29/01/2025: Well I'm happy to say that this week has *definitely* been going better than last week. :) I've been going to places like the mall, Walmart, GameStop, Foodland, and various other places in the hours between 9-11am! Those are my comfortable hours to go when there's significantly *less* people around. I suffer from agoraphobia, panic disorder, and depression, so getting out more is crucial to my leading a healthier and happier life. :) It's hard work, but it's fun too!

I don't have a whole lot to talk about Tamagotchi wise other than they've been with me throughout all of these adventures! I carry them all around with me in my 3DS case. :) Since I last wrote, I got the adult version 5 character, Dark Tyranomon, on my clear purple DigiMon.  I am not sure if he'll change into a secret character or not!  I've been too afraid to battle him with Meramon on my clear green Digi because I fear he'll get killed like my other ones. :P I still feel terrible about my poor Unimon dying in battle like that last week.... I still have that Digi on the death screen.  I've been debating start up a third DigiMon which would bring me up to 8 Tamagotchi's running like Katherine, but for now I've decided to hold off.  I've also been pausing them for 1-2 hours a day to prolong all their lives, especially the Gen3's who don't live longer than 14 days.  It really irritates me how they don't age past 8 on the menu.....! I hope they fix these bugs in the future. The 1997 Angels lived *long* lives. Maybe the Gen3's are just meant to go into celestial bliss much sooner... Sure enough, earlier this evening, just shortly after finishing dinner, my third set of twins on my Lovely Angel went to the celestial heavens after 14 days, just like my first ones.  I don't want Ginjirotenshi to leave.  He is 9 years/days and I'm going to pause him for some time each day to make him stay longer.  I want to get him to at least age 15, even if it means cheating. ;)

I now own a total of 25 re-release Tamagotchi which include: 2 Gen3 Angels, 4 20th Anniversary DigiMon's, 5 Gen2's, and 14 Gen1's! I have noooo idea how I ended up with so many Gen1's, but I'm not complaining. ;) I can definitely see myself getting more.  So long as Bandai keeps making designs that I like then I will get more.  I wish Bandai would release more generations (Garden, Ocean, Devil, Santa, Mothra, Genjintch), but who knows... I am still in shock over the Gen3's. :) I love them so much.  I wonder what Gen4 will be?!?! We will have to wait and find out I guess. ;)

At 8:32PM I pressed A & C on my Lovely Angel and started a new space ship.  I've decided I will keep restarting both my Gen3's until the batteries die.  After that I'll probably take Shawn up on his offer to teach me how to get the Lucky Unchikun.  :) I was thinking about starting one of my 1997 Angels.... but for now I am happy with my re-releases.  In order of age I have: a 13 year old Pochitchi, a 15 year old Ginjirotchi, and of course my 19 year old Mimitchi (white cartoon Tam).  They are all the demand level of a 10 year old thank goodness. They've been showing less demand since I've not been letting them sleep through the night, so if all goes well I will have these three around for a *while*..::knock on wood::.. :) Not much else to write about except the usual so I am gonna end this here, and go care for my newly hatched Gen3. :)

Well, I am back again because it just dawned on me how many creative people there are out there, such as virtual Jordan aka electronicdays! I would love if I was able to create custom Tamagotchi and cases like him....! Who knows what the future holds.  I have been writing on this website for a decade now almost, and while I adore writing, I think I could possibly brach out and try something new?  It's always been my dream to make money off what I love doing, and I know I won't ever be going back in an office job *ever*, as that was simply hell on earth for me.  Working in an office was worse for me than being in the classroom, bullied mercilessly for years.  In fact they are definitely both on the same level.  Simply horrible.   I've written enough for tonight.  Good bye.

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