2/3/2025: Today marks my 50th blog for my re-release Tams! Ironic because it also marks the end of 5 months that I've spent working on this section. :) I never thought I'd fall in love with my re-releases as much as I have! This might be a longer/more sentimental blog than others... hehe!  Six months ago I sent Katherine two re-release Tams by mail! Once she received them we did a group hatching together, in which my Tam died and didn't make it to adulthood. At first I was mad. I said right then and there I wanted nothing more to do with the re-release Tams, and I didn't for a month! This was the end of August. It was the end of September that Katherine gave me a little nudge to give the re-releases another chance, and I did just that.  Something changed at the end of September for me.  I fell in love with my remake Tams like I never did at the beginning, back in 2018. I raised about 20 remakes between 2018 and 2023, but they didn't make a lasting impression on me until 2024.  So here we are 5 months later! I find myself more in love with my remake Tams than my 1997's now! :) My collection of remakes just keeps getting bigger!  I intend to keep collecting them so long as they release designs that appeal to me.  I currently have three remake Tams going: Mimitchi (clear green), Zatchi (space galaxy), and Metal Greymon (clear orange 20th Digi). They're all doing just fine!

This past week has been rather uneventful. I've not been feeling my greatest mentally. Brb while I take care of my demanding 24 year old Mimitchi....! I expect him to depart in the coming days.  It seems that Mametchi/Mimitchi and Bill/Zatchi live a few days longer on the remakes.  It's too bad Ginji doesn't ... I plan to raise another Ginji and Mimitchi very soon!  I am not sure if I should wait until my new Tams arrive or not to do that... Gotta think it over more. I have so many here like my Macy's and Ginji comic Tams that I just love. I have way more Gen1's than Gen2's but that will change someday. ;)

I've been battling my two DigiMon's and it's so cool how they allowed the 1997's to connect with the 2019's. :) My 1997 Darkmon is the only one I expect to live any length of time, but that's ok because he's easy to care for. Darkmon might change into Metal Greymon as well if he wins enough battles...

At 1:01PM I hatched my Dreamy Angel. :) I think I'd like to go for Taraten as my adult, and then get the cactus, Sabotenshi. :) Now I have sweet Maruten to care for... It's gonna be hard neglecting him because he's just soooo cute. If you couldn't tell I'm writing this blog throughout the day.... I've been home allll day today and I'm too anxious to go out. Better to stay home until the storm in my head passes..... On the bright side, my Angel Party Gen3 will be arriving on March 12th from Amazon! :) And my other Tams that I ordered from GameStop will be here around March 6th. I'm not sure if I should cancel the order from Amazon and get my Angel party from GameStop as well..? I think I will just leave well enough alone. :) Oh yes, the other evening I was at GameStop and found a second wave release of a Connection shell I'd been wanting, the orange burst one! :) Soooo gorgeous. I'm leaving it in the packaging for now. Not sure when I will raise another connection.... Too busy with originals. :)

I'm glad we are into March now as things will begin to feel more spring like soon. And next month I'll be turning 35!! I can't believe it! 35 is not 25... It makes me sad and happy all at once. ;) I liked my 20's, but I think I'm liking my 30's better. One thing that hasn't changed with age is my love for Tamagotchi.  In fact, I think my love for virtual pets in general just grows more as I age.  I wonder where the site will be in another ten years? :P I don't even wanna think about it! And to think that Christmas of 2027 will mark 30 years since I got my first *ever* tamagotchi... I don't wanna think that far ahead hehe.... I wanna enjoy my Tams of the present day. :) I could just go on forever, so I will stop, ehehe. :) I am determined to get out tomorrow and do some Tam hunting at the mall.... For now, off we go to watch some Netflix and play some Pokemon X/Y... :) 

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These Pages created by Dennis Ryan 2018-2024 | Background by mimitchi.com