27/12/2024: Well another Christmas Day and Boxing day has come and gone for another year. Sadly I have nothing to write about this year as my mental health took a turn for the worst when something unexpected happened....!  Either way we didn't have a good Christmas at all. :( In fact it was so bad that my Tamas had to be paused for half of Christmas Day and all yesterday. :(

If anything good can be said about Christmas is that I did get my purple/blue galaxy Gen2. Matt ended up letting me open it up on Christmas Eve.  I never got back around to updating that log after to say that he did indeed let me open it early. And boy is it ever a gorgeous Tama! I think the galaxy is my absolute favourite of my Gen2 remakes. :) I wasted no time in doing a group hatching with Shawn on Christmas Day even though I was feeling miserable.  I hope my little Tonmarutchi lives to see adulthood as he got off to a rocky start, what with my emotional problems going on at the same time..... ! He is currently 3 years old and 125% discipline on the board. I will be happy with any adult at all, just as long as I get him to be one. :)

As for my other Tamas, Kutchipatchi is 9 years old, Mimitchi and Ginji are 13 years old, and Zatchi is 25 years old. Zatchi is very demanding and looses all of his hearts in less than an hour if I leave him alone.  I am only too happy to oblige to his needs.  Kat and I have noticed that the remakes don't get as needy as the 1997 ones in the old age, which I gotta say I am very happy for. :) It makes their advanced ages easier and more enjoyable to deal with for sure.

Oh yes, my DigiMon Skullmammothmon passed away at the old age of 22 on Christmas night (Dec. 25th).  I was sad to see him go... He was my oldest living DigiMon remake to date so far! I wasn't up to restarting him when he died, but tonight I decided to restart my clear purple and black DigiMon's at 7:40PM.  This time I've decided not to raise two characters at once on each device. I chose version 3 eggs for both of them and left the grave yard scene on the right side of the screen.  I think this will work out a lot better as I found way too much poop built up on the screen with two characters on one device.  They are both in the version 3 baby stage now called Poyomon! In about ten minutes or so they will change into the child stage which is called Tokomon. :) They are so cute! I can't wait to battle them! Okay they both just changed into Tokomon's, the child stage.  They will stay like this for a little while before they turn into teens, probably tomorrow sometime. It's great to be running DigiMon again. :) They are so much fun! I will eventually go backwards and work on getting the other adults from version 2 but I thought it would be fun to jump ahead to version 3 with these two newly hatched ones. :) Variety is the spice of life when it comes to DigiMon's, and all Tamagotchi/virtual pets in general. :)

Anyways, I guess at the end of the day Christmas is just one day out of the year, and to me it's a lot more than just one day. My Tamas have been around to enjoy all the festivities, fun Christmas movies, the beautiful tree Matt decorated for us, my beautiful mini lights I've strung all over the apartment.  That is what Christmas means to me.  And just because we didn't actually get to celebrate on the 25th doesn't mean I enjoyed the season any less.... And will continue to enjoy what is left of this holiday season in 2024. :) I will certainly be back with another log before the new year since I am running 7 different Tams now and lot's will be going on, particularly with DigiMon's and my galaxy Gen2. :) And pretty soon I will have my Gen3 Angel to write about. Can't wait!!

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