20/12/2024: Well it was a good day! I awoke from a deep sleep this morning to changing music...! I nervously reached over to my two Tams and I was pleasantly surprised to see both Ginjirotchi and Mimitchi, the two adults I wanted. :) It is so great to have them back! Christmas can officially start now with my sweeties back again!

Other than that nothing happened today besides my excitement over getting Ginji and Mimitchi back. I've been really tired today since starting that new medication last night so I've decided to hold off until after Christmas Day to continue taking it.  This way, I will be able to participate in all the Christmas socials over the next week.  I will be taking my Tams with me over to my Mom's apartment on the 22nd for our annual secret Santa party. :)

Tonight I took all my Tamas with me on a shopping trip to Foodland!  I actually cleaned up Mimitchi's poop while I was in the check-out line, hehe! When you gotta go, you gotta go and that's it! I just let my Marutchi on my kutchipatchi comic go to bed with the lights out for the third night in a row so I will definitely get the unhealthy teen, kutchitamatchi. :) Maybe I will take perfect care of him and get Kutchipatchi for Christmas! He is another one of my faves so might as well add him to my group of favourite characters. :)

We saw soooo many Christmas lights when we were out tonight, so pretty! :) I love this time of year so much.  I just wish we had snow.... I noticed a little bit falling while out for a very short walk this afternoon, but none of it stuck.  I feel like it's been forever since we had a white Christmas....! The last couple of years the snow hasn't come until January and February sadly... Ah well! At least I have my Tamas. :)

Well that's all for now! We are off to find another Christmas show or movie and play a little more Stardew! I still need to try and convince Kat to play this game with me as I think she would love it!

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These Pages created by Dennis Ryan 2018-2024 | Background by mimitchi.com