18/12/2024: Well today at 1:40pm at the age of 14 Tarakotchi died! I was amazed I got him to live as long as he did even though I did pause him quite a bit.  I think the oldest Tarakotchi I ever had on my 1997 Tamagotchi was maybe 9 or 10?  Not very old at all.  He passed away full and happy. :) I wasn't really thinking and decided to hatch a new egg on my kutchipatchi comic Tam at 1:41pm!  I know I said I wasn't going to hatch anymore Tamas till after Christmas but I figured why not, hehe. He is currently a sleeping Marutchi!

Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment at 8:10AM so I will have to pause everyone before I go in. I am getting a crown done on one of my back teeth and I am not looking forward to it. Oh well... It will be good to just get it over with.  Then at 1:40PM I have an appointment with my psychiatrist where I need to discuss medication changes... Lots of pausing will be done tomorrow sadly. :( I absolutely hate pausing my Tamas, especially so close to the holidays when I'm trying to get Ginji and mimitchi back!  Once tomorrow afternoon comes I will be a much happier camper... I hope!

My only remaining Tamas awake at the moment are Zatchi and DigiMon. I put the others to bed an hour early so that I can pause them at their wake-up times before heading into the dentist office at 8am. Earlier they all got to watch "Charlie Browns Christmas" and "Jingle all the Way" on Plex.  I plan on going to bed early tonight since I took a diazepam a little while ago....!  Might fall asleep to a Christmas movie or some comedy.

The Tamas have also been watching me play many hours on my new file in Stardew Valley for Nintendo Switch! I have played this game so much over the years and always come back to it again. It's the cutest little game ever. I am hoping to gather some online friends and play co-op together, but we'll see, maybe in the new year.  Another thing I am looking forward to in the new year is my Tamagotchi Gen3 Angel arriving from Amazon. :) As it stands right now it says it will be here by December 30th, but I know it will likely get delayed again because that's just my luck.  I am so jealous of all the people who have been raising their new Angels during the holiday season.... Anyways, it will just be all the more exciting when I get it. :) I know for sure I will be getting my purple galaxy Gen2 Tama from Matt on Christmas morning!  Can't wait!!!  I will hopefully write again now tomorrow when I am in a better frame of mind. :)

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