2/1/2025: Well, as I figured I slept through New Years Eve and didn't make it up till midnight. In fact I was in bed asleep by 10:30. :P It was no matter though as I was up at my usual time of 9AM yesterday for my Tams. :) I sure am glad to still have Mimitchi and Ginji here with me.  They've been such great company to have throughout the holidays, especially since it wasn't the best Christmas.... But I had my sweeties there with me so that made it better.

Yesterday two things happened: 1.) I hatched a Tamagotchi for New Years Day (my clear orange Macy's Tamagotchi) at 10:52AM and 2.) My purple/blue space galaxy Gen2 changed into exactly as I wanted - another Mimitchi. :) My Macy's Tama is still in the Marutchi stage and I am not sure who I want for my adult.... Perhaps another Ginji hehe....! Either way with just four Tams going not a whole lot to write about.  I spent all day playing Stardew Valley with Amy online yesterday, but my Tams still got taken care of really well.  Amy and I are gonna continue playing Stardew again this evening which I'm really excited for! Amy is my good friend from High School, and for a time she loved raising Tamagotchi Connections with me.  I'm hoping to get her into the re-releases. :) I think she would love them!

Today has been another sleepy one. I slept horribly last night, so I had to pause all of my Tamas from 10AM-2PM so that I could rest my eyes. I slept all that time on the couch with the movie Uncle Buck going for background noise. :) I'm hoping to get a better sleep tonight so that I don't have to nap tomorrow.  I hate pausing my Tamas! I can't pause my DigiMon's but they are able to take naps for 3 hours at a time so that's what I did with Sukamon and Unimon while I had my mid-day siesta. :) I'm not sure if my Digi's will change into secret characters or not... I don't care as long as they live a good life!

I'm still tracking my two Gen3 Angels on Amazon.ca and the delivery dates remain the same: January 13 for the lovely Angel and January 16 for the Dreamy Angel.  I just want them right now!!! Ugh. I find that most of our amazon deliveries come first thing in the morning so those will be *very* exciting days to wake up!!! Can't wait! :):):) For now I am off to watch an episodes of Hoarders with my Tams while we wait for Amy to be ready to play more Stardew Valley! :) I will update again when my Macy's Tam changes into adulthood!

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