6/3/2025: Well today at the old age of 28, my poor Mimitchi (clear green tam) passed away. I was on the phone with my Mom, and I kept him snug in my hand to muffle the sound of him beeping as he passed away...I really am not well today again. :( The world is a scary place these days... Nonetheless, I'm down to five Tams now. I'm too miserable to restart my clear green at the moment, but when I do I'll likely try for Zukitchi, and then the Japanese secret character.... My Ginji Comic gen1 and Picnic gen2 both have legs now! I did the respective care/discipline mistakes so that I'll get Ginji back, and now it's perfect care for both of them until they change into adulthood. They are a day apart in age so I'll likely get Ginji back before Mimitchi! I miss them so much when they're not here. I need them more than ever now these days... Last night we all watched the movie Bobby (2006), which had some of our favourite actors..... Very interesting movie that I'm surprised I never saw till now. I forgot how much I hate raising two Digi characters on one device. They both poop constantly, and their sleep schedule is horrible. I find myself just putting them down for naps 3 hours at a time, wake them up, and make them sleep again. I currently have a Blitzgreymon and a Angemon. I really don't enjoy DigiMon as much as the rest of my Tams... Plus I am just in a funky mood today. Zatchi is 19 and not demanding *at* all, very easy to care for. I love that little alien... He is so perfect looking on that space Galaxy Tama. :) I'd say he has a long life in store for him so long as the batteries don't run out! I hate when that happens. Anyways, I'm going to only write this much as I am just feeling miserable.. I might write more later on if my Dreamy Angel changes into adulthood. Other than that, my mind is null empty this evening. Back to 20th Anniversary Tam Page These Pages created by Dennis Ryan 2018-2024 | Background by mimitchi.com |