31/12/2024: Last night poor ole Kutchipatchi died at only 12 years of age! I didn't pause him at all except for Boxing Day while I was sick so he didn't live as long this time. Poor guy died with the sound off so I wasn't able to say good-bye to him before he left....! But I know for certain that he left full and happy as I had only just checked on him a few minutes before. :) I will always love Kutchipatchi. He is one of my top favourites alongside Ginjirotchi and Mimitchi!  Speaking of which, Ginji and Mimitchi are 17 years and beginning to get a little on the demanding side, but nothing that I am not used to handling. It's easy when I love caring for them, and as I wrote about before, the remakes don't get as demanding as the 1997 Tams, which is a huge bonus for sure!

All the while I've been taking perfect care of my Space Galaxy Gen2 in hopes of getting another Mimitchi. Seems kinda fitting seeing how there is a mimitchi painted on the shell. Upon closer inspection there is also a Pochitchi painted on the shell as well.  I've not gotten Pochitchi all that many times on my Tams in the past but I really think he's a sweet character who I wouldn't mind getting again someday. :) I definitely don't think Pochitchi is as cute and loveable as Ginji, but then again who could be? :) They are cousins of one another, and Ginji is simply the cutest one!!

My DigiMon's changed into their adult forms within a couple of minutes of each other last night.  I can't remember who changed first, but I got the best adult Unimon on my black DigiMon and the worst adult Sukamon on my clear purple one.  Now that they are adults my black DigiMon whoops the pants right off my clear purple one hehe.  Sadly I've still not gotten my other two Digi's in the mail that I purchased of eBay (that were supposed to be Christmas presents for me..)... Anyways.. I will be happy when I get those ones.  And I'll be even MORE happy when my Gen3 Angels come! I  keep on checking my amazon delivery status and it still says the lovely Angel will arrive January 13 and the dreamy Angel will arrive January 16. I can't believe I still have two and a half weeks before these Tams arrive... Sigh... Ah well! Kat and Shawn are just so kind to wait for me. They've had their Gen3's for ages now and haven't hatched them.  They are simply the best Tama friends a guy could ask for. :)

Today my Tamas came with me and looked at MacBooks at Staples department store, after which we drove around a bit and got a slice of pizza from No Name Pizzeria. In the late afternoon we went and got a few must need items from Food-land (sugar, water, chips) since tomorrow is a holiday.  Tonight Matthew ordered in delicious Mexican food where I had my favourite meal (chicken quesadillas) and a deep fried mars bar for dessert!  I've also been snacking on mini Toblerone bars this evening -- sooo delicious!

I always get kinda sad on New Years because it's basically like the end of Christmas to me.  Even though Christmas isn't over until January 5th I've always felt it ended after the New Year begins.  I always end up keeping the Christmas lights up way past then, but somehow it just never feels the same.  I've been debating hatching a Tamagotchi at midnight but I doubt I'll be awake that late. :P My days of late nights are over for the time being. I've really been enjoying getting to bed early these last few months! My Tams keep me on a strict sleep/wake schedule and I really enjoy it.  I've decided on my clear orange Macy's Gen1 Tama to be my New Years Day Tamagotchi. :) I may see if Kat or Shawn want to join me.  Either way, this is me signing out for 2024!  I am glad I am signing out clean and sober. :) This is my kinda New Years, spent with the ones I love, my people, my animals and my Tamas. :) Happy New Year everyone!!! See you in 2025!

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These Pages created by Dennis Ryan 2018-2024 | Background by mimitchi.com