19/2/2025: Well it's been yet another 5 days since I wrote a log due to the fact that things have been rather uneventful, but good at the same time! :) The evenings are getting a bit brighter with each day that goes by! Before long it will be spring!

Two mornings ago my dreamy Angel changed into Ginjirotenshi which is exactly who I was aiming for. It's very easy to get this guy. All you have to do is get the healthy teen Kodoten, and then do at least 3 care mistakes to get Angel Ginji. I love him so dearly! As for Ginjirotchi on my marble Gen1, he is 17 and in the demanding years of his life now. Poor guy will probably be departing by weeks end...!  I will likely start another Gen1 after he goes just so I can get him back.

Mimitchi (clear green) on the other hand is only 13 and not demanding at all! He got his first sickness yesterday, but other than that he's fine as kind. :)

Devidramon, my 10 year old DigiMon is kinda demanding, but not too bad. He didn't change into a secret character even though I completed the battle requirements... I'm thinking he needed to be connected with a second DigiMon to meet the requirements?? But I'm not entirely sure. Either way I've stopped battling him as I don't want another premature Digi death. He's gotten into that phase where he gets sick if he looses a battle so I am not going to take any chances.  I'll be interested to see how long I can get this one to live!

Masukutchi on my peach Japanese Gen1 didn't change into the secret character either and has also gotten rather needy at age 16.  I plan to hatch one of my other Japanese Gen1's when Masu leaves in my quest to getting Oyajitchi. :) I also need to get the Japanese secret character on Gen2 as well. I've only the one Japanese Gen2, my clear green, who currently has Mimitchi residing on it. ;) I may look into getting more Japanese remake Tams in the future - I'd love the white w/blue trim & characters. :) Must check Ebay...!

Three nights ago I felt like hatching another Tama, a Gen2 to be exact, so I started up my purple space Galaxy Tama shortly after 8pm. I hatched him unsure of who I want, but I've narrowed it down to either Zukitchi or Hashizotchi.  If I get Zukitchi then I wouldn't mind getting Zatchi back again. :) We will see... I even thought about Pochitchi since I really enjoyed having him on this Tama a couple weeks back. I'll be happy with anyone so long as I get an adult.  I have my doubts because he got sick two different times as a Tonmarutchi. He changed into Tongaritchi first thing this morning so I'm on the right track... I think. ;)

Anyways, not a whole lot more to say for today! I didn't make it out Tam hunting this week, but maybe tomorrow I will go look around the stores... :) I have three Tams pre-ordered that I should have by early March: the party Angel, smiles gen1, and the treasure jewel Gen2. Sooo excited for these ones, especially the party angel, hehe...! I will have to do a recount of my re-releases *soon*. I know I won't be able to resist buying more. And I cannot stress enough how much I want Ocean, Garden, Devil, Santa, Mothra, Osu/Mesu re-releases. So many of my 1998 Tams are in not the best condition and I fear there will come a day when they no longer work.  Bandai really needs to stop releasing so many Gen1/2 designs and get cracking on these remakes. I have faith in them. :)

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