, March 3, 2022 8:01pm: I felt like having another virtual pet to go alongside my P1 Mametchi so my Bobo Panda Byte was born at 6:25pm. I raised this one exactly a year ago and I enjoyed it so much. I'm hoping to get one of the other adult pandas this time. :-) I'm getting used to the button commands all over again but I think I'll have the hang of it by the time she goes to bed tonight. Her activities will be limited until she grows up a little more. I forgot just how cute this virtual pet is. Mametchi and Bobo have been watching "The Kids in the Hall" on Amazon Prime with us this evening -- Poor Bobo is gonna grow up warped!! I am planning to add much more content to my Bobo Panda Byte page. I want to put more photos of her growth process this time. I just managed to get all of Bobo's hunger, happiness and IQ up to full hearts. I think bedtime will be 9:00 for her. Friday, March 4, 2022: Bobo was up at 9am today and I kept her by my side while I slept in. I had to use the TV pause function while we drove to the storage unit this afternoon but she is back in my care again now. I won't be taking her out in the car since Bobo Byte's reset very easily. Tomorrow she should be changing into her next stage! I'm very excited. :-) Bobo and Mametchi got to watch part of the movie "101 Dalmatians" with me this afternoon. Now there is a movie I haven't seen in a while! Saturday, March 5, 2022: Bobo changed into the next stage at 10:01AM just as I thought he would. She eats apples and candy in addition to the bottle now. Early this evening I looked in on her and there was a sun on the screen, signaling me to put her little cap on. I wasn't able to snap a photo of her with her little cap on, basking in the sun. :-) I've been extra careful not to handle my Bobo too rough as she reset on me from just that a year ago. Mametchi and Bobo watched the rest of "101 Dalmatians" with us this afternoon. They also watched two episodes of "Cold Case" and part of the movie "9 to 5", followed by three episodes of "Scott and Bailey". Bobo fell asleep before finishing the final episode. I wasn't paying attention at 10PM and poor Mametchi went to bed with poop by his bed. Monday, March 7, 2022: My poor Mametchi (clear blue P1) passed away today at the age of 16. He really wasn't demanding at all but I think I know why he passed away so early. I got lazy about 3-4 days ago and began feeding snacks for happiness. It didn't seem to be making him sick. In fact, he only got sick once a day or so ago which I just thought meant he was getting older. Anyway I think I know that Mametchi could have lived longer if I had not been feeding so many snacks... I still feel very inexperienced with the 2017 remakes but I am enjoying the process. This afternoon at 2:39PM I hatched my purple & pink 2018 (US) P1. I currently have a Babitchi that I'm doting on at the moment. Once it goes into the Marutchi stage I am going to keep track of the discipline calls again. What I wouldn't give to successfully neglect it without premature death and to get those unhealthy characters. Bobo is doing very well! She came with me this morning over to my Moms house while I did laundry so I wouldn't have to pause her. I was worried about reset issues but I was extremely careful. Tomorrow things will get more fun after Bobo turns 5. She will grow up a little more and be able to do more activities. :-) 3:51PM: We have entered the Marutchi stage and let the discipline tracking begin! Tuesday, March 8, 2022: I brought Bobo and Marutchi with me today while I did my volunteering. They were both great company while I sorted through and folded clothing! This morning Bobo turned 5 years old and then changed into the next stage. This character is almost identical to the last one with the exception of two pixels (thanks Shawn!!). She moves around the screen now in addition to being able to eat more foods and do more activities. I love this virtual pet so much! I want to get my hands on the Baby Byte and the Monkey Byte so badly! :-) As for my little Marutchi, he has been naughty three times and has 75% discipline. I am keeping track of discipline and sick times on paper to compare with future hatching's. 7:21PM: I just realized something when writing down Marutchi's fourth discipline. All of the disciplines have been at 20 minutes after the hour. Yesterday he beeped at 5:20 (25%). Today he beeped at 10:20 (50%), 4:20 (75%) and 7:20 (100%). This is very interesting and something I never noticed until now when I kept notes. :-) Friday, March 11, 2022: I haven't been able to write for the last few days due to my cat Mr. being sick. Thankfully I was able to get him into a *really* good vet yesterday and I think everything is going to be ok. :-) Bobo and my P1 (who is now a Tamatchi) were with me through everything. I have had to pause Bobo a number of times (TV watching) over the last couple of days but he doesn't seem any worse for the wear from it. He is still in the same stage as he was when I last wrote. I have kept track of all discipline calls with my P1 and I am hoping to narrow down strategies for getting each character. It's going to take a while but I am having fun. :-) I am really excited for tomorrow because Bobo will be changing again! I didn't mention that fact that he got sick 4 times on Wednesday! I was extremely busy and maybe not taking the best care of him but I seem to remember this happening last year when I ran the Bobo Panda. I will be keeping note of it for the next time I raise it. I also kept track of Tamatchi's discipline times but they are on a notepad downstairs at the moment. I'm just glad I have the times written down for experimental purposes. Sunday, March 13, 2022: I am glad that I've been keeping notes and pictures of everything because a lot can happen in the short life of a virtual pet. Let me back things up first. Bobo was doing great! Yesterday he turned 9 and changed into a large black and white panda who I think is named Nini. This morning he changed once again becoming just the smallest bit more chunky. All activities were now unlocked and I was very happy. Well I was doing some things around the house and decided to put Bobo in my pocket... Big mistake. Bobo reset on me just shortly before 2pm. :-( I am soooo upset with myself, but at the same time this particular pet resets very easily. I decided to start another Bobo but it is so hard to go right back to the beginning. I was hoping for a Ginjirotchi on my P1 but ended up with Masukutchi. I ignored Tuesday, March 15, 2022, 12:44AM: still feels like Monday to me because I am up so late! Masukutchi asked for 4 disciplines today at 20 minutes after the hour. Bobo is still in the infant stage and only drinking milk for nourishment. Tomorrow he will change into the second stage at 10am and be able to do more things. I really love this pet and am determined to get the other Bobo Byte's. :-) I can't stop looking at a YouTube video of a Bobo Monkey Byte. Wednesday, March 16, 2022: I noticed it was a short time until My Masuktchi's bedtime so I was sure to see he was full and happy. I *did* feed snacks today and regretted it because that likely lost me my chance at getting the secret character, Bill! (It is a USA P1 remake) I just worked the weight off and played a bunch of games with him. The game is not easy to win with Masukutchi on the remake. On the 1997 P1 the Masukutchi almost always lets you win the which way game... Interesting how there are so many differences between the two decades of release. :-) I need to write down all of the differences and compile it into a webpage someday.. Bobo has been paused whenever I leave the house but she changed into the second stage yesterday at age 2. She will change again in a couple of days and be able to eat more and do more. I pause her whenever I have to leave the apartment now because I don't want to risk resetting at all. Thursdsay, March 17, 2022: Well, I have to admit that I've been pausing Bobo a lot more than her predecessors. Today she watched TV for a good three hours while we were out in the car getting groceries and running errands. I took along Masukutchi with me as there is literally no chance of him resetting on me. I don't know if excessive pausing will affect Bobo in later years but I guess I'll find out soon enough. I'm still so sad this virtual pet resets so easily....! I also may need to pause her in the morning as I think I will be sleeping in tomorrow. Saturday, March 26, 2022: Well, it has been over a week since I last wrote because things have been kind of uneventful. Tuesday passed, my Masukutchi passed away at the age of 17... I haven't gotten around to hatching another Tam right yet. I've been focusing all my efforts into Bobo who I *finally* managed to get to adulthood. I got the all black bodied character named "Jasper"! He seems to be getting sick more than I remember my last adult character. She is 13 years old today and hasn't began to date yet! She does spend a few hours each day watching TV but I'm trying to spend as much time with her as possible. :-) Things that Bobo have gotten to do: lots' of TV watching, "Beverly Hills 90210", "Doctor Foster", "X-Files", "Family Guy", "Kids in the Hall", and various other YouTube videos and segments on cable TV. I started painting Easter Eggs for the first time this year since I was a teenager and it is so much fun. I have to be careful not to get any paint on my virtual pets so I usually keep them on the other side of the room while I'm paining. |