3/2/2025: A new week, a new month! Due to pausing, my Lovely Angel Gen3 Tam is still in the healthy teen stage at age 6! I am happy to slow things down a little.  I never liked how fast the Angels grew up... I wish they aged like regular Gen1/2 Tams. I still have Ginjirotenshi on my Dreamy Angel here at age 15, my oldest Gen3 to date! :) I love him almost as much as Ginjirotchi, which brings me to my next news....!

Today at only age 20, Ginjirotchi (peach/yellow) passed away.  I was actually shocked since I'd been pausing him a little bit each day.... I really thought he would have stuck around a little longer. His cousin, Pochitchi is still here at 18..  I don't know how much longer he will stay.  You never can tell with these remakes....! There's really no rhyme or reason to it.. Here one minute, gone the next.. At least Mimitchi is still here with me in his demanding old age of 24.  I just take the absolute best care of all my Tams to ensure they live the longest life possible. :) But no matter how well I care for them they have to go at some point.

DigiMon wise, my two little ones are doing fine. Meramon is 14 and Dark Tyranomon is 11. I didn't fulfill the battle requirements for either of them so they won't be changing into secret characters.  I love them just as they are, and I don't plan to battle them at all in their old age.  I'd like to see how long they live for!  I feel like my Unimon would have lasted away longer had he not died in battle. These DigiMon's are very hearty little creatures.  I've had their weight maxed out to 99 units for days now and it doesn't matter the least bit.  I wish the Gen1's and 2's were as easy going. Ahh well, I love tending to their needs anyway so it's no matter. :)

With the death of sweet Ginji this afternoon I was left with no Gen1 Tams alive.  I couldn't let this go on, so at 4:12 I started up one of my newest ones from Katherine, my pink & purple/white marble design Gen1. It's so pretty!! :) I am so blessed with all the Tams she's given me!  I don't know who I'll go for on my newly hatched babitchi... Prolly Ginji, hehe. ;) Oh he's hatching!! If you couldn't tell, I am writing this as I care for him, hehe...! This marble Gen1 marks my first hatching of February, and many more to follow in his footsteps I am sure. I get a real 1997 vibe off this particular Tam, and it just goes to show you how well Katherine knows my taste in colours. :) She's simply the best, completely brilliant I tell you.

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These Pages created by Dennis Ryan 2018-2024 | Background by mimitchi.com