![]() November 2021
Part 10
Wednesday, November 3, 2021: It's The last time I wrote I was raising a P1 named Sylbert. Well he changed into the best adult Maetchi even though I didn't take the best care in the teen stage. He is 15 years of age now and not demanding at all. I really want to get some of the unhealthy characters on the remakes but I don't know when that will happen. Tonight I felt like having another virtual pet around so my Baby T-Rex (GigaPet) named Rex was born at 10PM. Since it is late I was only able to give him a quick meal and play a game with him before he became cranky and needed to go to bed. We will see how he progresses tomorrow. :) Saturday, November 6, 2021: I thought that my journey with Rex was over before it even began on Thursday morning. I woke up around 9am and tried to feed and play with him but was shocked to see him reset with a high pitched beep that wouldn't stop until I reset with a pen. I was totally discouraged but decided to try again, naming him Rex a second time. Well this time things are going just fine! Rex is 2 years of age and doing great! I don't know if/when he will grow but I am really enjoying having another GigaPet around. :-) Sylbert is starting to show some demand at age 18 but other than that is doing just fine. As for what Slybert and Rex have been up to: They have gotten to watch me play several Nintendo 64 games that just came out on the switch. I've been playing "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time", "Mario Kart 64", "Mario Tennis", and "Super Mario 64". On the "Animal Crossing: New Horizons" front, I got the 2.0 update early on Thursday which was totally unexpected. I got the Brewsters cafe added to my mueseme today! I have not yet checked out the new DLC travel package yet but I will do that soon. Monday, November 8, 2021: This afternoon while I was out of the room Sylbert passed away at the age of 20. Poor old guy was very demanding and I was feeding him snacks over the last two days. I have raised a handful of 2018 P1/P2 Tams now since August and I am really enjoying them. I will definitely raise another one soon, but for right now I am going to see how things progress with Rex, my Baby T-Rex GigaPet. :-) He is 4 years of age now and I think he has grown a *little* since the last time I wrote. I can't wait to see if his appearance will actually change and if he will grow a number of times like Tedsy, my Komputer Koala did. I have been slowly getting Rex's health level up. Tonight it finally reached 80!! :-) Friday, November 12, 2021: I am happy to say that Rex has continued to do very well since the last time I wrote. He got bigger on Tuesday and then bigger again on Wednesday. I think it is safe to say that he is fully grown now. :-) Today I got his score up to 100 which I was really happy about! His health has been at 100 since yesterday. This afternoon I hatched a new Tamagotchi P2 (2017). It was brand new in the package and it is teal with yellow trim/buttons and has Japanese cartoons and writing on the side of the shell. I've named this one Drew! I really would love to get the unhealthy teen. I succeeded in doing this with my 2017 P1 but it died.... I am taking perfect care of Drew in the Babitchi stage and unsure of what I want to do when he changes into Tonmarutchi. I forgot to mention that Rex's hours are the same as my previous GigaPet's - 7AM-9PM. If I don't put him to bed by 9PM then he gets cranky and his health will go down. Wednesday, November 17, 2021: It's been a while since I've written! I am happy to report that Drew changed into a Pochitchi this evening. :-) I'm just really happy to have gotten someone besides Mimitchi or Zukitchi/Mametchi or Masukutchi. I have had Ginjirotchi and Pochitchi before on the remakes but only a couple of times. I'm happy. :) Rex is still doing good! He is 13 years of age and as long as I can keep his health above 95 then I think he will be around for a little while. :-) If I'm lucky then I will get him to live into his 70s like Tedsy the Komputer Koala. Drew and Rex are watching new episodes of "Tiger King" on Netflix this evening. They have also gotten to watch more episodes from "Gilmore Girls", "Married with Children", and "Mom". Last week they got to watch the movies "Failure to Launch" and "Jerry McGuire". Friday, November 19, 2021: Since Drew changing into Pochitchi, I have gained a new level of love for the character. I never much cared for Pochitchi in the past but he has really grown on me this time. I think I'm just happy to have someone other than Mimitchi or Zukitchi. :-) I *really* want to get the unhealthy characters on the remakes but it seems impossible for me to do. Speaking of the 2017 remakes, they are still continuing to make them in different designs and colors. Shawn sent me a link last night to the 25th Anniversary designs. They come in shells for P1 and P2. :) I may think about asking for a couple for Christmas this year....! Saturday, November 20, 2021: Drew and Rex are doing well. Drew is only 9 years old and barely needs attention. Rex is 16 and definitely finished growing now. He follows the exact same schedule each day, always getting cranky at 11AM and needing a nap. I don't see myself running into any issues with him as long as I can keep the health above 95. I was able to give him a bath for the first time ever as an adult today! He never let me give him a bath when he was a baby. :) I'm writing from a desktop computer today and boy does it ever feel good. I didn't realize how much I missed using one of these. Don't get me wrong, I love my MacBook and will be very sad when it ceases to work someday. I don't know what my next computer will be. I will NOT use a tablet EVER. I have no interest in those whatsoever. Being on this desktop today is making me think about what my next big purchase might be in the future....! I've gotten right back into "Animal Crossing: New Horizons" again. I totally leveled my town on Wednesday and have been rebuilding it to look like the map on "Super Mario World" (1991 SNES) game. I am having a lot of fun doing it but it was hard loosing my 5 star status. I am down to a 2 star rating now and hoping to build my way back up again. I am really enjoying the 2.0 update and love how you can do simple things like grow crops now. :-) Drew and Rex may be getting a new pal to play with in the coming days/week...! I am feeling the itch to have a third virtual pet around. :-) I don't know if I want it to be a Bandai pet or another clan all together. We shall see what the week brings. Need to take a look through my old pages and get inspiration. Sunday, November 21, 2021: I am still thinking about what virtual pet I want to raise. I will be going over to my Moms tomorrow where my collection is so I still have another day to decide what I want to do. Drew and Rex remain in good health for now. :-) Rex took another bath for me today -- so cute!! I have been thinking a lot about the Yasashii Tamagotchi but it is so hard to bring around with me and I am always worried about it breaking since it is such an expensive Tama..! I still need to get the healthy teen character on that one. I forgot to mention that one of the reasons it is so fun to be down here on Bill's desktop computer is because it's in "The Fish Room". There are two saltwater tanks down here and a freshwater. Drew and Rex seem to be enjoying being around all these fish and the beautiful sound of the water running. With all the fish around, maybe I should think about running the Tamagotchi Ocean. LOL! Later: Trying to figure out a new show/series to watch...! I don't know if I mentioned that the vpets got to watch new episodes of "Tiger King", but there are only 5 new episodes so that won't sustain my TV watching for very long. Matt and I watched 2 or 3 of the five episodes. Later: Drew and Rex got to watch half of the movie "I, Tonya" before we took a breather outside with the animals. It is -2 degrees out tonight! Rex is gone to bed for the evening but Drew will be up for another hour before he goes to bed. Monday, November 22, 2021: I still haven't made it over to my Moms place yet today to pick out which virtual pet I want to run. I really got my heart set on the Yasashii but still have my reservations about it and the fear of damaging it over here where I'm living at the moment....! There's a large fish tank in the kitchen with a Flower horn fish that likes to splash water across the room. That would not be good for any Tama, especially a Yasashii! I will make my decision before this evening comes. Wednesday, November 24, 2021: I am sad to report that Rex passed away today at the age of 20. Let's jump back to yesterday: I slept in till almost noon and Rex's health dropped to the 70s. I managed to get it back up to 88 before bedtime last night but I had a feeling since he would be turning 20 that he would not make it. Sadly I was right. When I woke up this morning, I picked up my Baby T-Rex to see a little Dino Angel floating on the screen in place of Rex. :-( I don't know if I want to raise another Baby T-Rex right now so I'll most likely bring it home and put it back in the packaging. Drew is still here and a little on the demanding side now. He got sick yesterday but other than that is in good health. He is going to continue watching more episodes of "Tiger King" with Matt and I once I finish up here on the computer. Thursday, November 25, 2021: I hatched my Yasashii Tamagotchi this afternoon at 3:19pm. I haven't raised one of these since the first wave of Covid. I've named him Pilgrim in honour of the American Thanksgiving holiday. :-) I've been consulting with Shawn for years on how to get the healthy teen character on this Tam and we've never been successful. I just told him I felt like I was fighting a loosing battle and he said the more tries I give it, the more chances there are of getting the elusive Meruhetchi. I guess all of the trying has been fun. If I had gotten Meruhetchi right away then how much would I have worked on this Tama? I've only raised a total of 11 Yasashii characters ever so there is still a lot to learn about this Tamagotchi. :-) 4:33PM: Pilgrim just changed into a Hoppetchi. Immediately upon changing, he made a selfish call for food when he didn't need it and I had to discipline him. I don't recall Yasashii ever making a selfish call this early on.... Maybe it's a sign that I'll get the healthy teen....! *Fingers crossed* 7:33PM: Hoppetchi's hours are 7pm-7am. I've decided to set the clock so that Pilgrim sleeps from 10pm-10am which lines up better with my own sleeping schedule. Now he will be able to stay up late and watch "The Santa Clarita Diet" on Netflix with us. :-) Drew got to watch the first few episodes with us last night. 9:00PM: I just caught Pilgrim taking a bath and managed to snap a photo of him! Sooooo cute! Bedtime will be at 10pm and I have an alarm set for the morning so I am wake for him. I know all of his hunger hearts will be empty upon waking up from previous experience. I will be ready! Friday, November 26, 2021: I am really glad I set an alarm this morning because I was in a deep sleep when it went off. I stayed in bed for a half hour or so and had Pilgrim propped up on my chest. :-) He has already asked for a second discipline so there are 4 bars on the meter now. We are down in the fish room now. I'm going to miss this computer area after tomorrow...! Drew is really showing his age today and I've given into feeding him snacks to keep up with his needs. I feel like snacks shorten these Tams lifespans. I've always felt a strong bond with the child character on the Yasashii, Hoppetchi. I am reading about him and he likes cold environments like me. :-) This is why his cheeks are always rosy red. So cute!! He is a delicate child. 8:42PM: Drew and Pilgrim got to watch part of the movie "Horrible Bosses". They are taking a break downstairs with me now at the computer. Saturday, November 27, 2021: I am back to my Moms and writing in the company of my cat Mr. :-) Pilgrim just made a series of beeps and the buttons flashed really fast. He changed into a Mayumarutchi, the unhealthy teen -- no surprise there, hehe. I am still at a loss for how to get the healthy teen... I have done everything right in my opinion, giving him perfect care, and still I get the unhealthy one. Shawn asked me if I was going to reset my Yasashii but I could never do that. I will just let Pilgrim live out his life and see what adult I get. The Maymarutchi's sleep time is 8pm-8am so I have set the clock so that he will sleep from 10pm-10am like he did in the child stage. I settled in here at Moms a couple of hours ago. Aunti I came over and we had pizza and salad together for dinner. It was lovely. :-) Tonight Pilgrim and Drew got to watch as Mom and I put up Christmas lights in the windows. :-) I also put some mini lights up in my bedroom! Sunday, November 28, 2021: Drew and Pilgrim had to spend some time on pause this evening while I attended a family gathering. I had a great time with my family and we had prime rib for dinner! It was soooo good. I got home about 20 minutes ago and unpaused Pilgrim and put him to bed for the night. The one thing I hate about Yasashii is that when you pause it, the status button on the bottom right continually blinks. It really bothers me because I fear the light will burn out.... Anyways... Drew is still awake for the time being but very demanding. I'm not sure how much longer he will stick around for. |