23/1/2025: Well, there is simply no way to sugar coat this - It's been a horrible week! While things have been going well Tamagotchi wise, they've not been good mental health wise. :( Two nights ago I had acid reflux so bad that I was sick alllll day yesterday and some of today. My Tams were paused for the majority of yesterday. I never made it out to any of the places I wanted to go this week. It's disappointing, but it could always be worse! Let me back up a bit and talk about what's happened! First off, Ginjirotchi - got him back on my peach/yellow Japanese Tam! :) He is a bundle of joy as per usual and doing very well at his young age of 9. If all goes according to plan than I will have his cousin Pochitchi sometime today or tomorrow on my space galaxy Tam. :) I can't remember when/what I wrote about my Gen3's, but I have 8 year old twins on my Lovely Angel, and a 4 year old Kodoten on my Dreamy Angel. I have done 3 care mistakes on my good teen character in hopes that I'll get lucky and get Ginji Angel. I'll have him in both forms then. :) Today tragedy struck when I made the poor decision to battle my 27 year old Unimon (my version 3 adult) on my Black DigiMon 20th. The poor thing died in battle. :( I really got used to my little Unicorn Digi being around, and he was no trouble either. I can't help but wonder how much longer he would have lived for had I not made the decision to battle him like that.... :( On the bright side, my clear green Digi evolved into his adult form early this afternoon to become the ever familiar Meramon, who I have not seen since 2016! I actually did some battles between my two Digi's while the clear green was in the betamon stage. I've decided to start another DigiMon as of just now, my clear purple one that's been sitting on the death screen for weeks. I hatched a version 5 egg this time. :) Now that I have two more Digi's in my collection I am more excited. I will hatch my clear orange one soon, but decided on my clear purple since I could choose a different egg. :) Right now he is a Zurumon. I will likely take perfect care of him and get the best adult like I did with my last Version 3's. At least Meramon will have someone to battle with now in a couple days! Oh he just changed into a Pagumon!! He looks like a little puppy dog ears. :) So cute!!! Yesterday since I was not feeling well we had a movie day. We watched Jackie Brown (1997) in the morning, followed by Kill Bill Vol.1 (2003) in the afternoon. I slept through the Kill Bill movie so will likely watch that again this evening. I never really discovered Tarantino movies until 2019 when Once Upon a Time in Hollywood first came out. That was one of the last movies I ever saw in theatres before covid-19 hit us. Since then I've been on a mission to watch them all. I have to say Jackie Brown is my favourite of them all so far. Pam Grier is fantastic!!! And I also love Pulp Fiction which I think I am due to watch again *soon*! :D I guess there are benefits to being sick. Oh my gosh, as I was writing this my Dreamy Angel just shimmered and changed into Ginji Angel! Yes yes yes!!! Ohhh I am so happy! Well I guess it isn't such a bad week after all. :) I have a lovely group of 7 Tams here with me, and hopefully soon I'll have a Pochitchi. :) I may come back and update this log later since it's only 2:08pm....! As of 5:43PM I am back again with news of my space galaxy Tam who changed into none other than Pochitchi! :) Yay! I feel so bad for never liking him all these years. He is actually so adorable, and he fits in with the others just lovely. I love them all. :) It's been quite the day, but my family, friends and Tams got me through it. :) I'd write more but I am absolutely beat out mentally. Off to nurture my sweet little Tams and watch Matthew take down the last of the Christmas decorations...! Tomorrow I am praying I am able to make it out and walk around the mall a little.... But I'll likely just be at home, and that's ok too. Back to 20th Anniversary Tam Page These Pages created by Dennis Ryan 2018-2024 | Background by mimitchi.com |