11/2/2025: Well, it's been yet another four days since I wrote one of these, and stuff has happened. We also had our first winter storm of 2025 but I'll write more about that in a little bit. :) I just made myself a coffee and have the morning news on, watching all the crazy stuff happening in our world right now.  Enough about that - onto Tamagotchi! :)

On February 8th I did my morning walk through the mall!  Before leaving the apartment I paused both my DigiMon's by putting them to sleep.  The 20th anniversary Digi's can pause by putting them to sleep where they will stay for 3 hours. Well... I ended up being gone for longer than 3 hours and when I got home both Meramon and Dark Tyranomon were dead. :( I felt soooo rotten! Meramon was around 19 and Dark Tyranomon was 15.  I am certain they both had life left in them... Anyways, I decided to restart one of them, the clear green/pink DigiMon.  I hatched a version 5 egg and got the unhealthy teen of Gizamon two days ago. This morning upon waking up he changed into the second best adult, Devidramon! :) I really like him!  I'm going to try and complete his battle requirements and see if he changes into a secret character.  I'm not sure if he does or not.... So I am just going to battle him lots and be surprised! I'm happy either way, just so long as he doesn't die prematurely like my others....!

On the evening of the 8th the Tams got to watch two movies on Netflix: "The Wrong Missy" and "Vacation".  I had been taking perfect care of my marble Gen1 since doing the care mistake and the discipline miss and knew he was gonna be changing very soon.  Sure enough, towards the end of the first movie he changed into sweet Ginji. :) That made my night!  I was able to go to bed happy that night knowing he was back.  The Tams have also gotten to watch several new episodes of "Unsolved Mysteries" on Netflix - so good.  I am going to have to re-watch some of them because I was busy playing Pokemon Y version at the same time, a repeat occurrence for me, usually because Matthew wants to watch TV while I am playing video games. ;)

So finally we come to yesterday, February 10th, the day of the big snow storm! First off, I woke up to two changes at the exact same time - My two Japanese Tams! My peach/yellow changed into Masukutchi and my clear green became the good teen, Tongaritchi! I am hoping for the Japanese secret character on my peach Tam, and Mimitchi on the clear green. :) I had to pause all five of my Tamagotchi's throughout the day yesterday because I had to shovel quite a bit, and then needed a nap in the afternoon. I am not used to shovelling at all and my back is not good today... I took some Tylenol back pain pills with my coffee just now. Hopefully no more shovelling for a little bit yet. ;) I had hoped to get out for a walk today but that can wait till tomorrow, hehe.  I have a Doctors appointment first thing tomorrow morning, so I will just take all my Tamas with me (including DigiMon) and head straight for the mall after my appointment is over! I love my morning walks.  I used to be an avid walker in my teens, but when I got my first car at 21 I stopped.... I really regret that.  I'm almost 35 now, but it's never to late to change. :) I walk about 40 mins each time I go to the mall and I'm hoping to increase that by the time spring comes.  Lots to look forward to! :)

Anyways that about sums up my week so far! Arrrggg Trump on the TV, must mute... ok that's better.  I despise Trump.... but I hold my American Tamagotchi friends closer than ever during these sad times.  Katherine, Shawn, Joanna, Jacob - you all mean the world to me. :) I look forward to chatting with you all each day, whether you are raising Tamagotchi or not, we have a special connection, and no stupid clown president is gonna change that.  We will get through it all together! I will be back with another log in a few days when I (hopefully) get Mimitchi back. Until then..!

UpDate: I am back again. :) I just can't stay away from my webpage today it seems, hehe.  I know I said I was comfortable with having just five Tams going but..... I got the itch to start up my Dreamy Angel just a little while ago. I pressed A & C at exactly 6:03 and at 6:08 my little spirit was born. I am going to try for an unhealthy adult again this time. I'll have sweet little Maruten in my care now within the next hour!  I just adore my Gen3's. I will definitely get my monies worth out of them. I'm so excited for my Party Angel to come from Amazon.ca in March. Oh yes and I also pre-ordered another Gen1 and Gen2 from GameStop the other day. I will have the Marutchi smiles and precious jewels Tams sometime in March.  I need to do a recount of my Tams but I am *definitely* getting close to 30 now. I love them all! :) That's all for tonight!  Off we go to play more Pokemon Y and watch some shows. :)

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These Pages created by Dennis Ryan 2018-2025 | Background by mimitchi.com