3/3/2025: Well back into a new week! And back to running re-release Tams *only*! All of my 90's ones, including DigiMon quite shockingly, went back to their home planets today...! Digi died after winning a bunch of battles. I was so shocked!! Yasashii went home in a space ship. Anyways...! Last night after I'd already posted my 50th blog I caved and hatched my Ginji comic Tamagotchi! I sure do miss Ginji so that's who I am going for on this one. :) I raised him through the babitchi stage during a couple of episodes of Three's Company, followed by Lidia's Kitchen. :) Once he changed into Marutchi he went right to sleep, and so did I! I also hatched a second egg on my clear orange DigiMon, a version 2 one! Well he's already the healthy teen, Gabumon! I kinda regret it now... because having 2 characters on the same DigiMon = *a lot* of poop, hehe! From here on out I am going to stick to one character per DigiMon. This morning I was up before my Tams at 8:45! I decided get ready and head straight for the mall for a look around. As per usual, my Tams went in the 3DS carry case and off we went! We got a cold brew from Starbucks first, and then hit up GameStop where I struck gold - in Tamas. ;) They had a huge selection today including the Tama Picnic Gen2 I'd been wanting so much... had to have it. :) I would have hatched it right there and then only I had a doctors appointment in a couple of hours and had to go get ready for that. We picked up some breakfast and off we went again! It was nice to be out again after being cooped up since Friday. I was not feeling well the last few days, but I'm a bit better now. My anxiety just gets the better of me and I stay home. The doctors appointment certainly helped. I am so lucky to have health care professionals, and they're also very kind and compassionate. I've even shown them my Tams a couple of times. :) After my appointment I came right home and hatched my Tam picnic Gen2! It's such a gorgeous Tama. It has little berries, a fork & spoon, a tablecloth design, with little flowers and pictures of pochitchi and mimitchi on the side of the shell. This Tam will *definitely* have a Mimitchi on it. He just changed into Tonmarutchi as I type this. :) So I am at a very comfortable number of 6 Tams going now.... all remakes, and all adorable. :) Mimitchi is 25 and very needy, but he's still here. Zatchi on the other hand is only 16 and easy to care for. Other than a discipline here and there not a whole lot to say about my child Tams. I took them all with me to PetSmart just a little while ago. :) They got to see the teddy bear hamsters!! My heart melted with joy when I saw them. :) Made me sad at the same time.... I just hope they get to go to loving homes....! Anyways, got off topic again. Katherine and I are messaging on Facebook now! I'm telling her all about today, and my newly hatched Tams. :) She currently has two Ginji's and I'm jealous heh! For now I'm off to watch Grace and Frankie on Netflix with my Tams! Matthew just started season 4 for us. :) Back to 20th Anniversary Tam Page These Pages created by Dennis Ryan 2018-2024 | Background by mimitchi.com |