![]() December 2021
Part 11
Wednesday, December 1, 2021: It's Pilgrim's sleep/wake time is 8pm-8am. I've left the time two hours behind so he will sleep from 10pm-10am which is more along my own schedule. :-) Thursday, December 2, 2021: Now that Pilgrim has reached adulthood I catch him doing even more cute things like lifting weights. He also eats a wider variety of foods that he never had before like bread and milk balls. The foods switch up each time you feed him. Something else that he does is beep and flash when he has gone to the bathroom. I wish that they did stuff like this in the child and teen stage. I've been trying to collect photos and videos of him in action. Shawn is going to do some animations for me. :-) He has asked for discipline two or three times since changing into Jr. Ginji and the meter is up to 10 lines now -- almost full! I set the time correctly today since I have to be up early for a dentist appointment in the morning. After he went to bed at 8pm I went for an almost hour long walk and listened to my headphones along the way. Saturday, December 4, 2021: Pilgrim is still doing well at the age of 11! I am hoping he stays around for a while, but from my past Yasashii characters I have a feeling he won't live past 12...! I know they call it the "Easy" Tamagotchi but it is very hard to get anything other than the unhealthy characters and they die young. I am going to run another Yasashii when Pilgrim does pass away and hopefully crack the case on the healthy teen character. For now I'm trying to make as many memories possible with little Jr. Ginjirotchi. :-) Sunday, December 5, 2021: Pilgrim is 12 years old today and still here! I will be truly amazed if he makes it to 13 as that will be the oldest Yasashii I have ever had. The longest I have gotten one to live is age 12. I am going to have to pause him later which I HATE doing but I will not be able to care for him during my family gathering. Right now, Pilgrim is hanging out in the fish room which is where he began his life as a Chikachikabytchi. :-) I am thinking about adding some pictures and sprites to the Yasashii Tamagotchi page. If you look at it right now it is very bare bones. Monday, December 6, 2021: I had a feeling that Pilgrim would be passing away today and I was right. This afternoon while Mom and I were on our way into Game Exchange, I opened up my Nintendo Switch carry case to find my Yasashii in his little UFO. I waited until we got back out to the car to press the menu button and let the departure finish. The space ship took off leaving an egg behind and then Japanese writing which I have yet to figure out. I'll miss you little Pilgrim..! Later: The babitchi stage lasted over 2 hours which I don't remember being SO long bef Wednesday, December 8, 2021: It seems that my experiment with Hoppetchi is failing before my very eyes. Noel has not asked for any extra disciplines other than the one time shortly after waking up in the morning.... I know I am doomed for a Mayumarutchi again. :-( He even got sick today and needed healing with a hot water bottle so I wouldn't be surprised if he dies before making it to the teen stage. I think the sickness came from a combination of feeding snacks and letting the hunger hearts empty out. I'm trying to give him better care today seeing that letting the hearts drop didn't make any difference to the discipline calls. Oh well.... I will love whoever Noel turns into. Just wish I could get that healthy teen and the adults that come from it. Friday, December 10, 2021: I didn't get around to updating on Wednesday evening to say that Noel changed into the unhealthy teen, Mayumarutchi. It was no surprise since I was unable to get any extra disciplines. I am hoping that I get Noel to adulthood because I lost my momentum that I had with my last Yasashii and the hearts have fallen a few times. I have had Yasashii Tams die of hearts falling in the past, but that was a long time ago in 2017/18. I am doing my best to make sure that Noel gets the best care I can give. He has 4 bars on the discipline meter now. It emptied out as it always does once he reached the teen stage. Noel has been watching along with us to the show "The Santa Clarita Diet". I did not think I would like the show at all but it turns out I really do. I love Drew Barrymore so it wasn't hard to fall in love with the series. :-) I wouldn't normally like a show like this with all the vomiting and gagging LOL! Noel has also been watching me play long hours of "Super Mario Bros. 3", a true blast from the past. I was never able to get past world 2 as a kid and now I am changing that. :-) Sunday, December 12, 2021: I haven't said a whole lot about Noel during his life so far, but last night I was very happy to see my Yasashii shimmer and light up as he changed into his adult form. I got another ginjirotchi!! :-) I just posted a picture of Noel on the main index of my Yasashii Tamagotchi page. :-) I want to get more shots of my characters doing various activities. I have been wanting to do this for weeks now. Also, Shawn is going to make some character sprites from pictures I have sent him. Wednesday, December 15, 2021: Noel is still with us! He is 10 years old today and I haven't paused this Yasashii at all so his age is very accurate. What's Noel been up to, you might ask? He has been involved in the holiday season around here. He comes out with me frequently in the car on various errands. Tonight he will be involved in some Christmas baking here at my Moms house. Shows/programs that he has gotten to watch are "Mom" (we started from season 1 again), "Tiger King: The Doc Antle Story" (very interesting, eye opening, kinda shocking as well), "Nurse Jackie", along with many YouTube videos about the history of Nintendo back in the late 80s. One of the best videos I watched was one by Gaming Historian on YouTube. I love looking back at the old gaming technology. :-) Can you tell I'm nostalgic? hehe. I am still playing a ton of "Stardew Valley" and old NES games on the Switch. The other day I watched the game-play trailer for Concerned Apes upcoming game "Haunted Chocolatier". I'm not sure if it will be as fun as STDV has been for me but I am definitely open minded to the idea of a new game. :-) Thursday, December 16, 2021: Noel passed away late this morning at the age of 11. Friday, December 17, 2021: Cedric isn't getting as good of care as his predecessors but he also isn't getting neglected either. Sometimes his hearts fall to 2-3 empty but I haven't let him go to the point of beeping at me with completely empty hearts. I have been feeding him a couple of snacks here and there but I am always sure to play the game and bring his weight back down again. There is quite a bit of snow falling out there today so Cedric is getting to experience a white Christmas season. :-) Monday, December 20, 2021: I have learned for certain that snacks effect Yasashii's health in a negative way. Cedric was sick over the weekend but thankfully has not died. It came as no shock when he changed into the unhealthy teen, mayumarutchi on Saturday afternoon. Due to this I don't have much to say about my little Cedric, but I will be back with an update before Christmas about which adult I get. :-) Wednesday, December 22, 2021: Well, I can't believe it! Cedric became a ::drum roll:: Jr. Ginjirotchi!!! This is the 3rd Ginjirotchi I've gotten on my Yasashii Tam in the last month. :-) I was hoping for someone different but I'm really not complaining. Saturday, December 25, 2021, 9:38pm: Merry Christmas! We got good news late this morning that we do not have Covid-19 which was a huge relief. First off we all had breakfast, followed by opening gifts. Sunday, December 26, 2021, 8:22PM: Well there is lots to write about today! This afternoon I decided to restart my Blue Yasashii Tamagotch. Somewhere into the babitchi stage I was messing with the volume control and it reset on me. :-( I decided to put it back in the packaging since I've been running it for a good month now. However, a little while later I decided I wasn't ready to give up on my Yasashii journey, so I took out my yellow Yasashii from its packaging and started it up. It is really fun to switch up the colors with this wonderful Tama. :-) SO nowww I have a Hoppetchi that I've named Pierre. He has already gotten to watch two episodes of the HBO series "And Just Like That" which I'm loving!! I won't get into the crap I went through trying to get the episodes before I realized I could watch them on my cousins Plex for FREE... Sigh sigh sigh. We still have two more episodes left to watch and I don't want it to end!!! I am not sure if I mentioned here that I started re-watching "Nurse Jackie" again last week. Once I am finished with "And Just Like That" I am going to go back to Nurse Jackie. Tuesday, December 28, 2021: Well I felt like having another virtual pet around this evening so Phife, my Bitty Kitty (GigaPet) was born just shortly after 8:00pm. He is really cute, and I already have him off to good start in life. The same rules that I followed with my Komputer Koala apply to the Bitty Kitty. :-) I *wish* this GigaPet had real animal sound effects like the Koala did but I am still going to enjoy my time with little Phife. I'm going to send daily pictures to Shawn so he can make character sprites like he did for the Komputer Koala page. There's not much to say about Pierre, my Yasashii Tamagotch since I've pretty much analyzed this Tam to death over the last month and still no healthy teen... On the bright side, it was really nice getting all those Ginji's and I'll be excited to see who my next adult will be. After Pierre leaves I am going to take a break from the Yasashii. Friday, December 31, 2021: Well this will be the last update for the year! I am hoping for health and contentment in 2022. Phife is growing nicely! He's been spending lots of time out in the living room this evening watching fire works go off. We have the best view here right from my Mom's living room. :-) Pierre is still here as well but I have had to pause him a little the last couple of days. Neither Phife or Pierre will be awake to ring in the new year at midnight so they are enjoying the early parts of the evening with me now until they go to sleep. I updated the Bitty Kitty page with Phife's growth progress so far. A big thank you to Shawn for doing the animations. :-) Phife and Pierre have gotten to watch along to episodes of "And Just Like That". I didn't want it to end so I've decided that I'll re-watch them. It's also made me go back and watch a couple of episodes from season one of "Sex & The City" which is always fun to do. :-) |