10/1/2025: It's Friday night, do you know where your Tams are?! Hehe. I don't have a lot to report other than my Dreamy Angel changing into the healthy teen, Kodoten earlier this evening. No surprise there since I've been taking great care of hir. :) My Angel twins on my Lovely Angel are doing just fine at age 8. The little tune they make when they pray still throws me off as I always think they're dying. Either way, I absolutely *love* these Tams. They are a refreshing new re-make that I will get months of enjoyment out of for sure! The last couple of days have not been good ones. I've had to pause my Tams before bed so I am able to get a little extra sleep. However, I think I've learned something about my remake Tams programming in doing this. I think pausing them at bedtime and not letting them sleep extends their life-span. I am not totally sure on this yet.... But I have a pretty good feeling. I am going to conduct a friendly experiment to prove it this month. :) I will hatch two Tams at the exact same time, let one sleep through the night and pause the other one during sleep hours - resuming 9am wake hours when I wake up. I think that this will prove to be very interesting. I messaged Katherine about this and I'm waiting to hear what she thinks. :) I don't know if I am making sense here or not... But it will make sense when I do it and write it down. :) Mimitchi on my cartoon Tam is 27 years old today with his weight maxed out to 99lbs. I am uncertain of why he's made it this long and Ginji didn't.... Either way I am happy. :) Then of course I have my younger Mimitchi and Ginji on my space Galaxy and Macy's Tamagotchi's. They are undemanding and sweet as ever! I think I will let everyone sleep tonight instead of pausing before bed... We will see anyway... I kind of liked having the option of sleeping in the last two days. I can't wait to test out my experiment! :) I'll probably wait till I am running less Tamas - I'm currently running 6 including the DigiMon. I'm quite comfortable at this number.. But I am sure I could handle two more if I really wanted to. ;) Nah I will wait. Kat is running more than me right now and she's loving it! I'm so happy she's on this journey with me. :) Back to 20th Anniversary Tam Page These Pages created by Dennis Ryan 2018-2024 | Background by mimitchi.com |