![]() January 2022
Part 12
Saturday, January 1, 2022, 12:10AM: Happy New Year!! I'm very grateful to be here writing and not out drinking. This is our third big surge of Covid here where I live and each time we lock down I end up reflecting a lot more. Matthew and I will be starting off 2022 looking for a new place to live. I cannot wait to have Binks back and have a home again. I still miss our old place a lot and it's been really hard the last four months, but here's hoping for good things in 2022. :-) I rarely get *too* personal on these pages but sometimes it's nice to open up a little. I am going to try and wind down and get ready for bed. I'll be back later today with updates about the virtual pet situation...! Monday, January 3, 2022: I am glad to say that Pierre and Phife are doing well so far in this new year. Both have grown since I last wrote and I'm happy with the results. First off, Phife the Bitty Kitty has gone through several growth stages. Shawn has been nice enough to make growth charts showing the stages of growth and the ages they occurred at. And the next order of business is my Yasashii Tamagotchi, Pierre who changed into the lesser than healthy adult character Kabuto Oyajitchi. I have had this one before and I'm not surprised I got him since I've lost my momentum for the Yasashii. Funnily enough, I got this character instead of Jr. Ginjirotchi because I paused it a bunch and nearly had the discipline meter maxed out. I think if I could get the discipline higher in the Hoppetchi (child) stage that I'd be able to get the healthy teen character, but that will have to be another time. I'm going to have Phife to contend with now and I think I want to try raising a 2018 P1/P2 again...! I didn't mention that I bought a pro controller for my Nintendo switch last week. I love it so much and I don't know why I never bought one sooner. It has made my gaming that much more enjoyable. Shawn said that I need to open up to some new games and he is very right about that. He is currently playing "Slime Rancher" and told me to give it a try. Friday, January 7, 2022: Pierre, my Kabuto Oyajitchi passed away yesterday at the age of 12. He only made it to 12 due to the pausing I did in the child/teen stage. As of today I took the batteries out of both my Yasashii Tamagotchi's and put them back in their packaging. I have a fully grown Bitty Kitty, Phife to contend with and I'm thinking about hatching a P1/P2 remake. I have been watching a lot of TV in the evenings as usual. This week I began watching "Queer as Folk". I watched this series years ago in my early twenties but I only saw it through once fully. It's almost like I'm watching it for the first time all over again. I absolutely love it and I'm so glad I own the entire series on DVD. :-) Since Phife goes to bed at 9pm he has missed quite a few episodes... ;-) This week I've had Donald coming down to my Moms house for a few hours a day while his Mom Laura goes to work. I gave Donald his first Tamagotchi (P2) this week and he seems to love it. :-) It's a P2 remake I gave him so I hope he is able to keep it alive! Saturday, January 8, 2022: I hatched my white&green P2 remake this afternoon. I can't think of a name for him so he is nameless at the moment. Naming my Tams is something I only got into when I began raising Tamagotchi Connection 5 years ago. Phife is doing well at 11 years old. :-) Sunday, January 9, 2022: I decided on a name for my white and green P2! His name is Firth. :-) He is still a Tonmarutchi and I'm going to be keeping his discipline at 3/4's full (75%). I plan to do the same thing in the teenage stage. Friday, January 14, 2022: I'm finally getting around to writing! A lot of stress has finally lifted. Matt and I will be moving into our new apartment before February 1st. I am so excited!!! I have not been up to writing all week because I have been so stressed about not finding a place to live. The good news came two days ago, and then the even better news came yesterday about the price of rent. :-) I think that things are going to be okay now. Pretty soon my virtual pets will be raised in a new home. :-) So much to do for this move but it is all going to be worth it. Saturday, January 15, 2022: Firth changed into a Zukitchi yesterday morning. I was really neglecting in hopes of getting the Hashizotchi. Phife the Bitty Kitty is a fully grown cat now at age 18. After he matures past 20 I will have to be careful to make sure the health doesn't go below 95... They've both been asleep by the time Matt and I watch "Queer as Folk" in the evenings but now that Firth is a Zukitchi he will be up a bit later so he will see some episodes I'm sure. We are in a bad sleep schedule so we've been watching the show into the wee hours of the morning...! Hopefully we can get back on track once we get in the new apartment. :-) I have to admit that I haven't been the best caretaker to Firth since he changed into his adult stage. I got lazy and started feeding snacks last night. I'm unsure of if it will effect the Tams health or not once it has reached adulthood. I feel it is going to take me a lot longer to prefect the remake P1/P2 than it did for me with my 1996/7 versions. I also hope that I am able to keep Phife around after he turns 20 in a couple of days. Sunday, January 16, 2022: Well so much for being careful with Phife's health. This morning I slept in till almost noon and Phife's health went way down into the 70s. :-( There is no way I will get it back up to 95 so he will most likely be gone by the time I wake up tomorrow. ::sigh sigh sigh::: I've also completely given up playing games with poor Firth so the weight has gone up to 99 units, and he was sick earlier requiring one dose of medicine. I am not sure if I will be able to raise anymore virtual pets until we are settled into the new apartment. I've been playing "Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe" on the switch. I bought this game two years ago but haven't gotten around to playing it until now. It is a great game and has many similarities to the original Mario games from the 80's and 90's. :-) It is challenging but not TOO challenging so I really like it. Wednesday, January 19, 2022: Well I had planned on taking a break from Virtual Pet's until getting settled into the new apartment next month but had a change of heart on Monday evening. I have owned a Tamagotchi Plus Color (TMGC+C) since early 2017 but never got around to hatching it. I am pretty sure I tested it to make sure it worked when I got it and then put it back in the packaging. I don't know what came over me but I decided to hatch it on Monday evening. It is a Japanese Tam so I have no idea what I named it on the screen but I've decided her name is Avery. I am probably going to make a small page with some pictures and to keep a history of my characters and generations. For now I will just keep updates on this journal. Right now I have a 3 year old Itchigotchi teenager. This is considered healthy on the connection Tams but on the Color the Itchigotchi is the unhealthy teen. A little background: I got my covid-19 booster on Monday afternoon so yesterday I slept all day. I completely neglected poor Avery until I finally checked on her in the evening. I honestly had no intention of even raising this tama aside from testing it out again. Well I happen to have fallen in love with it. I didn't think I'd love the color tama at all but I do. I'm not sure how long I will remain dedicated to it but I at least hope to raise a generation or two on it. :-) I LOVE the catch the apple game. And you earn points just like a v2 Tama and put it towards purchasing items from the store. It is cute cute all around. :-) |