22/2/2025: Well, I thought it would be nice to get a little extra sleep last night so I paused all my Tams before bed and never woke till 11am. I really needed some extra sleep. Don't get me wrong I love my early mornings, but sometimes you just need a sleep in, ya know? Let me back up a little... Yesterday was a bit of a sad day. First off Masukutchi passed away at the age of 18, a normal age for this character. He was very needy but died full and happy. The next departure was much harder.... Yesterday afternoon Ginji passed away just as I was getting out of the shower. He was 19 years old and very needy. Thankfully he died happy as well! With the departure of Masu and Ginji I was left with four Tams alive: Mimitchi, Ginji Angel, and Tongaritchi who changed into Zukitchi first thing this morning upon being woken up. Oh yes, and my DigiMon, Devidramon is still here. I thought it over long and hard about who I wanted to hatch next. I debated restarting my Japanese Gen1, and then I thought maybe I'd run some of my 1997's... It was then that I decided to start a Tamagotchi I've not raised since 2023 - my blue Yasashii Tamagotchi. :) While not a remake, it's still an amazing Tamagotchi. I will still keep updating this section while I am running my Yasashii since I have no plans of stopping raising my remakes. I have been updating my Yasashii Tamagotch Blogs Part 3 about the status of my newly hatched Hoppetchi! :) I'm writing in great detail how I got the healthy teen back in 2023 and hoping I'll be able to pull it off a second time. :) We had a pretty big snow storm yesterday so I was able to spend lots of time with my Tams! I just wish Ginji hadn't died... TONIGHT I did something very drastic. :) I hatched four 1997 Tamagotchi's: White US Angel, white/pink/yellow swirls Gen2, pink/green/blue Gen1, and blue/grey DigiMon. :) I hatched one 1997 Tam to pair along with each re-release I have going! I have been wanting to do this for a while now! No time like the present. :) With a total of 9 Tamagotchi's to care for I've definitely got my week cut out for me. ;) I did it before with 10 back in 2015 so I think I can swing it. I hope I can still manage getting the healthy teen on Yasashii!! They are all just bobbing around the screen! I am caring for them all one by one, two by two! So cute! At least I know there's zero chance of any random deaths happening on my 1997 Tams.... That alone makes raising 9 at once easier. :) The game on the 1997 Angel is SO much harder then that of the remake!!!! I never thought I'd say this.... but... I think I like my Gen3 remake Angel better, hehe. The 1997 Gen1/2 are lovely as ever - their processor is just a tiny bit slower than the remake, the responsiveness of the buttons are slow. Same with 1997 Angel. The 1997 DigiMon is sooooo different from the 20th anniversary remake, but it's so nice to be raising one again. :) The game is different and he will grow slower. I can't wait to battle the 1997 Digi with the 20th anniversary version. :) I've updated my Tam history for all of these new hatchings! I am just going to write about them here on my remake logs since I am comparing them - easier that way! I've not written in my original Tamagotchi Blog section in a long time now. I've got so many different webpages I can't keep track. :P Oh they all just got sick! And now they are having their naps. :) I am gonna end this log here because I am busy taking care of them all. I also gotta keep a close eye on that Yasashii. :) I will update again *soon*, though I'll be writing mostly over in the Yasashii section for now. ;) Back to 20th Anniversary Tam Page These Pages created by Dennis Ryan 2018-2024 | Background by mimitchi.com |