16/12/2024: This morning my other Blitzgreymon on my black DigiMon passed away at the age of 18. Poor old guy died and still has poop next to his gravestone... :P My Banchomamemon and Skullmammothmon are still alive on my clear purple Digi! I hope they stick around for a while! I am not going to restart my black DigiMon just yet... I think I will wait till after Christmas to hatch anymore Tamas as I am going to be really busy this week.

Well I got the healthy teens of tamatchi and Tongaritchi just a few minutes apart from each other this afternoon. :) These are the Tamas that I want Ginjirotchi and Mimitchi on. Things are moving along really well with them so far!  I've already ignored the one discipline for tamatchi and will leave his lights on tonight.  From here on out I will catch all disciplines and take perfect care of the two of them.  I am sad to say I will have to pause them both for quite a few hours tomorrow and then again on Thursday as well.  It's such a busy time with Christmas coming up that I have no choice but to pause them while I am doing family stuff, but that's ok! :) I would rather pause them when I don't have time for them! I still have lots of time to get Ginji and Mimitchi back by the time Christmas Eve rolls around, most likely way sooner than that.  I hope pausing won't kill them.... But will see what happens.

I also have a 12 year old Tarakotchi and a 16 year old Zatchi who are both very easy to care for. I'll be pausing these guys as well when I don't have the time for them.  I am absolutely dreading having to go to the dentist on Thursday morning, and then have a Dr's appointment in the afternoon where I am hoping to get put on a better/safer nighttime medication.... Lots to worry about! But it's not so bad. :) Could always be worse! Hopefully by the time I do my next update I'll have Ginji and mimitchi back. :)

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