28/2/2025: I now have all adult Tamas on both my remakes and 1997's. Oh yes, and my Yasashii is also an adult. It's been hard caring for so many at once, but I'm not going to give up on them! I've been staying around the apartment a lot more this past week but I'm hopeful of getting out more again! I've really missed my little outings to the mall this past week...!

So my clear orange DigiMon 20th changed into Greymon, while my blue 97' became Darkmon! I've been battling the two of them and it's a toss up who wins. They're both strong characters! I am going to keep battling them and see if they change into Metal Greymon or not. :) I've been doing single battles with my 20th Anni so that's why his victory percentage is 70%, while my 97' is only 40% -- I am sure he will eventually catch up. :)

I got Kutchipatchi and Hashizotchi on the two 1997 Tams! I love those guys. :) They are 7 years old, 100% disciplined, with full hearts across the board.

As for my space galaxy Tam, he changed into... you guessed it, Zatchi!! :) It's great to have this little guy back! He's a very fitting character for that Tam. :) It's definitely one of my favourite designs. :)

I got Taraten on my 97' Angel Tam, who eventually changed into the secret character, smiling angel last night. I much prefer sabotenshi, the cactus! Thankfully sabotenshi is on the remake. ;) So happy about that!  Ginjirotenshi on my dreamy angel has remained on pause for the most part.  I just can't bare to let him go till I get another Ginji on one of my remakes.... hopefully next week when I have less Tams going. 

Last but not least we have sweet Mimitchi on my clear green remake! He is 22 years old and very much demanding! I have been wearing him around my neck on a landyard the last couple of days so that he never goes without attention.  I love him so dearly!  I am praying I have my three new Tams by early March.  I definitely plan on raising a Mimitchi and Ginji on the jewel gen2 and smiley gen1. :) Can't wait can't wait!!!! And I've seen pics of the party angel on the Facebook group -- it is soooo gorgeous! I'm also hearing that Gen4 might be the Tamagotchi Devil, which would likely be named "Tamagotchi Monster"! Let's pray. :)

Update: Ginji Angel just died shortly after 8PM this evening... For what seems like the first time in a really long time I have no Ginji's... I will definitely be starting up a Gen1 to get him back again once some of my 1990's Tams leave me.  So now I'm down to 8 Tams... I'd write more but I am not feeling good at all. :(

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